Do you think they'll keep up the animation quality for the entire run? it's pretty solid.
Little Witch Academia
Other urls found in this thread:
Well it's TRIGGER.
So... maybe.
stop making more threads when there's already two up
>2 cours
Of course not.
They'll recycle some scenes from the OVAs if they have to.
Not a chance, but hopefully it will at least stay as good as Luluco.
IIRC, it's supposed to be split cour so it shouldn't suffer from the issues that plague standard 2cours shows.
>akko butt thread
There needs to be discussion user
Oh yeah, I totally think they'll keep it up, user! Also this is not a general.
It's split cour though.
there will obviously be dips in quality, but it shouldn't be too bad.
No way.
I'm sure there'll be some episodes that aren't as good as others, but I'm hoping it'll at least stay consistent enough that it won't be jarring.
Who animated this episode?
I wanna hug Red Chariot!
My wife's boyfriend, he works at Trigger.
The episode was fun but the exposition felt like such a slog:
>witch girls describing the school's financial problems and the nature of the magic highway with Akko happening to overhear them
>Sucy describing the forest and the Cocktraise's pretrification
Show don't tell should be the main principle behind an animation-oriented show. A certain mahou shoujo last year nailed this for most of its run.
How does it feel knowing that this is Akko's voice?
>2 active threads up
They did make loads emone with their kick starter and only did one episode with it.
>She's both the first and only non-witch to ever be granted admission.
How come? Are the mages inbred and dying out?
I can agree with this,
the episode was pretty solid overall and I hope it'll get better as the series progresses
Why couldn't Berserk get animation like this?
I suspect they'll probably have a couple episodes with action like the first one, but most of the season will be non-action episodes that spare the animators the effort of maintaining good presentation.
They'll probably keep this current style up through episode 2 and 3, though 2 will likely be an exposition episode with an action scene right at the end. From 4 onwards they'll dip into more standard school life stuff and begin working on exposition to build up the mid-run climax near the end of the cours. We'll maybe get another 2 or 3 episodes with a notable action sequence before that climax, but I doubt this is going to be a show with action every episode.
Better to have some dull episodes that still look good and save effort for the big action numbers than have progressively worse-looking action every episode and end up with a schedule that crashes and burns near the end.
>one shit thread with no topic and one thread with actual topic
makes you think
Top tier seiyuu
I think things actually work well this way. We have one thread for talking about the show and another thread for "I want to ____" lewdposting.
I don't hate the latter, but it's preferable for them to not share the same space.
Feels p good, to be honest.
do you think they'll include the shiny Batista in future episodes?
Why are you pasting this to several threads at once
Okay anons. From evidence we've gathered from watching the first episode, and British general knowledge, it's been extrapolated that:
>Glytonbury is Glastonbury (obviously)
>Akko, Lotte, Sucy, and other First-Years are either 16 or 17 years old
>Luna Nova is most likely a magical girl's college catering to witches aged 16 to 18
I tried looking for the bridge where Sucy and Akko met on google maps, but there are no streams or rivers between Glastonbury Tor or Glastonbury Abbey (which are in the county of Somerset, United Kingdom). The closest match I could find was a VERY similar-looking bridge that’s actually in Glastonbury, Connecticut, United States. I understand that the show’s aim isn’t to show off an animated replica of Glastonbury, but was this actually the result of a research error made by the production staff?
Less obviously, judging from the blonde kid with the Nintendo 3DS XL and the fact that Diana's lackeys' dialogue imply that episode 1 is set the school day right after the British Easter holidays... Assuming that LWA (TV) isn't set in the future, there are 4 real-life dates Episode 1 could have been set in:
>April 15, 2013
>April 24, 2014
>April 13, 2015
>April 4, 2016
What say you, anons? Anyone else going on Pilgrimage to Glastonbury just to sit on this bench?
Only if they can actually find something for Lotte and Sucy to do instead of just standing there on the sides.
British school years start in early September, though maybe the production staff aren't aware of that fact.
I'd like to note that the creature is should be called basilisk, we only have cockatrices around because when Gary Gygax was making D&D, he assume basilisk is supposed to be a lizard because IRL there is a species of iguana called "basilisk" and when the first edition was out he learned the mythological basilisk was much more badass mutant chicken, so he included it under made up name.
Do brit normal school year start in spring?
Chariot only hugs little fangirls like Akko.
She´s a depraved pervert who likes /ll/.
>shit show
>shit fanbase
>shit studio
Yeah, filtered.
oh god that part was great
Lol it's the shingeki no kyojin autist makes general threads for other series: the thread
>16 or 17 years old
They look younger.
Anyone got the image where pictures were added?
And there's no way a 1st year at highschool is 17.
The age source is from character design documents originating from the OVA's production. The OVA is set after the characters have been in the school for an undetermined amount of time, while the tv series begins with their entry.
They're probably 14-15 in episode 1 of the tv series.
If it was an Imaishit show that would be impossible. But since it's Yoshinari and he seems to care for his projects more there is hope
>animation quality
>as good as Luluco
Luluco looked fantastic even at its worst.
I sincerely hope LWA's worst is just as good.
I remember that Brit school years generally begin in the first week of September. It never started in August, at least in the secondary school and sixth form college I used to study at. However, it seems that Akko enrolled into Luna Nova the day after the Easter holidays ended, on April 15, 2013 at the earliest or April 4, 2016 at the latest. It's not the latest time of year where I've seen a new kid join a year group, but it's still strange. I'm guessing that the production staff weren't aware of that fact. The actual school year started the previous year in September, 2012 at the earliest or September, 2015 at the latest.
holy shit
i never watched the ova, but i gotta say this episode was pretty damn good
as a vocal trigger hater im pleased
Japs go by their schools.
>i never watched the ova
Why not? It's about the same stuff except with better colors and more in-between frames.
LWA isn't set in 'Murica. In the UK, at least in England, the schooling ages are:
>Primary School: 5 to 11
>Secondary School: 11 to 16
>Sixth Form/College: 16-18 (19 if you're taking a third year/Year 14)
>University: 18 and onwards
Middle School is 9-13 IIRC
Akko's of British college age, considering she's a [first year] in what's most likely a magical girl's [college].
The only way to know is to wait and see.
I have yet to watch anything trigger has done besides the LWA OVAs and KLK. With how they handled KLK I'm skeptical of maintaining this level of quality but goddamn even if this is the only episode that is this well done it was a fucking sight to see.
I want to believe but only time will tell how based trigger actually is
The lizard was named Basilisk after the actual Basilisk. They have a "crown" of sorts like the creature of legend. They're pretty cute.
They can also run on water for short distances but that's not really relevant.
Trigger managed to maintain consistency in Kiznaiver's production values all the way through.
That show sucked, but it at least looked good, and stayed looking good right through to the end.
because when it came out people were incredibly annoying praising it as the new evangelion (not literally of course) and they turned me off from watching it
Did you guys notice that one of the stars on Shiny Rod started glowing orange when Akko casted her wormhole spell? Maybe Shiny Rod has 7 different powers corresponding with stars on the rod. I'm also interested if there is some meaning in the spell itself or is it just gibberish.
What if witches play by their own rules?
Mages probably don't want their primary school children to mix with muggles, they are likely homeschooled before enrolling Luna Nova.
>both OVAs and the first episode are all resolved with Shiny Rod ex Machina
How can you justify watching this shlock?
Let's also add the fact that she's not living with any parents, relatives, or some other legal guardian besides Luna Nova staff. You have to be at least 16 to legally be allowed to do that here. The UK government wouldn't allow it otherwise
Yes, we had a discussion last thread.
I guess it's better for you that way. Personally I am still kind of sad about downgrade from OVAs to TV series, even though TV series offers really high quality animation in its category.
I seriously doubt they give a fuck about the UK government.
It's probably gibberish.
Every time a series of magic fiction tries to use an actual real-world basis for their magical gibberish, it incites a moral panic among the religious faithful. If they intended to market this shows to children in the west through netflix, they'll avoid anything that could provoke a backlash among parents.
Say something nice about this cute Flip
I was about to post about salmiakki being salty liquorice, which should disrupt the leylines as much as Akko's umeboshi. Turns out it's flavored with ammonium chloride instead of regular table salt. I guess Trigger did their homework on that one.
Cute Flip?
W-What does it all mean?
>Fazer Blue
>Fazer salmiakki
Literally /meidän tyttö/
I'm so fucking glad Japan keeps hand drawn animation alive, it's so beautiful.
What part of the ep is this from?
Just noticed that Night Fall, the vampire drama Lotte reads, is there in Akko's vision. Maybe we'll actually get the vampire witch this go around.
They explained it directly to Akko.
If Lotte didn't know either, then it isn't common knowledge in-universe. Also she didn't want them to actually die.
I hate Kiznaiver so god damn much
Glad that Trigger has redeemed itself with LWA
I've watched the 2 movies and just watched this episode. Can someone tell me about the background of the show?
ey ese
They flash by when Akko and the others are going through that portal to Luna Nova she opened with the Shiny Rod.
If anything, Kiznaiver just showed that Trigger can do more than just Imaishi things.
Like or hate it, you cant deny it looked good and stayed good
>the background
What do you mean?
Oh yeah it looked beautiful
If only it wasn't written by a hack
>Glytonbury is Glastonbury (obviously)
It's Brightonbury, not Glytonbury.
You've seen everything there is to offer. If still need help you should just stop watching.
I hope she's not as boring as she was in the OVA
KLK > LWA > Kiznaiver > Inou Battle > Ninja Slayer
Ninja Slayer is the only bad thing Trigger have done.
Okada haters are a meme. They're a bit too emotionally stunted to understand.
There is none. The movies have zero relation to the show, other than it being the same characters in the same place. Think of it as a reset.
As for plot, I have no idea where they're going to take it. I'd imagine we'll get a good amount of time devoted to Akko and Diana having some sort of rivalry, only for some big bad (like the dragon or so on from the movies) to show up requiring them to unite. I would like to see the show expand on Shiny Chariot though, since her whole falling out of grace was never really explained in the movies.
Which means hopefully this will have the former and not the latter.
Or at least one can sincerely hope.
Here, I added the tower interior.
I looked to see if the railway station matches any particular station but it only matches their general shape they tend to have, no particular station.
Scheisse. I failed
She's the best.
She wasn't involved with the production of The Nutshack
I admittedly stopped watching it around half way through, but honestly it was the most preachy and pretentious shlock I have seen in a good long while.
I'd move Kizaniver and Inou around there
This is yet to be proven
The bnackground? You mean like, production?
The first movie was funded by the Japanese government as part of their Young Animator Training Project, and was thus animated entirely by new, rookie staff.
The second movie was funded through Kickstarter, many of the anons in these threads contributed.
The TV series was funded the usual way due to the films proving there was an audience for it.
LWA is already better than KlK
It depends on their scheduling, if it's shit then it'll be inconsistent, if it's good then it'll have consistant animation
Man, that's an impressive set of background characters. Giving kyoani a run for their money.
Only one is orange, will they have to collect dragon balls?