Now that it's been two years since it first aired, what's your opinion on Saekano?
Kato a bland, boring bitch,
Saekano ED be solid as fuck.
Typical harem shit that Sup Forums insists isn't harem shit. Zero substance beyond waifu wars, both in the show and in the threads.
>Sup Forums insists isn't harem shit
This never happened.
She's not a bitch, but to pretend like she's not boring is retarded.
Worst MC I've seen in a long time.
Girls were cute though.
But she's really not boring.
Utaha best girl.
Eriri a shit.
Most people would agree on at least the latter.
>two years
Its fun.
Megumi > Eriri > Utaha > Izumi > Michiru
More like
Megumi > Mayu > Eriri > Utaha > Izumi > Michiru
The cutest
Mediocre harem. But it's worth it for Eriri.
Lots of fetish pandering
Muh dick the anime
But Eriri's episodes were the worst.
Megumi is best.
Eriri is okay.
Utaha is irrelevant trash.
Megumi is wonderful, the rest is lame crap
Megumi and Utaha were the most entertaining characters in the franchise. The rest are too much caricatures of the clichés they represent its not even funny.
The protagonist is annoying but at least he's a step above the lame self inserts we get in harem. Still not that much of an improvement, he is annoying, whiny and I hoped he would improve as the series progressed but he's still as bad as ever. It breaks suspension that someone can love such a man child.
The fanbase sucks and its amazing how easily it can go from interesting discussions on the series premise and the fate of the characters to shit slinging waifu wars. The fact the makers promote this waifu rivalry over the game making concept is what ruins the series IMO.
Also its not as groundbreaking or intellectual as it tries to appear. Many have already explained how its not clever when you mention the tropes and then use them afterwards. Definitely not White Album 2 tier.
The first part was interesting and definitely should have ended around volume 7-8. Second part worsened the characters by making Megumi a bitch and retelling the events in volume 9 and 10. Volume 11 was a step in the right direction but didn't do anything to develop the rest of the circle and its saddening that they plan to end the series without letting us know more about them.
Despite the meta and premise, it's still quite typical. The writing is nothing special or with any interesting twists in of itself, which is a disappointment for someone like Maruto who did White Album II. At most, I'd say it's just a tad bit better than the average harem.
The girls were all attractive and the selling point of the series though, as most harems should be. Eriri is my favorite by preference.
More like
Mayu > Megumi > Utaha > Michiru > Izumi > Iori > Eriri
Eriri>Everyone else
Eriri sucks and her scenes are the worst.
A petty faggot like Tomoya deserves an annoying self destructive bitch like Eriri. Those two losers fit perfectly together.
>being this gay
>Being this retarded
Agree, but you're still an obvious falseflagger, fag.
Stop forcing this buzzword meme
Eriri > Mayu > Megumi > Izumi > Michiru > Utaha
Put on your trip, Poopoo.
>Mediocre harem. But it's worth it for Megumi.
First post best post.
Utaha > Mayu > Izumi > Michiru > Megumi >>>> Eriri
Pretty good list.
60% chance of being THK
are Mayufags the new Megumifags?
Utaha > Megumi > Michiru > Izumi > Eriri
>Poopooman falseflagger
The gang is halfway all here. Now we just need ESL-kun and Lelouch.
No. Mayu was always low key until some faggot decided to involve her with his shitposting agenda some days ago.
Saekano never tried to be intellectual, it was always just a simple love story and its simplicity is part of its charm. Contrast with Yahari.
Megumi = Eriri > Izumi > Michiru > Utaha
Why is it that Eririfags always have the lowest opinions about the series?
I haven't ever seen ESL-kun talking about this. Maybe he hasn't even heard of it.
Utahafags are because of THK.
He's being objective, unlike your fanboy ass.
>love story
>first 10 books plus 2 side stories are completely devoid of any serious romantic development
But the writing does have something special in it. It has Megumi.
>I missed the complete point of the series
Saekano is about Tomoya's growth as creator.
>Megumi fanboy
The title is How to Raise a Boring Girlfriend. Not much to do with creating.
So they are the most sensible ones not blinded by waifu bias then. Saekano is literally average in most cases. Completely far from masterpiece or even good writing.
The only bad parts about Saekano are Volumes 9 and 10, other than that it's great. We don't even know how faithfully the anime will adapt the later novels considering how they adapted the first four. Personally I thought the anime greatly improved on the source material.
Maruto himself makes comments about the story being about Tomoya as a creator and thinks the title isn't supposed to be taken seriously.
The volumes that have him creating, 9 and 10, are practically filler volumes while the ones with actual meat to them are about his relationships with the girls. He doesn't even grow that much as a creator, most of the content creation bits is just copy pasting dialogue from previous volumes.
>It's that Megumifag again
Your standards are low. Go read Horizon, Zero no Maria, and Zaregoto for actual great LNs.
They're different genres, there's no point in comparing them. Saekano has shitty prose but good dialogue and the structure of its story is sound, Maruto is way more suited for writing anime and manga.
Saekano is one of the author's worst works (in fact only Classroom Crisis is worse) and yet it's far better than most harem series nowadays. It's no wonder the anime was a success.
If I remember correctly, it sucked.
Horizon, Zero no Maria, and Zaregoto are not true harem, but they all have harem elements and they do harem better than Saekano.
They're not ordinary high school harems.
Michiru a best. A BEST!
Close but not quite. Big breasts are a symbol of bestness though.
It has a nice premise and the characters are attractive.
Megumi, Utaha and Mayu are the holy trinity of best girls.
Eriri, Mayu, and Megumi > all
Would the main series be improved if Mayu replaced Eriri?
Her personality is shit but damn if I wouldn't bang her slutty ass.
Mayu replacing Izumi would be more interesting.
But a kouhai character is needed. Eriri's childhood friend role is already filled.
What's her personality beyond "sexy easygoing cousin"?
Easy sexy cousin?
Why would a normalfag be all over a spergy geek like Tomoya?
Otaku pandering wish fulfillment writing.
Only guy around since she goes to an all girls school.
She's the kind of normalfag slut that would fuck anyone.
Extremely average. The most average show a person could conceivably make. If it weren't for waifu wars the show would have simply ceased to exist and no one would have remembered that it ever existed at all.
So a fictional one?
literally >>>/reddit/ the girl
But the fact that there are waifu wars shows that people care about the characters a lot.
The level of autism demonstrated for these characters is similarly disgusting.
Must buy!
Why does she always look so upset?
she knows shes going to lose in the end
Beautiful. I look forward to the anime version.
I'll need both hands for this
Looks like S2 will have cute new outfits.