Why hasn't there been an anime about substance abuse from drugs and alcohol?
Why hasn't there been an anime about substance abuse from drugs and alcohol?
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There has...
Japan is a relatively drug-free society, so it's not something most writers are familiar with.
And even then, a lot of the time drug references are completely removed in adaptation. Might have something to do with censorship laws.
because anime is for kids
Well they're retarded to ignore the crazy amount of source material out there
Not a manga, but try Ultraheaven the first volume or so is pretty interesting psychedelically manga all about a junkie with psychological problems
It's not really that drug free, it's just got a really strong taboo against them, crazy high prices and damn strict laws to back them up. Not Muslim country strict, but strict as fuck if you consider the west as a benchmark. I recall reading a blog post by a friend of a mangaka and they mentioned drug use among that group is common.
>Might have something to do with censorship laws
It's more likely just the strict as fuck drug laws in general, I recall reading that because of some posts discussing drugs on 2ch the police actually tried to charge Gookmoot with something along the lines of 'aiding and abetting in the sale of illicit drugs'
But the japs do have a whole lot of laws on the books, it could also just as easily be there's one against even showing drug use.
>Not a manga
Then what is it?
sauce? asking for a friend
Sorry fucked that up, it should have read "not an anime". Apologies.
Enjoy your malware, effendi.
Why won't this manga leave me alone.
As a substance abided, because it would be boring as shit. The first few episodes will be a lot of fun as they experiment with drugs and alcohol and once it becomes routine, it's not that great. On large quantities of LSD I watch anime and hope death comes quicker.
Oh yeah I've read this before ;_;
*substance abuser
With Japan being as conservative as it is, good luck finding a station that would agree to air that. The only way such a thing would exist is if it were an OVA.
I'm a miserable husk of a human bean, would you recommend abusing substance to feel something if I could afford the habit?
Because drugs are illegal and drinking alcohol is bad user, you shouldn't do that.
>because it would be boring as shit.
Someone hasn't seen Trainspotting
I think it would work if they started out with casual alcoholism and then slowly escalated towards hallucinogens like weed, LSD, shrooms and moved on to dissociatives, stims and then finally jenkem.
Remember that time they adapted a novel which heavily featured morphine abuse as a central character development element?
>drinking alcohol is bad
Sure thing, Ahmed
The japs abuse alcohol like it's no ones business though.
Not at all, which one was that. The only drug related to character development I do remember was in NHK, and in the adaptation they cut out every mention even though it was explicitly referred to in the novel as legal.
Exactly, they cut all of that to the point where you only recognize it.because it shares the title.
I see you're a patrician substance abuser like myself.
I think is reffering to No Longer Human.
I don't recommend substance abuse but I do recommend traveling. As soon as you're on your own in a foreign country with a language you don't speak, you're gonna start feeling something called loneliness.
Oh okay thanks. I still have yet to cross that off my backlog, didn't even realize it had gotten an anime adaptation.
Aoi Bungaku (the No Longer Human eps)
OPM #1
CowBe #1
I'd think of others but I don't really care
I've been a hikki neet for years at a time, I am very tolerant of loneliness.
Fuck off. I don't want to see my cute anime girls doing drugs. That's for US to do while we watch -- and they'll always be there to take care of and entertain is
Spotted the Amerifat.