>you were alive when Ritoru Witchi Akademia became an actual anime series
To every weeb who died before 2017. Better luck next time.
You were alive when Ritoru Witchi Akademia became an actual anime series
Me on the left.
Me on the middle.
Me on the right.
Me on the right
Me behind the camera
Where is this from?
Me up top.
Me as a white background.
Me around the neck
Me between left's and middle's tongues.
Me in the party van
Gib souse.
Me as the consept of light
Me on the bottom.
Me as negative space.
Me with the 5.
>you were alive to witness people sexualize underage anime girls
just end it
Me selling the AV and making a lot of cash
Me making fun of this guy.
Me with the dubs
Say it ain't so!
>this thread
Me not giving (You)s.
Me not caring about age in 2D Universe.
Me as pixel (231,87)
M8, anyone got sauce.
Your drug is a heartbreaker
I don't wanna go!
So where will this thread go?
Me as the bandanna
Use Yandex please.
Me in the image header
Me in the spotlight
losing my religion
Me in the corner.
Akko is the best Trigger character if we don't count Inferno Cop. So glad they nailed it with both her design and personality.
Trying to keep
Me raging at Tenma for being a dumb, lying bitch.
Turn the lights off
Cuddle in the dark