End of Chimera Ant > Beginning of Chimera Ant > Hunter Exam > Greed Island >>>> Yorknew City > Heaven Arena...

End of Chimera Ant > Beginning of Chimera Ant > Hunter Exam > Greed Island >>>> Yorknew City > Heaven Arena >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Middle of Chimera Ant

Why do you hate the middle of the Chimera Ant arc so much

1. This is most certainly bait (and this is coming from someone who very much liked the CA arc)

2. Even if it is, why are you counting the CA arc 3 times?

Because it's an animeonlyfag.

99 Yorknew> 2011 Yorknew>Chimera>Heaven's Arena>Rest of the 99 series>Hunter's Exam>>>>>>>>>>Greed Island

>dat pic
>mfw HxH collab never comes to NA

Because it's longer than three arcs and because it has many amazing ideas and emotional moments, but the middle is a fucking slog written by faggots.

I'll never understand the love for Yorknew, it's just edgy gross shit with only one good fight. On the other hand Greed Island has two fucking amazing fights.

Length has fuck all to do with something's status as an individual arc. You cannot reasonably argue that the plots of the 3 acts of the CA are as separate from one another as Yorkshin and Greed Island.

The CA arc's second act may have been the weakest act, but it was absolutely necessary.

