Talking to online friends just makes me miserable. Nobody wants to have a real conversation...

Talking to online friends just makes me miserable. Nobody wants to have a real conversation, nobody wants to talk about anything deeper than the latest episode of whatever bullshit TV show they just watched. So I am thinking, maybe it's time for me to just watch anime. Work, do the other shit I need to do, and then when I come home at night, just watch anime.

Did anyone else begin to walk the path of Sup Forums this way?

Other urls found in this thread:


>coming to Sup Forums
>for real conversation that is deeper than the latest episode of whatever bullshit TV
Welcome, friend!
Actually, every once in a blue moon, there is some really good discussion here. It's pretty much the only reason I keep coming back.

My problem is that when I watch a lot of anime, I inevitably come across something that I want to discuss with someone. Not talk about who was "best girl" or waifu, but deep discussion on philosophical issues raised by the plot or the complexities of relationships, or how the visuals reflected various themes.
I wish there was a place to do that. Certainly not here.
BTW: nice tits, can she be my waifu, she must be best girl.

Friends? What is that?

I know how you feel user. Here you can't have serious discussions, while if you go to other place, they don't know what you're talking about

> but deep discussion on philosophical issues
What are you?
Sperg your shit on MAL reviews like everyone your age do and it will go away with time, leaving you with a small batch of friends who couldn't care less about your whining but are always ready to help if you have some serious objective issues.
This is what adult friends are like.
Favor for favor, occasional religion\politics\social\gender talk in a pub.

Anime is friends, right?

With tits like that who needs friends

Yeah, you're right.

Let's do our best. It didn't used to be like this.

I just turned 30.

>nobody wants to talk about anything deeper
Because everyone is dealing with enough "deep" bullshit of their own user.
And you look like someone who would want to add your extra on top of theirs.
People seldom appreciate such cunts.
You either get drunk together they you're free to rant about anything or you take your shit to a blog.

25 and have these kinds of discussions with a internet friend who watches anime and plays video games with me. Maybe you should get some more interesting friends.

sometimes you just need to get hammered and things like these get resolved

the internet in general is a terrible place for any kind of intellectual/emotional discussion. There's a reason why human beings are social animals and developed language and all kinds of facial expressions and non-verbal cues to go along with it. Trying to communicate anything on the internet is like trying to build a house with only a screwdriver. Sure you can beat nails in with it (poorly) and use it to chip away at a 2x4 until its the right length, but in the end you've wasted a lot of time and effort because you were limited to one tool.
My advice, use the internet to find people of similar interests and then meet them IRL to discuss things important to you.

Seriously if you want to have good discussions read manga. I've generally come across much better discussion in manga threads here, probably just because less people read them.

>BTW: nice tits, can she be my waifu, she must be best girl.
Fumitan is dead waifu, user

Well then see Interpersonal relationships are free market, you have to have certain personality appeal that another person could sympathize with.
And people who want to be emotional angst tampons and stress cushions for others are rare except you're have a vagina and is willing to blueball them for their tampon services.
>I have a friend to discuss anime with
That what the fuck are you not content with?
I have exactly zero desire to seriously discuss anime with anyone IRL now, but I'm sure you can find some club of neckbeards who gather around the table and discuss their waifus while hugging dakimakura or something.

I feel like many people seem not to realize that anime is tv shows.

>nobody wants to talk about anything deeper than the latest episode of whatever bullshit TV show they just watched
That's exactly how real life friends are too.

Can someone post Kudelia trying to get her spacesuit on or something?

If you're objectively having troubles or need help - they are there for you, but if you're relapsing into your teenage chuuni or being all whiny about some meaningless bullshit - you can go fuck yourself until you stop emanating mud of a mood.
Nobody have time to cradle you, they need a healthy companionship and unless it's something you truly can't deal with alone - you're on your own with this.

Oh, my mistake, I didn't realize that when you said "deep and meaningful conversations" you meant burdening people around you with your dumb existential and emotional issues. In that case, yeah, you're right. I know those people as well and they can fuck right off.

The popular manga threads can just as bad as the popular anime threads. The only interesting discussions come once new things come out. There is also just too much manga to want to discuss what you want most of the time.

>deep and meaningful conversations
>dumb existential and emotional issues
Thing is when people well normalfags grow busier and busier with time, mortgage, work, family, planned vacations, marriage, kids etc. - they no longer have any desire to go in depth about something all that often.
More likely get rekt in a pub and have fun, loosen up, discuss more things rather than one deeply.
Sure you can have a philosophical debate from time to time, but more often than not it will end with a "aah fuck you!" joke.
For that you might want to find a specific group of people cuz friends rarely share all your interests.

To be honest, something that's has been bothering me as growing up is that I feel dumber. Even though I've progressed through my studies somewhat successfully and learned new things, I feel that I've gotten dumber, as I seem to spend less time daydreaming about everything when compared to when I used to as a kid. Back then I loved to make weird theories and hypothesis about everything, like the universe, or the existence of god and everything. If I had to put it in a word I'd say my brain lost elasticity. It's something that makes me kinda frustrated actually.

Yeah, just watch anime whenever you're not obligated by survival instinct to leave your hovel.
You can be as happy and full of joy as I am, and totally not regret every second of your misspent youth,wishing you were literally anyone else on the fucking planet as your hairline starts to creep upwards. It's not like there are fucking thirdworlders living hand-to-mouth who will at least have something to smile about, when they pass on with their kids and grandkids watching over them.
You'll have all that anime to keep ya company, sport! I hear Rem from Re: Zero is ideal for indulging in fantasies where someone cares about you.

>is that I feel dumber.
>brain lost elasticity.
Well, that's objectively what is happening.
It's okay for a child to experiment and learn new things under protection of parents and society, but an adult have to adopt more rational, stable and boring approach.

That can be countered although is pretty hard to get into:
shit like Fight-Club-tier getting to know a lot of new people, learning new language, getting to know new facts every day, read more books, brainerobicsm, travels, psychodelics, new hobbies etc. can delay or stop the process.
"Devil exists and his name is Alzheimer" did J.Carline said that?
I think he was right.
Funny enough a complex procedures of stimulating brain similar to what I've just described are being tested as cutting edge method to treat Alzheimer's and similar degeneration syndromes.


what said its an objective process that occurs when you get older. I was in that mode earlier last year due to certain stuff. I'n not in that state anymore. Just keep learning new things and do things you like regardless of societal pressure and all that garbage. Most importantly: never stop dreaming and keep your imagination alive. I'm pretty sure you're aware of this yeah


Huh, that's pretty cool to know. I've gotta say, now that you mentioned, learning a hobby (my case mechanics) helped a lot with the "anxiety" made by this issue.
Yeah, it just gets a bit sad when my mind isn't able to wander as it used to. Imagination wise, I think I've lost a bit too, but I'm trying to keep it alive as best as I can. This mental game I use to do helps. It's like, I try to imagine a scenario, a story, with characters and everything for every album I listen to. Start to finish. It's a fun game to have for when you have nothing else to think about.

And hey, you guys are the proof that you can have interesting discussions on Sup Forums. Thanks. Now animes and mangas and stuff. My waifu is better than yours or whatever.

>having friends
But yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if that's how many end here. As failed robots. That's maybe why so much people that don't even like anime post here.

sage for blogshit. Check these.

Last bits concerning this: the mind wandering is more or less back completely even before it would just get somewhat subdued. but yeah, think of the imagination as a muscle just keep flexing it

Illya a cute!

>deep discussion on philosophical issues raised by the plot
If only there was something worth talking about in anime.
Zannennagara, it's all tripe made for kids.

Which is why it is perfectly fine for adults to discuss how a wormhole in dullahan' neck would affect blowjob.

>Sure you can have a philosophical debate from time to time, but more often than not it will end with a "aah fuck you!" joke.
You like getting into a really heated debate with friends? I hate it when shit almost comes to blows.

Buy my mix tape:


ANONYMOUS BTFO'd where were you when dorks were outlawed on Sup Forums? R.I.P in peez

thats cruel mods.

I wish I could be this meta.


What just happened?

nah, I've for the last 4 years talked every njght 1-2 hours of philosophy, religion, etc to a friend. It's """"deep"""".


Poor OP

Now OP can not talk to people and just watch anime. Good job mods


Oh, 4chanx was fucking with me.
Time to split then.



You're discussing Sup Forums user.

Fucking obliterated. Mods are gods.

Blogging about your personal life in an absolutely meaningless way is less relevant to Sup Forums than generic shitposting

Wow its been so long since I've seen a public ban.

It was a shitty blogpost, it was perfectly reasonable to ban him

On that note, shitposting should be purged.

Lock the thread. Lock it now.

Based mods.

There's actually been a lot lately.

Mods on fucking point lately



>a internet friend
>the youth of today is so backwards they consider internet friends as actual friends


Well post friends were a thing so it's not "youth of today", it's just easier today.

>he says that while posting on Sup Forums, the waifu central

B-but I consider Sup Forums my friend.

>Well post friends were a thing

pen pal =/= actual friend

*nor were they ever considered real friends

I'm just pointing out that this is not new, internet made things easier is all.
Boy you are in for some disillusionment.

Nah, I'm sure we're all friends on Christmas. The last 8 years have been fun.
Visible sage fucking when?

Kill yourself mods, you banned him but you didn't delete the thread?
Reminds me of a thread on /r9k/ a few years ago where they publicly b& an underageb& and left the thread to fester

When you get older you gotta work for it, keep your shit alive, keep moving, keep changing; the moment you label yourself, the moment you try to give yourself a sense of belonging, the moment you give yourself condition, you sedate.

Maybe they're luring cancer in to rid Sup Forums of it in one swoop or something.
Makes you think what we're still doing here.


Huh. I was actually kind of enjoying this thread. Oh well. It can't really be denied that there really wasn't any anime discussion going on.


>nobody wants to talk about anything deeper than the latest episode of whatever bullshit TV show they just watched
i know how this is, and even then they can't elaborate why they liked or disliked it. just surface level talking. and no one really gives a shit about the conversation, just waiting for their turn to talk again

thats why i mostly avoid conversation as much as humanly possible

Haven't seen one of those in years.

I hope I don't get banned for this, I'm just going to give you fags an idea.

Have you considered that, you don't necessarily need to talk to anyone? What's "deep" for you isn't "deep" for everyone else, right? You get that right?

So why not simply do what you should have done to begin with - create a blog, instead of blogposting and getting banned. If you want a lot of people to read that shit turn it into a book. Heck the most boring book on Amazon will get read more than a shitpost on Sup Forums. Your egos requirements will be met.

>What's "deep" for you isn't "deep" for everyone else, right

That's the whole point of discussing it with other people, to get their views and opinions and weigh them in on the subject.

>and there's this guy
Youtube exists.
And why the hell are you not talking to your freinds-
I felt silly the moment I wrote that word. I forget the no friends thing is not a meme for you guys.

>And why the hell are you not talking to your freinds

Who said I wasn't?

>no friends thing is not a meme for you guys
>but it is a meme for me guys
>I'm not like you guys
>I have friends guys
>I'm better than you guys

I'll be in Japan in less than 20 months screen cap this post


Look. If you don't have friends. And your gaymore friends or whatever OP meant by internet acquaintances don't care about your tangents, you still have the whole internet to shit up with your boring personality.

That's what I'm saying.
And yeah anyone who does have friends is objectively better than the people that do not. Nature is pretty clear on that point.

Then you don't have OPs problem.

>I came here to tell you that I am better than you
>Sup Forums
>/blog/ thread with banned OP

>I came her to tell you I'm worse than you and a reaction image poster at that
A loner and a shitposter. What a combo.

>Sup Forums
>reactionpic is bad
>better remind him that I'm better than him one extra time
>to establish dominance