ITT: Post characters who get unjustified levels of hatred from fans.
ITT: Post characters who get unjustified levels of hatred from fans
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Dude was a fuckup who decided to take the worst route possible and his inability to stay true to his beliefs led to Euphy's death because he knew he should've not left her alone with Zero in the first place.
I never thought I'll see someone blame Suzaku for Euphie's death.
Ain't that the truth. Point is everyone's choices lead to the bad ending but no one was really hateworthy. She's by far the most charming character to me though.
She's almost a background character
>Wasn't sucking MC dick
>Lust over literally dark flame master
>Gets cucked so hard she is raising another girls daughter as her own
>Edgy lord doesn't even care
To be honest she deserve worse.
I don't directly blame him but it could've been avoided if he stayed true to his morality instead of being a bottom bitch.
>ITT: Post characters who get unjustified levels of hatred from fans.
> pic unrelated
I don't get it
But he was the second most popular character in the series. He only got hate from Lelouchfags. A character with unjustified hate was Ougi.
>Unjustified hate
>A fucking traitor who sold his leader for a japan he would never have
>its up to lelouch to unfuck the blacked knights from their own mess
Yeah, fuck that guy.
Nobody hated Shu when he went through his Fuhrer phase
She wasn't a good character but the sheer hatred for her is astounding. She was in almost all the promotional material and you could tell from that what role she would play from the beginning. So many people act like she ruined the series but you should have expected her when you started watching.
Lots of people did. Hell people were laughing at his ass when Gai came back and cut his arm off only beta cucks who kept going "they shouldn't have betrayed him even when he treated them so badly" that liked him during that phase.
Lelouch gave them no actual reason to trust him and the reason why he even betrays him is because of a lie Viletta told. Yeah he was a shitty leader and could have handled it much better but given what was in front of him he had very little reason to trust Lelouch.
>She was suppose to be shit.
So, because her appearance was to be expected, it means she didn't ruin the show? That doesn't follow.
No, she was legitimately awful and is proof that the moral of the story was wrong. There are just some people who are toxic to be around and have no desire to better themselves, and it's perfectly fine to not be their friend.
When you are the Shu, you get stepped on, that's how it goes.
>he had very little reason to trust Lelouch
Other than that Lelouch saved their lives multiple times?
"How can I trust him when he won't even give me his social security number"
Nah five was just a shit character, although the show would have been shit even without her
>promotional material
I never knew she existed until she appeared in the show
Fuck off with that CUNT
Saveing someone life doesn't count when you'r the reason their life was at stake in the first place
Y'know since you posted Julietta lemme just ask:
Can Iok do anything right?
Hating a character for their fans is one of the most autistic things you can do.
While I agree that he says the most obvious shit and is deemed a hero for it, the claims that he's a gary stu are completely ridiculous and show how little the accuser knows about the term. Armin isn't my favorite shingeki but the hate he receives here is completely unwarranted in my opinion. They call him a gary stu with no flaws and then in the same breath say he's a weak, spineless coward who has childish ideas and cries too much (only one of those things is true, and only halfway, and it's the last one; I'd cry a lot too if everyone I ever cared about has either died or left me and I regularly saw mice feeding on the internal organs of my comrades.)
Even Japs call her nuke granny, sure she might have nuked a few million people and tons of her own forces but when you are up against immortal mind reading alien that can eat your every arsenal and shat out its overclocked version on top of copying IFF signals , eat nukes and rapidly adapting to human strategies there is not much choice.
She has no reason to believe in hope.
Best girl
>traitor gets hate
>Not knowing being a traitor is considered the worst of all sins.
>Et tu brute
>muh dante's inferno
She is the sole reason I dropped that manga.
He's shit and all but there are far worse characters in SEED like Kira, Lacus, and Neo.
Salad is her daughter, read the short manga again.
>inb4 I don't read that trash.
Then don't talk like you know what's going on.
So if your country is occupied are you gonna hang every single civil worker who works under the occupying govt to ensure that your country is running?
I still have no idea how to get into the fafner series.
Watch first season ( it takes some time to get rolling though) , Right of Left, Heaven and Earth, Exodus.
Right of Left is a prequel that explains the early episodes, up to you if you want to watch that first to get some grasp on the story and its general mood, its only 40minutes anyway.
Ask at /m/ if you need something explained, there is a thread due to the recent Fafner Beyond PV.
I don't understand the hate towards Armin either, it is like people don't like him because he is a relevant character now. I think Isayama knew he was going to be hated because of Erwin and Bertolt.
They hate his fans because they show their happiness of Armin being alive.
ok. Thanks.
In Suzaku's case, that the levels of hatred were unjustifiably low, relative to what is appropriate.
He's the most popular character along with lelouch
No user, Shin is basically the stupider, even more annoying version of Kira. By definition, Kira can't be worse than Shin.
There's no justifying her actions cause even the people on her side calls her out BUT given the choices at disposal you're pretty much fucked either way. That's why I like about the Fafner franchise is that you get why characters align with their belief whether they're right or wrong in doing so unlike a plethora of mecha anime in which there's only one right side.
>Wanna join the peace loving hippy side?
>Fine, I hope you like being assimilated, eventually losing your senses and making you the constant target of alien attacks
>Fuck that I wanna kill me some aliens
>Fine, better hope you're part of the MASTER RACE because your ass will get nuked to hell at any moment not by the aliens but your own armada
Shinn isn't like Kira at all. Kira rarely got mad, let alone constantly buttmad like Shinn gets.
Exactly my point. Shin is Kira, except you turn the annoying gauge up to 11.
yer kidding
What does that make Lelouch, who's fighting his own country and doesn't feel bad about it? Even kills his own relatives.
A freedom fighter apparently because he does nothing wrong even when the show says he does.
His mother was assassinated, he and his sister were essentially exiled, and then they were left for dead. Pretty good reason to topple your own royal family.
She didn't ruin the series. She's just an easy target to meme in a series that went absolutely no where.
She wouldn't be hated as much were it not for that Madokafag who spent 8-12 hours at a time shitposting her every thread last year.
He was betrayed first, making him justified in trying to overthrow the corrupt monarchy
Many people just judge her on her early behavior and ignore her development.
bro her character literally reverts back to square one after each arc and even in the ending. She had no meaningful development. You could have watched the first 2 episodes and the last two episodes back to back and it would have made sense.
>He's not wrong its the world that's wrong
>Someone stabs you in the gut with a knife
>You retaliate by punching him in the throat
>You're in the wrong
>So many people act like she ruined the series but you should have expected her when you started watching.
What sort of logic is this/ Those two things are completely unconnected. If a character appears five episodes in and immediately turns the series to shit, she ruined it, regardless of whether or not the promotional shit told you she was going to appear.
>Someone stabs you in the gut with a knife
>that means everyone in his family needs to die as well
>You're in the right
>user can't imagine the world being wrong
And Suzaku killed his father to keep the yamato race from being wiped out. Based on what you've said, unlike Suzaku, Lelouch was a traitor because of resentment. Revenge against a nation for something that happened to him.
Plus siblings like Clovis and Odysseus were happy to see him and Cornelia wanted to avenge him and Nunnally, before the Euphienator thing and he revealed himself as Zero. Even if it's corrupt, not everyone was against him.
>hurr Sup Forums!!!!
It's amazing how some idiots let the shitposters affect their opinion.
Because I'm not an edgy teenager
>ignoring whole family is muh imperialism an
>king stabs you in the guy with a knife
>his family who are also his governors need to die so you can overthrow him
Makes sense. Anyway, Cornelia was the only family member Lelouch tried to kill (Euphemia was his fuck-up) who didn't deserve it based just on their own actions.
>Anyway, Cornelia was the only family member Lelouch tried to kill
Worst part this nigga was doing everything for his bitchass
> Cornelia was the only family member Lelouch tried to kill (Euphemia was his fuck-up) who didn't deserve it based just on their own actions
Did you not finish my sentence? Or are you saying that Clovis wasn't a piece of shit regardless of his affection for his siblings?
But Cornelia also did heinous shit so what's your point? That somehow Lelouch is right for killing someone who wasn't involved with his mother's death and was actually trying to save him as oppose to someone who wanted him dead? Jesus you Lelouchfags are pathetic, the whole show doesn't hold back in showcasing that Lelouch is a horrible person yet you still carry on that the Imperial family was somehow worse for doing the exact same shit he was trying to do.
She just amounted to cheap shitty drama.
>But Cornelia also did heinous shit so what's your point?
I don't think we ever saw Cornelia ordering civilians killed, though I could be wrong. She lead invading armies, but I don't judge that nearly as harshly.
>That somehow Lelouch is right for killing someone who wasn't involved with his mother's death and was actually trying to save him
Yes? The guy deserved to die, none of what you said changes that fact.
> the whole show doesn't hold back in showcasing that Lelouch is a horrible person
Oh, man, first some nigger earlier today complaining that the show was bad because Lelouch was never allowed by the writers to do anything unforgivable, and now this. I think I'm going to check out of this one.
Their is literally no way Suzaku could known if Britannia wouldn't just kill everyone in Japan after they had surrendered. The fact that Britannia didn't, doesn't make Suzaku a savior. He killed someone and that is all he did. Everything that came after was completely and totally out of his hands.
>Their is literally no way Suzaku could known if Britannia wouldn't just kill everyone in Japan after they had surrendered
That would be really fucking weird, and since as far as I know they never did that to any country they conquered, he could probably assume they wouldn't do it to Japan.
Cornelia was just as racists as Clovis and was also in charge of "cleaning" the ghetto
So Lelouch deserved to die for kill all those people
That guy was a retard. I'm not sure what else they could have done outside making Britannians more sympathetic
Britannia had already won the war and was only interested in the sakuradite Japan had withheld from them they weren't gunning to kill them all. Genbu was ordering a do or die method which would have killed off the Japanese had he continued by because Suzaku killed him Japan was forced to issue a surrender.
Lelouch was right cause he was killing someone part of the corrupt monarchy that conquered and subjugated indigenous people. He was betrayed by his country so going after heads of state that commit atrocious acts makes sense and is justifiable. Lelouch isn't fucking jesus and also did some terrible shit too, like blowing up the japanese vessel against their will. That is when he started to become more machiavellian and saying he is a bad person makes sense in this instance. I don't know if he was "worse" than those who subjugated for a living, but he definitely wasn't a saint.
>Lelouch was right cause he was killing someone part of the corrupt monarchy that conquered and subjugated indigenous people.
How to spot a retard.
Britannia isn't a corrupt monarchy in fact Japan was more corrupted given their own underhanded dealings with their sakuradite made them enemies with Britannia in the first place. The rest is all the ramblings or an underaged retard.
Again their is no way Suzaku could have personally have know that to be true. He has no way of knowing Britannia's intentions. (they could lie)
Also if people are willingly going to fight in a seemingly losing battle to defend their country what right did Suzaku have to stop them? Genbu's plan might have miraculously worked or some other foreign power could have intervened and weakened the Britannian empire. The kind of tactics Genbu was trying to use was also used in the Vietnam war and it actually worked. Suzaku doesn't know the future all he did was kill his father. What if someone else took up Genbu's mantle after that and continued the war anyway?
>Again their is no way Suzaku could have personally have know that to be true
There's no evidence that the Britannians were gunning to kill the Japanese so you don't really have a argument,
There's literally no fucking evidence that Britannia would have done that given the other area they've conquered. In fact Japan was the only Area in which there were problems with.
The whole mantra of this show is looking down on NIPPON BANZAI bullshit so what you just wrote is fucking retarded and no Genbu's plan was seen as suicide because he was too stubborn to stand down and wanted to take his country down with him. You are a fucking idiot.
>wahh I can't make an argument so insert ad hom
>Britannia isn't a corrupt monarchy
It is recounted that the monarchy would kill their own family members in order to secure their line in the throne.
*the Emperor even knew Schneizel was trying to overthrow him
>its canon user
>underhanded financial dealings
>killing and stripping rights from conquered peoples.
I mean objectively I'd rather be stolen from then killed or have no rights.
>Also if people are willingly going to fight in a seemingly losing battle to defend their country what right did Suzaku have to stop them?
Are you serious? You realize he was going to lie to the Japanese people to get them to fight to the death, right? You realize this parallels exactly what happened during WWII, right? You realize the show was pretty critical of that, right?
Even Lelouch said it would have ended badly. "Don't rob people of their right to fight" was Lelouch's bullshit rhetoric to get Suzaku on his side.
I hated student council slut more
>It is recounted that the monarchy would kill their own family members in order to secure their line in the throne.
Lelouch is the only one who has killed members of the family
>he Emperor even knew Schneizel was trying to overthrow him
Not by killing him and Charles didn't even heed any mind towards Schneizel because he knew his intentions lied elsewhere
>There's no evidence that the Britannians gunning to kill the Japanese
>war with britannia
>mfw you know the enemy is hostile
>They didn't institute martial law
>They didn't cleanse the ghettos
>After Genbu dies Lelouch fights and wins with NIPPON BANZAI
>im an idiot
The only thing Lelouch did wrong was allow Ohgi and Cornelia to live.
>I don't think we ever saw Cornelia ordering civilians killed
How many billions of times do we need to remind people of the time she had a ghetto massacred to draw Zero out?
>Lelouch is the only one who has killed members of the family
That we know of it is implied in Emperor speech about strong ruling the weak.
Also 1 corrupt act = corrupt
>Not by killing him
corruption or not?
>The only thing Lelouch did wrong was allow Ohgi and Cornelia to live.
Lelouch definitely should have killed Cornelia. And by "killed", I mean "fucked".
>No evidence
Are you done making a fool out of yourself?
>Lelouch is the only one who has killed members of the family
Wasn't Charles' mother killed by family members?
Which came about due to Japan's actions retard. They only invaded Japan because they wouldn't play ball. The rest is just you being a retard. Japan was the only Area with any sort of conflict.
>Your ass: The post
>he knew he should've not left her alone with Zero in the first place.
She's a princess and he's her knight. He has to do whatever the fuck she tells him to do.
She was the worst character in the show. Literally filler the character.
At least Rivalz was good for transportation and had a somewhat interesting backstory with his dad listen to the audio dramas if you don't know what I'm talking about
Especially when Marika exists.
I agree. I especially like how he and Lelouch cover each other's weaknesses.
>person sees you have candy bar
>you won't sell candy bar
>person punches you and takes candy bar
Japan you started it!
Haha, epic post my man