>2 min short
>30 sec wasted on ED
Why is this allowed?
>2 min short
>30 sec wasted on ED
Why is this allowed?
British shorthair when? Hopefully more lolicats soon.
Where can I find kitties that are tiny anthropomorphized cuties?
I'd like to know this as well
I'm gonna fuck Russian Blue.
My neko on the top right.
How do these shorts even work? Do they show them on a channel inbetween shows on a network? Or are they on-demand only?
>Parents just abandoned their cat on a farm a few weeks ago because they were tired of it pissing everywhere
>Now imagine it as one of these little cuties freezing to death while getting ripped apart by coyotes
It felt longer than Teekyuu despite the ED.
Barn kitties are badass and live long happy lives killing shit.
Right up until a horse steps on them. Or they get run over by a truck. Or eaten by a fox/coyote. Or freeze in the winter. Or get a disease.
I saw a lot of both tame and feral cats come and go on my grandparents farm.
S-Stop it, user.
>tfw just saw a webm of a doggo getting tortured with barb wire and burned
post cute anime animals pls
Also in case anyone is mistaking my pic, the kitty isn't dead or anything, she just likes belly rubs.
>Watching shorts
Cats piss everywhere when it hurts due to an infection or they are stressed. Barn cats rarely live past 5 years. Your parents are bakemonooos
Episode 2 fucking when
I can't take the cuteness
This sick shit deserves the capital punishment. I don't want human filth like that on my planet.
>buying breeds instead of just getting a mutt
Hang the cunt
Dunno man, a Xolo is one of the healthiest dog breeds I ever saw. 18 years of pure energy and love, such a bundle of joy whenever I visited my gramps, the dog only died due to refusing food after my gramp died.
Some breeds are actually quite healthy, I got Chihuahuas and they are just a blast of fun and the oldest one I have is about to turn 13 and its perfectly fine.
I don't know about cats, but some good dog breeds are amazing, now if you excuse me I'm going to pet my dogs before going to sleep.