How dead on arrival is this show?

How dead on arrival is this show?

I thought I would enjoy reading the manga I think the art style and the characters just made it very mediocre. Is it popular because of the yuribait?

Doesn't matter, it will be shit posted just like Hibikek.

It's not even popular, and it's yuri like Yuru Yuri, meaning there are gay characters but it never amounts to anything and just played for laughs.

Its popular because its Huge Tits and Breast Envy.

I don't know, it looks so boring from what I had seen which honestly isn't much but the premise sounded boring too so I don't know.

I don't fucking care, I will masturbate to this so much that my box of tissues will end up pregnant.

considering the surprisingly strong competition I'd say it's in ICU at the least.

Its huge tits, maids, and dragon girls.

i wanna suck on their horns