I'm looking for the flip flappers thread but I can't find it.
Can you help me find my lost thread?
I'm looking for the flip flappers thread but I can't find it.
Can you help me find my lost thread?
I found it!
Lost, you say?
This is sort of a Flip Flappers thread right?
Just wanted to say biz leaks are out and Flip Flappers sold 883 BDs. This season has been just brutal to some shows, but hopefully it not being a surprise makes it a little better.
Does Infinite shop report to Oricon? I just want to know if I'm 1/883.
It's better than the worst case scenarios they should have expected at least.
At least we know the show was always meant as a low risk original production to let the studio and the director make a name for themselves within the industry and it seems to be succeeding at that.
Good sales could have given us a movie, probably not a sequel, but even that would still be very unlikely.
We might get have gotten an ova or ona, still a chance for that if enough word of mouth spreads about the show for the demand to be there and they want to tie some loose ends.
It was a wild ride regardless, I'm happy I was here for it.
Do you have an international address? They discard non Japanese addresses even from Japanese sites so the number is at least a little higher.
>Sold less than occult shit which had even worse writing and pacing
What went so wrong?
Address in Japan. I know this.
Wasn't some user shitposting this exact number earlier today? Not sure I quite believe you, buddy.
There are something like eight shows this fall that did worse, if that gives anything. I didn't watch the show, but it always sucks when a show you like doesn't get great numbers.
It's okay. They are distributing the mountain of money from chink streaming sites among studios. BD sales is getting irrelevant.
Not an adaptation of anything with an existing fanbase.
No big name studio or director or cast to attract the public's attention.
Lack of a marketing push to draw people in.
A show that has too much focus on cute girls for some people, too much action for others, and too much plot for the rest.
It's a hard product to sell overall.
Streaming sales should bring in almost as much money as BDs in 2017 for late night anime.
Anyone got a clue how well it did with streaming then?
Is there any measure for ratings, viewership or engagement for the show?
Well, that sucks.
I thought it was doing alright on the daily Oricon rankings?
It doesn't matter how well it does with viewership. Streaming sites pay for the license.
I'm still curious about it though.
It would make me happy to learn that at least a lot of people enjoyed the show even if they didn't pay for it.
Never trust dailies. They lie to you. Just last week Yuri on Ice was ranking mostly 3rd and 4th in dailies and people were talking about how poor it was doing. You never know what separates 2nd and 3rd place.
The weirder part was it's about half its stalker prediction (1500) so I don't know what happened there.
The rating of it on the Chinese MAL equivalent went from 8.0 to 7.7 after the ending. Casual consensus over there is that they really felt the writer change unironically, but there is also a hardcore following.
writer change?
You're new to FLFL threads?
Plus the stand-out episodes were mostly genre pastiche mixing things like mecha, yuri, horro, mahou shoujo, martial arts, etc.
All of these are cool, but the problem is that most of them have disparate and extremely focused, dedicated fanbases. None of them will buy the show for a single episode of the thing they look for, and the fact that the show draws from other distinct genres at times puts those purists well off. There was no single "hardcore" fanbase it could appeal to, and those are typically the ones most willing to spend big money on BDs.
Plus you have issues like the lack of a male protagonist alienating younger male audiences (eg. teens, LNfags), and enough sexual content to offput younger female audiences that would otherwise be drawn in by the mahou shoujo elements, the heavy focus on character development and the yuri friendship between two young female characters. Add to that the fact that psychanalysis and psychology in general isn't nearly as much of a zeitgeist in Japan, so their familiarity and interest with Jung and the sort of concepts and archetypes being engaged with in this show's frequent inspiration from Jung would be far less.
This is all fluff in the wind, though. The reality is that the big buyers who would typically be 100% behind an obscure but excellent original were tying up their dollars in much bigger shows instead. Flip Flappers was eclipsed by shows with more brand power, bigger franchises and etc.
assume I only came here every now and then to avoid spoilers of eps I hadn't yet seen
Here is a meme list with which we used to shitpost on FLFL ironically or unironically
>really feeling that writer change
>episodic good plot bad
>webgen explosions
>nothing outside the animation, sadly
>series composition was fired
>is this really necessary
>flopping hard at amazon stalker
>not even top 3
>age gap pedophilia oyakodon fetuscon degeneracy
>phantom world 2.0
>ripping off evangelion
>mediocre facial expressions
>Jacob Chapman
>asspull deus ex machina
and writer change is the top meme (not even top 3 though).
The genre pastiching and trope usage was my favorite part of it all.
If they had gone for a more meta approach with pure illusion, connecting it to the human subconcious and thus explaining how much it drew from media people consume instead that would have been fun.
For a moment I even jokingly considered the possibility of what if Bu chan was a camera following them around and all of pure illusion being a fake show within a show for some alien beings. Basically Madoka but instead of trying to stop entropy what if they were just trying to entertain aliens with magical girls.
at which point did they change writer?
>ripping off eva
>not ripping off madoka
At least it went back to the classics.
The show's scenario was co-authored by the director, Oshiyama for whom this work was his directorial debut, and the main scriptwriter, Yuniko, an experienced yuri writer.
Yuniko wrote the episode scripts for episodes 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6. Episode 4 had a guest scriptwriter who was a close working colleague with Yuniko, and also a yuri author.
After episode 6, Yuniko was suddenly and unexpectedly dropped from the project. This was learned by us only through a series of disgruntled posts Yuniko made on her twitter.
Episode 7's script was written by Oshiyama himself, and episode 8 onwards saw a new scriptwriter brought on to the project. In interviews, Oshiyama explains that the schedule suffered from the loss of Yuniko and that the new scriptwriter was brought on as a replacement when it became clear that they wouldn't be able to remain on schedule otherwise. In other words, Yuniko was dropped so abruptly that the studio had either made no plans to replace her before cutting her loose, or had simply not expected her loss to affect production meaningfully. We do not know why, exactly, this change of hats occurred and we'll likely never get a good answer.
The script for episodes 8-onward are authored by the new writer they brought on, whose name I don't recall at the moment.
Sup Forums made it into a meme after a shitpost thread pointed out some dialogue of episode 8 and blamed it on the writer change.
I don't know what I expected but not even making 4 digits is just wow.
>explains that the schedule suffered from the loss of Yuniko
You can't be this sure about the casual link. What Oshiyama said can also be construed as Yuniko being too slow and messing up the schedule.
I- I think I'm done for the night
>nothing outside the animation, sadly
The sad part is that by the end the animation became shit too, sadly. Webgen was a mistake
>says user after not having bought a single BD in his life
I refuse to believe this. It's for only one of the editions, isn't it?
I guess we'll have to wait for someanything official and objective rankings.
I'm legitimately worried about the someanithing guy.
You don't cut one of your main scenario planners from the production because their scriptwork is too slow. They would have just hired the second scriptwriter to work under her as an assistant and divided the work among the two. They also wouldn't have waited until after cutting her to find a replacement.
Her being cut in the manner that she was suggests some drama or corporate politics that we weren't privy to.
That's big.
I wonder what happened with Yuniko, and what could the show have been if she hadn't left.
It might have been very different, or not much at all.
I didn't feel a sudden change in the style of the show until the last few episodes and only whenever anything had to do with Mimi, because it was played so serious and straight at some times.
Anything that had to do with the main characters still felt consistent with the rest.
Only Mimi's involvement seemed sudden and poorly connected to everything that had been focus until then. But at least it gave Yayaka the opportunity to finally confess her feelings to transform, and Cocona and Papika to declare their mutual love. That seemed like more focal to the series than the background plot.
A prior speculah was that Yuniko was holding onto her yuri agenda for too long and wasn't making the change wanted by Oshiyama and producers in time, thus messing up the schedule without an expectation of recovery.
I'm calling you out on that bullshit.
Loosen up the cynism filter and rewatch it if you want.
Not very much, despite the memes. Oshiyama and Yuniko said they planned the entire story out in advance, so it was only the details and dialogue that would've been different.
Where do you think he gets it from? He gets the stuff that doesn't rank from Biz leaks (which reports v1s and boxes). DVDs aren't included but DVDs didn't rank so theres no way of knowing what they are except lower than the cutoff.
I got vol.1 from amazon because episodes 1 and 2 were my favourites. I'm probably counted in that tragically low number there.
It was all I could afford, but it just wasn't enough.
user, that's an obvious meme constructed from the meme list. Lurk more.
Perhaps a better, more emotionally powerful dialogue would have helped the finale feel more rewarding?
Biz leaks means it didn't rank.
>He wasted money in this rubbish instead of buying good anime, a video game or a figure
I thought episode 9 was by far the most emotionally powerful episode, so I'll have to disagree with you there.
But the show consummated that yuri agenda. If anything, the yuri became more blatant from episode 7 onwards.
Plus it's not like the scriptwriter has the power to force an agenda in the first place. The director makes the storyboards, and dialogue goes where he structures the scenes to allow it. Scriptwriting in anime production is essentially just filling in the blanks and often translating things almost directly from the director, with a small bit of added flair. The job itself is almost a formality and mainly for the sake of the seiyuu, they don't have even a shred of creative control. What Sup Forums and other places in the west like to call "writing" is essentially controlled by the director and by whatever corporate influence he answers to.
Very much changed unironically (fish the archive if you want details). They made the composition in advance and Yuniko lost her control of the style in the latter half, which was heartily felt. Yes, the details and dialog were what mattered in the first half.
There were only 3 good video games this century you crossboarder (Ico, SoTC, The Last Guardian)
You did good user.
It was the best you could do.
It's not your fault.
So is this series actually good? Just looking at the art I always assumed people would only watch it ironically.
>a videogame
Westerners can't change Japanese shit taste.
I was mostly referring to the very last episode.
>Flip Floppers
Yuniko had something different in her mind which is what makes the yuri in the show gayer than your average yuri. Oshiyama said she was given free reign to add yuri stuff in her episodes and can you imagine how excited she would be to have the chance to get the level of freedom to work on original characters after working for so many yuribait adaptations?
I don't care about your definition of scriptwriting or whatever. Things are different between the two halves. People are upset. Something has to be there to it.
I really feel the IRC presence here.
>flip flappers
that's so last year
But this is retarded because the episode where the yuri was at its most explicit was written by Oshiyama.
It was great.
Its okay I still liked it despite it flopped. Nips have shit taste.
What actually changed?
Can anyone give an example of something yuri they stopped doing, or didn't do well enough anymore?
Here's some good life advice.
People don't live their lives ironically, that's just become a convenient excuse to pretend they aren't responsible for their actions because "lol i wasnt serious"
People watching things "ironically" are doing one of two things, pretending not to like something they actually enjoy (because caring about things is sooo uncool), or trying to absolve themselves of responsibility for the mistake of committing to something they thought they would enjoy but didn't.
It's sort of like how you can respond to a post you disagree with "ironically" but your (You) is proof enough for all to see that you were booty burned enough to bother.
Explicit yuri is not good yuri. Oshiyama admitted that.
Remember to eat your spinach kids if you wanna grow into a big strong bara.
>Yuniko had something different in her mind which is what makes the yuri in the show gayer than your average yuri
Really? Because it was just your run-of-the-mill friendship ADOLESCENCE and mild yuri teasing until episode 7 thrust the question of "are her feelings something more?" in our faces.
I'd like to see what source or basis you have to make the claim "she had something different in her mind," because as far as I can see that's just a presumption of intent.
No, he didn't, you idiot. When he said he "broke the rules," he was referring to how Papika was drawn as a boy, since Yuniko told him not to have any boys of the same age around Cocona.
You're telling me that this was not good yuri?
I feel like every single time I stay up late reading these threads, I end up seeing the same conversation about Yuniko's grand yuri plans.
Maybe this is a sign that I need to go the fuck to sleep before the eurodykes start posting.
Good yuri fanservice that is.
Yuniko's yuri is all about subtlety and implicit expression of feelings. On-screen intimacy without proper context and buildup is just fanservice to yurifags. Oshiyama started to lose the level of control of subtlety that Yuniko has from ep 7, which is a fact.
Okay, so it's shit, thanks for saving me the trouble of trying it out.
>Fractale-tier sales
Really makes you think.
But episode 5 had quite a lot of /u/ fanservice.
Oh god that was so cute.
You guys can keep complaining all you want, but they confessed their love for each other, defeated her bitch of a mother while wearing cute white wedding dresses and then flew away clinging to each other.
Given their age and how innocent they both were there's no way it could have been better, anything more would have been too much out of nowhere, perhaps an innocent kiss in the cheek would have been better but they still managed to deliver the yuri.
Did Flip Flappers beat the record of number of Sup Forums posts per unit sold?
>People are upset
More like shitposters are shitposters. Broad consent is that the the episode from 9 onwards are weaker than the rest, but still good.
Man, that actually ruined my day. I hope this doesn't discourage 3hz from making more great things.
> subtlety and implicit expression of feelings. On-screen intimacy without proper context and buildup is just fanservice to yurifags
You mean like this part?
I think Mayoiga probably has us beat.
Their shown sold a little better, but they also had like 1500 posts for livewatch threads on top of the constant daily threads.
Ep 5 was meant to be a Class S deconstruction/parody and you're taking it literally. Yuniko is well aware of what this is.
>Flip Flappers sold worse than Mayoiga
Why did you have to alert me to this fact, user? Now I'm even more depressed.
Oh yeah, it's you again.
I honestly can't tell if you're just really dedicated to this one very specific route of shitposting or if you're actually autistic enough to believe it.
Their other shows sold better, Im sure one hardcore blunder wont discourage them. But they need better writers next time.
The whole writer change thing is a giant pile of presumptions of intent. So what? Do you have better speculah or you just want to kill the discussion?
Don't be upset that it flopped, user.
Be happy that you were flip flapping with it
The point is the yuri shown in ep 5 was not a natural development but somehow served as enlightenment for Cocona.
Your point being?
example of amazing dialogues in Flip Floppers:
>Cocona, Cocona!
>Papika, Papika!
>Cocona, Cocona!
Everything was going so well until
It's a shame we only got two half episodes of pure Yayaka
was she ever given an official henshin name like the other two?
Her outfit was so cool.
Her combat style too.
It was a great magical evolution from her old fighting style, took a buff in speed, in damage, got a trail of explosive light to replace the explosive string and even gained balls of energy and a shine of light that could remove negative effects.
She doesn't need one because she's just Pure. Yayaka is the purest.
Pure cute
Where do I buy a Bluray? I want to help