This is the choice of Steins Gate

This is the choice of Steins Gate

Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw all out of Dr. Pepper

wait for me on the other side...Kurisu


Here you go.

is lain the only girl more aesthetic than kurisu?

This isn't a game, Lintahlo.

Where are they?

>Doc Tear Popper has been replaced with some bizarre, implausible parody called "Dr Pepper"
Has the Organization affected this timeline as well?

Lain and Kurisu are fucking perfect.

I already posted them, now give it a rest.
Leskinen is more forced than these.

>picked up a 6 pack of Dr. Pepper bottles yesterday when I just intended to get an iced tea

It was the choice of S T E I N ' S ; G A T E

>S T E I N ' S
Drop the apostrophe, retard.

can this faggot deleting the threads fucking kill himself please?

>tfw no Dr. Pepper in my country

I told you guys to give it a rest, spamming threads does nothing but make discussion stagnate and piss off the autistic janitor.

I'm sorry user, I will savour my next one for all those who can't.

It basically tastes like a more caramelized coke with some light spicing.

Did you intend to buy A R I Z O N A ?

Kurisu and AU Kurisu?

there is a bunch of generals with over 400 replies, but the faggot targets these threads why? only reason I can think is that he got triggered by the ted cruz meme image and is implying that the past two threads belong on Sup Forums for some reason, which is retarded.




Who the hell was Stein anwyway? I was never clear on that

Are you talking about the Steins Gate?

The person that the gate was named after: Stein. Who was he exactly?

It's made up chuuni bullshit.

Nobody. The joke of it is that it starts out as meaningless gibberish he takes to using for his chuuni persona but ends up carrying real meaning by the end of the true end.

'Steins;Gate' means nothing, it's because Kyouma thought it sounded cool in his chuunibyou stage.

Chuunis love random german

>talking about Kyouma as if he exists
>in attractor fields that aren't gamma
Are you the lad who thinks Kyouma is true okabe>

>Be Chris
>Drink shit ton of dr pepe
>Get sugar overdosed
>Get her calcium dissolved
>Become midget


You do know that Kurisu doesn't actually particularly like the drink, right? Or that her name isn't Chris?

t. Christina

fucking google translate

Why'd he have to be the bad guy bros? He was so nice ;_;

Vaporwave is a retarded dead fad that only appealed to the underage trying to feel quasi-nostalgia for a time they never experienced.

No I'm that that guy.

I stated it was Kyouma instead of Rintaro because that's what he always referred to himself as during his chuuni stage, thus, calling it 'Steins Gate' in his capcity as a chuuni.

you turbo-autist

He wasn't though. He has the best plan out of all the characters. Okabe included.


El Psy Congree

So what you said was true, from a certain point of view.

Well I've only done the bad end so far, I assume if he kept Okabe maybe could have been avoided, but that also ends up with Okabe being tortured. If you're talking about other ending though I haven't done them yet.

I always feel nostalgia for Asia whenever I see SteinsGate thread.
>public transportation is actually good and comfy
>Don't have to worry about my life even when I go out night walk in 3am
>Fastfood isn't greasy as fuck

Living in America is truly suffering

I am not. I just support the idea of deseminating reading stiener and time machines out across the world rather than letting them become stockpiled weapons like nukes. Better that humanity gets forced to build immunity to time mischief now than kill itself with time alterations later

you have no clue about Asia

>build time machines to build an immunity to time machines

I lived in both Japan and South Korea for 10 years senpai.. please no bully

But they were going to kill themselves with time alterations no matter what as long as the time machine exists

It's literally what the soviet swip swapping did. Alerations to the worldline to other timelines triggers RS sickness which, given Okabe once had it, is in some way related to RS proper. Leskinen had his shit together.

If people were making them now, even if they surpressed the discovery someone is all but garanteed to rediscover it later assuming the world hasn't been exterminated in some cataclysm.

Time travel is nigh inevitable either it's monopolised see: Future Gadgets and CERN, or it is forced into obscurity by Okabe and or other non-linear entities.
Leskinen wanted the third option. Everyone can fuck with it. If everyone makes a load of little mistakes together and learns from them (and develops RS) there will never be a temporal MAD like there is with nukes. The tech and perception powers will be there as a shield.

Going back in time to abort Kurisu!

There were always people alive in WWWIII regardless of the timeline. It's the society that rises from it with knowledge of RS and working application of temporal physics that is the goal.
Wars always hurt us but some of them are beneficial in ways too.

But you understand when you wrote that, it came across like saying 'you can build an immunity to bullets by shooting yourself'.

Going back in time to impregnate Kurisu's mom with Kurisu!

In effect we did though. We developed technology to stop reduce the efficacy of ballistics that would not have been funded had the threat necessitated the research.
Further, unlike bullets, humans seems to have a natural defnse response to temporal alteration in the Reading Stiener. So yes, I think I had an understanding of what I had written.

Going back in time with Kagari who is Kurisu and Okabe's daughter but also Okabe's mother to drop her off and make sure Okabe is born!

Just because there are people left in 2036 doesn't mean the population is stable. Not to mention the atmosphere is completely fucked.

Suzuha would kick Okarin's ass.

There is no way of knowing what exactly would happen. Yes it might be a shit hole but conversely allowing other worldlines to playout without humanity learning its lesson might result in proper temrporal carnage that reams causality and causes more damage than anyone can fix. Big picture- small picture.

She COULD kick his ass, but WOULD she?

Suzuha is cute!
Post happy child Suzuha from the timeline where she grows up happy with Papa daru and Momma Yuki

How about a happy child Suzuha with Nae?

I have the one with her and my wife Nae.

C U T E ! ! ! !

I don't think you're understanding me, the war doesn't just make Earth a shithole, it makes the Earth uninhabitable and everyone in 2036 is just waiting to die. They straight up say it Chapter 10 of the original VN. There is no lesson learned, humanity just dies out.

Whatever timeline Okabe is observing is the "right" one, correct? Wouldn't he need to jump into his old self before saving Kurisu then?

Unlike nukes though, time machines can be used silently to fuck up the timeline at any time, any place without chance of intervention.

>it makes the Earth uninhabitable
Demonstrably untrue. Who is they and when do they say it. If it's Suzuha she is one of the most unreliable narrators in the seriesdespite being best girl.

Not when your spread reading stiener as well and or you can detect when things enter your time stream or any other number of advancements. 0 itroduced special D-mail from Kurisu, MMS from Okabe and Tracking Machines from Daru which (given that going back always makes a new worldline) can follow people across divergence.

You could set up something that triggers when people experience RS I suppose.

>There is a bike now, though its a bit different

The problem is Reading Steiner only activate AFTER the change in timeline has happened and it's not even a straight transfer from "the present" to the past but a transfer to an equivalent present of the newly constructed timeline.
Pick Okabe in the original for example, every time he changed the divergence point he didn't go back to the point where the element from the future was introduced but he went to the present of that divergence. Do you seriously think people can control that kind of shit unless they also jump back in time? Then if everyone start jump back in time to cancel out each other attempt at changing divergence then it's only a matter of time until their perception of reality is completely fucked or the universe crashing on itself.

>mfw that image

Thanks user. I needed a good laugh today.

RS is accompanied by physical symptoms that seem to occur in the original timeline though. But I agree with your general point.

Yes but the equivalent present is the moment that something was changed, which is nice. Further those with stiener sickness can hold memories of both timelines simultaneously and seemingly without boudary interms of past and present. Okabe has two of them in s;g that couldn't have happened at those times and chie has loads in 0. Again, just like the advancement in tech RS is just another mystery for humanity to plumb.
Future gadgets just treats it like magic and moves on because they have bigger shit to be worried about.


Having sex with Kurisu!

Is there anyone here actually familiar with jap chan user culture? It's one of my main reasons for wanting to learn nip.

It isn't nice when you can't do anything about it. What's the point of knowing from which point the present was change in the previous timeline when the change introduced in this new timeline can't be identify? Despite it being the most important in order to undo it? And just wait until all the memories of many different timelines change clash together so hard you loose your sense of self.

>movie shit


>you'll never be Nakabachi and haterape Kurisu in a supply closet, filling her up with your potent seed and impregnating her as Okabe watches from the shadows, unsure what to do


I like NTR but reading something like that would hurt

>You will never pose with the scientist trio

>genetic fallacy
The movie has some interesting ideas of Steins;Gate time traveling mechanics and its consequences but for the good ideas they brought up they also introduced a fair amount of stupid ideas, shit, outright wrong too (more than one timeline existing at a time is the foremost example).
Regardless, it's a legit thing that could happen if time traveling is widespread and reading steiner begin to manifest on everyone but in an incomplete way instead of perfect transfer like Okabe.

That's not Hakase!

Kurisu deserves a life of neglect and domestic abuse until she kills herself

>implying she'd resist


Reference to Frankenstein i.e. MAD SCIENCE

Kurisu deserves a life of love and warmth with the person she loves.


Who is smaller, Maho or Hakase?

I want to tutturu inside Mayuri and between her breasts!


Which subreddit would Kurisu visit?


Okay, now these threads are getting really bad, you can stop now, holy fuck.

user, it's unethical to exploit the retarded.

Fuck off

what's that pic implying

No need to get mad user. Mayuri clearly lacks many higher brain functions.

He leaped into Mayuri's body