Why do people complain about loli-esque characters in anime?
Like, people say anime needs less loli (Basically saying kids) sexualization, and i get it, it's pretty damn sick, but not the worst thing in the world. But at the same time, will complain about the alternative (The loli esque characters such as Eu, est or Nymph) and i still don't quite get it.
Why do people complain about loli-esque characters in anime?
Because you spend too much time on reddit. Go back there.
Lolis are shit waifus.
Stop talking with normalfags and ironic weebs like
Because they don't see the difference between this and the normalization of actual pedophilia we see creeping up?
They're just jealous that they're stuck with an old, used hag instead of a pure and innocent loli that you will personally raise and guide through the journey of puberty and onward to adulthood.
>Because you spend too much time on reddit. Go back there.
I was just flat out talking about everywere as a whole. From MAL, to hummingbird, to twitter, reddit, youtube, and hell, even Sup Forums on occasions.
It's a topic you can never escape from and will get louder and stronger the more anime gets mainstream.
>caring about anime western fandom
>caring about anything anime related outside of Sup Forums
What the fuck is wrong with you people?
Japan doesn't care.
Let the normalfags cry. All the fun for me if I can trigger and make these people mad with lewd loli.
>Japan doesn't care.
Well, that's not quite true.
Just it's more acceptable just shunning people rather then getting rid of a thing they deem as a problem in Japan it seems.
It's also one of the reason why Parents tend to pay for a child to live in a different house/apartment if they are a NEET, because it becomes less embarrassing.
because theyre children, and children aren't hot til puberty
>it's pretty damn sick
You need to go back. Seriously where do you people even come from?
Not 2D one.
>pretending that you hate it
does it help you sleep better?
If you really think it's sick you wouldnt have to ask this stupid question
I don't think it's sick, i mean, i GET that they find it pretty damn sick, and that's what i meant.
My only problem is when everything is fucking full of loli and cute-like characters.
Like i get it, there are series that are about it ok, but why the fuck even more mature ones are full of this fucking kid like retards like jesus christ.
Every, EVERY fucking neo-anime/manga has moe-shit, why, whats the fuckin point?
What does it accomplish when 90% of the time is not required and it fucks up the atmosphere.
>watching a """"mature"""" series
>sad episode or a more toned one
>Suddently a fucking kid with pink hair comes
lolis are just abstract representations of adults unless the plot specifically says they are not. end of story, really
Example of those ''mature'' series?
>Sup Forums image
>this entire post
Are you gonna give a source, or are you just gonna make some more strawmen?
As always Sup Forums fag are so easy to spot. Its ok stop crying you still have the epic Jojo series.
People are afraid of pedophiles and hate anything that might make then happy.
Elfen lied
>Two examples
Wow, so many, it really does make up 90%
fuck you faggot learn to read the first user said 90% of the time it's not required not that it happens 90% of the time
Examples in non moe series where loli characters are worth a shit with characters more deep than a puddle pls.
What about pubescent lolis?