Well, it seems we already have our AOTS
Little Witch Academia
Other urls found in this thread:
>retcons the originals
It's shit.
Great OP, fagtron
That being said
>tfw have to wait six more days for new episode
It's going to be a long wait.
Friendships sour and loves are lost in fewer days.
We'll have cabin fever by friday, be at each other's throats by saturday.
And by sunday, we'll be ready to do it all again. Buckle in for the ride.
>ywn marry this witch
>ywn make witch babies with her
>ywn live in a comfy english countryside
>Well, it seems we already have our AOTS
Konosuba started early?
>Well, it seems we already have our AOTS
But maid dragon airs tomorrow
Get the fuck out of here
stop fucking posting the new thread in the old one like this is a general, you autist.
little shit academia is garbage though
Not the one who did that but why is that a bad thing?
it has a chance to improve everything
Has it already begun?
>Well, it seems we already have our AOTS
Of course.
>Well, it seems we already have our AOTS
That's funny way of saying "I haven't seen Gabriel Dropout yet"
More like AOTY, faggot.
There isn't a problem with that really. Linking the old thread in the new one, on the other hand, is what general cancer do
I want to cum inside Akko's pantsu and force her to wear them.
Amanda hour
post Amanda.
You can still watch them, user.
It's teetering too dangerously close to what someone with autism might do. Surely you understand the risks here by allowing that...
Well, one of those is a goal you can achieve!
>you come home from work
>see this girl looking at you
What do?
You've no right to talk about autism, newfriend
It's not a retcon since it makes no indication that they should be taken as the same canon. They're simply different stories.
Bully her for being a fake witch.
Well, I really should've asked you, considering you're the resident expert on the matter. My mistake.
>no lewd ever because japan hate the series
Suicide here I go.
Do I need to watch all the originals? I've only seen the first and the luluco crossover skit wasn't exactly relevant.
You have to go back, Rebbit
>japan hate the series
No they don't
Stop sexualising little witches please.
It's better if you don't. Some things aren't spoiled for you.
then how did you get here?
You don't have to but there's no reason not to. It's all very good.
But they are made for rough sex
Eh, OVA and movie has superior animation over it.
TV has great animation as well, but it'd probably be even more impressive if you haven't seen those pieces.
>because japan hate the series
Sadly is not a very good series outside the animation (until Trigger QUALITY kicks in, of coursh)
>japan hate the series
Actually I have already seen nips draw some fanart. Mostly by fujos and other female fans, though.
>25 episodes
oh yiss
I came here to shitpost because OP is a faggot, but this is actually the real deal, we didn't have anything worth to mention from 2016, this is really turning out to be THE year of anime, and yeah, this is pretty much the AOTS so far, and not by default like in 2016, when you liked a show only because it was the less bad show of the season.
For the amount of shilling and publicity it has had for the past couple of years, Japan doesn't nearly love LWA as much as I'd expect them to, or hate it for that matter.
no, there's no lewd because even japan aren't degenerate enough to sexualise the purity that is little witches
But Akko is so sexy.
Yeah. Split cour though.
I wanna ______ the little witches
Confirmed on official site.
show magic to
i want to tie up akko and pee on her
Got it bad, got it bad, Im hot for teacher
I think LWA will be a Cowboy Bebop success.
Famous in the west, middling success in Japan.
1st ep was meh. Feels really mediocre, almost like juvenile show for little girls.
So what's new on Sup Forums?
>one episode
This is why people hate triggerfags.
>juvenile show for little girls
are you new to anime or something?
I wanna protect her smile
>almost like juvenile show for little girls.
Why do you think there's been non-stop threads for the past day about it?
Where do you think you are?
Akko is cute, CUTE!
Use dick magic. I cast rape.
>Implying that fans of half the shows that are currently airing haven't been doing the same thing
fuck off
I like you
Not really. I watched Kill la kill and Luluco. Both didn't feel like Disney. But this one is like Disney or Ghibli.
Why does everyone want to do degenerate things to Akko?
she is made for sex, that's why.
This right there.
If Maid Dragon turns out to be meh then yes, LWA will most likely win AOTS.
Watching the originals is rather optional, honestly. It seems like the anime will adapt pretty much everything they covered and expand upon them a bit now they can fit it into 24 episodes, as well as plan several new plotlines for the characters to deal with that would have been hard to have in the originals.
I want to do degenerate things with most of the cast. They all just happen to be both really cute and have really endearing flaws that translate well into fetishism.
>Japan hates the series
Doesn't seem like it based on these reactions
And the respectable amazon ranking of the BDs.
Maid Dragon is garbage and the only reason anybody talks about it is the studio
Is this Trigger's magnum opus?
>casting rape
>not making a vanilla potion
Pretty gay.
Tbh, Demi-chan might be a worthy contender.
KyoAni finds a way to make it good.
Nah, that was Luluco. Speaking of which be on the look out for her cameo.
She flaunts her thighs way too much
[x] headpatts
Wait, it's on midnight?
What le actual fuck, Japs have it spot on, I would be glad knowing this is the stuff my child grew up on.
Is Lotte going to have one of those "glasses girl loses her glasses and everyone is stunned at how pretty she is" scenes?
A lot of source materials KyoAni adapts are complete garbage but they manage to turn them good. Back in the 00s I wouldn't doubt for a moment that Maid Dragon would be great, but now they're very hit and miss. Phantom World was average at best, Hibike was great, I guess it's time for Maidragon to be just your lukewarm manga adaptation. But who knows, maybe it will be the new Lucky Star.
How mad would you be if Cartoon Network picked up the English dub of this show and started showing it on Saturday mornings? Full dub OP/ED and everything.
How mad would you be if it became popular?
Maybe at some point, but honestly, I doubt it. This isn't the type of show that would pull something like that.
I kinda hope not, she's really cute as she is.
Its already popular with normalfags.
Hopefully not, she is mortiferous to cock as it is.
In the mover her problem was speaking her mind and flaunting her talents.
So, hopefully she'll just expose herself in similar, but different manner.
Please no, you'd think being in a magical world they'd have a spell to make sure the glasses don't fall from your face
Why not
Isn't Disney eXDee and Nicktoons taking all the anime though? The only one who would air anime on CN now is Toonami.