So... No more sensei?
Kiss X Sis
I can finally drop this shit
>you will never kissu your sissu
Why pull off this kind of shit.
Cap what happened?
Face it user.
Mailing publishers with death threats, fuck japs
time to learn to draw manga and make your own shit
Did Sup Forums get triggered?
Best girl left the harem
lol, might as well end whole manga at that point.
>people read this for something other than the incest
this whole shit is NBR trash
I haven't kept up with this shit at all, but the last thing I heard was that piss girl is now in the lead? Is that right?
>an adult woman thought she could have an emotionally satisfying relationship with a horny teenager
What was she thinking?
I mean now he has 4 other girls who are into him but what was the reason?
>shes still a virgin
Keita fucked up
Sadly, yes.
There might be hoped, I guess.
sensei's little sister is practically begging him to fuck her
Good thing I dropped it then.
So I just read the latest translated chapters, and what I don't understand is what the fuck is Keita doing.
>what the fuck is Keita doing
being Japanese
Why am I not surprised
She's the next one dropping out of the race, but pretty sure she's the one he's gonna lose his virginity to.