Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu!VNdzDYYK!nK9fNU3LeprlZSbRAnlsRg

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I want to FUCK Puck




Every thread until Anastasia becomes best girl.

Every thread until Rem wakes up

Why is Emilia so boring? Not just her personality but also her design are so cliché. Every other royal candidate is more entertaining and interesting than this bitch.

Every thread until Crusch-sama gets her memories back.

She still gets my dick hard.

I give you that. She'd be a nice sex slave.

>potato onifags buttblasted


Oh oh

>Puck:Tomorrow morning, I will make Lia break the contract. —Should the relationship between myself
and Lia terminate, then I'm sure that when she cries, you'll comfort her.
Holy shit, is puck accepting subaru as a husbando for emilia? Rough sex scene for chapter 93.

Even the potato has more relevance than the elf pussy.

Crushe is the best though

dis gon be gud

Every thread until Rooswal rescues Echidna

>Even the potato has more relevance than the elf pussy

Now that's some delusion

She doesn't though, Emilia is the reason Toyota started his journey. Without her there would not be Re:zero, Subaru would just wander around aimlessly doing nothing.
Crusch is going to get her amnesiac ass handed to her by the dragon.

Satella is the reason and then Roswaal. Not Emilia.

The potato is the only thing preventing Subaru from going insane. try taking the potato away from him and you will see how mad one can be.

>Implying he wouldn't be crazy if something happens to Emilia that is not reversible with RbD

How is Emilia even important? What does she do? She did something in arc 1 that was planned by Roswaal and from then on it was always subaru saving her ass and being her dog.

Nutella is the reason he got isekai'd, not why all went down the way it did.

I already said that it was Roswaal's doing.

That is a very nice question.
but it wasn't emilia who saved subaru when he needed the most.
I am all for poly ending tho.
(include Ram there)

Ram is not getting off the BCC.

give her some time and we will see about it.

Even if she did, I doubt she'd go for Mitsubishi.

Everything is surrounded about her, If she didn't accept Roswaal proposal then any of this Election shit would be irrelevant, even Felt stealing the insignia wouldn't happen.
If the witch didn't had 'connections' with her, she wouldn't suffer like that, and wouldn't have been attacked by the cult.
If Subaru could say that he is dying over and over for her, maybe the fight in the capital wouldn't escalate so bad.
I could do this forever, she is a central character for the plot and "doing something" is not enough to define that, that's why Rem could just wake up and fuck off in the mansion and the plot could continue as always.

Did tappei say when we can expect new WN chapters?

wtf is going on with Puck? Is he a good guy or a bad guy? I just don't know anymore.

Is he related to Satella?

That logic is retarded. All you say is that if this didn't happen then that wouldn't have happen. You can do this with every character.

It's not retarded, It's stating her influence over the story, all those are major plot points in the story that without her influence would be irrelevant.
Sure, she isn't the only character with importance in the story, that's why you can do that with them as well, but she is a premise for other characters to act, directly or indirectly.

Reddit:zero is dogshit :^)

you could put Emilia in a corner and the plot could continue as always

Every thread until Rem wakes up.

Who are you imposter I'm not dead yet.

I think this may be it, someone is going to grab the pastebin later and check if they can make the text more flowy and such, but for now, this is it:

[The best day of Rem's life]

That's wrong, Roswaal wants her to win the election, Subaru wants to support her for the election and she herself wants to win the election, which results that she is necessary for the other candidates have a reason to appear in this story. Even if Roswaal wants Subaru do everything in her place, she is starting doing things by herself.
I'm not even starting with the Witch cult again.

Saved someone from thugs without ever asking for a compensation. Reunited a child with its parents in a city where she constantly meets discrimination even without Subaru's presence. Fought off a hired assassin who is well known to have her jobs done. Saved Rom from death by healing his wound. Took emergency measures to make Subaru survive long enough to let Beatrice heal him fully. Provided Subaru who has no place to stay or a way to earn to money a home and a job, a perspective basically. Studied for the election which shows that she doesn't take it for granted but puts effort into it. Saved Subaru from collapsing under the traumatization and the pressure of having to keep up a facade. Saved Subaru from being killed by Rem who developed once again distrust for him. Healed his wounds again and watched over him. Arranged a professional healer who heals his damaged gate which would otherwise killed him and this couldn't be fixed through RBD. Fought off the cultists that raided the villa until her very own death twice. Healed Subaru's wounds again. Went off to warn the villagers from the impending danger and when rejected set up some means of protection. Killed numerous cultists and even killed a finger. Protects the children while they escape. Comforts Subaru while he is devastated about Rem's loss ( swapping the whole From Zero dynamic expressed through Subaru's dialogue ). Reassured Frederica that Subaru is no threat clearing an obstacle for him. Being one of two reasons he snaps out of his denial stance in the first trial. Stands up against Roswaal when Subaru and Garfiel face off. Knights Subaru which gives him a lot more room to act on his own and puts information he gathers in a loop into use instead of being hindered by his social standing. Participates in the killing of an Archbishop.

That's what I could tell from the top of my head. So please at least try to find stuff, okay?

Maybe I should add that she kept Rem off long enough so that Subaru was able to gain her trust in the lap pillow scene. Also she took part in the arrangement for his gate healing, not arranged it entirely.

>Arranged a professional healer who heals his damaged gate which would otherwise killed him and this couldn't be fixed through RBD

that wasn't even her doing,

most of the points aren't even relevant for the story's progression, you could add "wiped her ass by herself" and that would be as important as the points you copied from somewhere

this is the least she has to do to be even a character in the story, when she's on screen she must do something but all she did just wasn't impressive or unexpected of her

Rem's confession hit close to home.
Thanks Re:Zero.

Subaru was really likable here. Why can't he always be like this? No wonder Rem likes him so much when he's not a memelord

Is the Felixfag still here?
I've got something for him

He's working on it. After arc 4 i think he stops being that much of a meme lord, and with Rem he was always more toned down.

Actually they are even if it's in a roundabout way. Was only trying to show you that saying she doesn't do anything is about as true as Roswaal being a good husbando. Mh noice apparently typing a bunch of stuff is enough to be considered copying, lovely.

"Doing something" does not necessarily have to be a direct action. Her "do's" are mostly rather passive actions which is fine in its own sense. It's simply not as frontloaded and on face value as others for this part of the story.

>Mh noice apparently typing a bunch of stuff is enough to be considered copying, lovely.

I could bring the source for your copy pasta but whatever. Keep using Mitrospeeds dumb arguments and sell them as your own.

>"Doing something" does not necessarily have to be a direct action

pls hang yourself

You've just spent a night of passion with Emilia, claiming her virginity and repeatedly teaching her the joys of being a woman over hours of hot, sweaty animal sex

When you wake up, you see this

What do you do?

Tell him that his daughter's pussy tastes like fish, I'm sure he will try it out.

>Your daughter calls me 'Daddy' too

Tell him that it was Emilia that claimed my virginity.

High impact emotional violence is the only way to go it seems

You are mean

He's potentially an Eldritch apocalypse beast who has been bound to a humanoid spirit who is either Emilia's actual father or made to hold a fatherly role.

Due to his contracts and Emilia-centric nature, he either doesn't think to talk about, doesn't remember, or can't talk about the big important things he knows.

By that logic, every single part of that was all Subaru's doing, because none of that would have happened if Roswaal hadn't set it all up, Clown wouldn't have set it up if his Gospel didn't tell him to, his Gospel wouldn't have told him to if Subaru didn't have RbD, and Subaru wouldn't be in the world of have RbD without Satella, and Satella wouldn't have done anything If Subaru never did whatever he did to gain her love.

Subaru is the only one who has done anything in this story.

Why is Emilia so pretty?

because she has no other qualities

That's not true!

"Nice" is a quality
"Naive" is a quality
"Jealous" is a quality
"Childish" is a quality

>when she's on screen she must do something but all she did just wasn't impressive or unexpected of her

Then the problem is not her doing something, it's just you who doesn't like her either way.

>This shit again

Stop being overly defensive of Emilia, and stop trying to undermine her too much. You're doing this shit almost every thread.

>Subaru is the only one who has done anything in this story.

the first part of your post is correct but this conclusion is wrong, just because Subaru has influence doesn't mean he did everything in the story, he IS an important character.
Wilhelm is one of the most helpful characters in the Arc 3 but he isn't is anyone central for the plot that makes him irreplaceable.

That's ironic considering that if someone says anything about Rem people starts defending her right away and no one complains about that.

>Saved Subaru from being killed by Rem who developed once again distrust for him.
By simply saying "He is a good guy" to Rem who wasn't even fond of Emilia at that time?

Certainly Emilia's words did make some impacts on Rem, but I think you are giving Emilia too much credit here user.

Friendly reminder that Summaryanon is based as fuck and best girl.

>That's ironic considering that if someone says anything about Rem people starts defending her right away and no one complains about that.

Again stop it. I like all the characters so stop acting like you're being hunted down for your tastes.

I can't do shit about what other people think of a certain character, but you need to stop taking it so seriously. Especially when you keep repeating yourself every single time, there's no point.

I'm not saying that you don't like a certain character, I'm just saying that if you're seriously worried about that then it's misdirected since those type of discussions happens for ages and if anyone doesn't like it people complains about metaposting.

True, but it's basically the exact same discussion each time. If we have new material to talk about, then sure, but otherwise we're just repeating the same exact thing, from what i figure are the same anons.

Funnily enough (or maybe not actually), I found out earlier today that my LN comparison doc got posted on reddit and got over a hundred replies. I checked it out of curiosity and 80% of the thread was 3-4 people having literally the same arguments about whether Emilia was a good character or whether she did anything.

At first I thought it was pretty funny, until I realized that at least some of them were probably the same people that constantly post here too. Like, not that I particularly care, but do you all seriously have nothing better to do than repeat this everywhere?

There is something off, Puck says that he only met Emilia after the forest was frozen but the dialogue from her memories he says that he was searching for her or something like that.

What if he was given a purpose to help her, but never actually knew her?

Or maybe he's saying that to not spill the beans for Subaru. He has no reason to say he meet her prior, or maybe he doesn't remember.

I guarantee this is the cutest thing you will see today.

Well, I was thinking that Puck was someone from 400 years ago who lived until 100 years ago and for some reason Echidna influenced him in some way, and that he was reborn as a great spirit.
Then if he knew Emilia, he then knew her true origin , but I thought his memories was hidden or erased after his reborn, also there is him saying that Emilia is the reason of his life, he never explained why.


Miracle of the Universe


You don't seriously expect him to go into full detail about it at this point of the story right?

Also what you said can still be speculation. And maybe the reason why he feels she's the reason for his existence, is because that's what he remembers, but otherwise he doesn't have full memories.

If the EX novel is ever animated, I will get hundreds of new Ferri pics. HUNDREDS. Maybe even thousands.

I am one of the guys who were "active" in that thread. Funnily enough, I don't usually talk about or mention Emilia unless someone starts it first. Mostly, I'm interested in the relationships between characters and how they affect the story as a whole.
I do agree that discussions about Emilia have been very stale at this point, so there really is no point in criticizing her character over and over again.

The past chapters made me question my feelings for Emilia.
I'm not sure if a 14 years old in a 18 years old looking body is my type....
She's precious, but still...

Wasn't it implied she aged normally inside of the ice? Or close enough?

So she's is in fact 114 years old i think.

Her mind never matured in the ice so she's 14 mentally, though her body is 114 or something.

Meant for

Holy fucking shit this chapter.

I can't figure out whose the biggest madman here, the characters, the author or based translator-user

She's 114 but her body has the aspect of a 18 years old due to the long lifespan of the elves/half elves

Does Subaru still has his tracksuit in arc 6?

it got damaged beyond repair somewhere in arc 5 so they tried to recreate it as much accurately as they could with their current tech

Doesn't it get fucked in arc 4?

Just covering for you bro

I just read the Subarem AU and I could literally not stop getting boners from all the lovey dovey atmosphere between the two.

Tappei literally gave me a new fetish.

new chapter will be released next month probably

I really want to see it as a "Bad End" to give hope for a happy Arc 6's ending.

I just can't.

the Rem What If is just another reason to ship these two, they are just so good together


Tappei should do literotica

How will Satella get unsealed?

Most likely a "Series of events that were all predicted or in some way pre determined in the past, and it all leads up to her getting unsealed"