Let's face it, Garden of Words has been his best (and quite possibly only good) film to date.
Let's face it, Garden of Words has been his best (and quite possibly only good) film to date
You've never watched Akira and Perfect Blue, haven't you?!
>has been *his* best
Still prefer 5cm/s
My bad. I've only watched Garden of Words from him, but I've heard nice things about Kimi no na wa.
5cm is so burned into my memory that I can't objectively decide which one is better. I loved Garden of Words but I can't decide between these two. They're in the same tier for sure though.
Kimi no Na Wa had potential to be just as good as those two works but it ran out of gas near the end, for me at least. However, it's probably his best work 5cm and GoW aside.
>I can't objectively decide which is better
Please fuck off
I'm sorry that I'm aware of my own bias.
I feel sorry for those that aren't though.
No I mean stop fucking confusing objectivity for subjectivity. There is never room for interpretation with objectivity. Triangles will always have 3 fucking sides; this is an objective concept. You're confusing your own logic.
Sperging out about 'tivities is way gayer than talking about them. Set your autism aside and think about what he's actually saying.
Shinkai's best and only watchable film is She and Her Cat.
>objectively decide
This meme again