Kinema Junpo listed "In This Corner of the World" as the best Japanese film of 2016, the first time an anime was number one since My Neighbor Totoro. Anno's Shin Godzilla was 2nd.
Kinema Junpo listed "In This Corner of the World" as the best Japanese film of 2016...
Yes I am the only one who makes threads related to this movie btw
Shinkai and Kyoanu BTFO'd
>Anno's Shin Godzilla was 2nd.
then the list must be bad
>still no subs
when will they release the Blu Rays?
>Anno's Shin Godzilla was 2nd
i thought people said it was bad?
Any Sup Forumsfags know if this is good? I vaguely remember liking Wild Berries by this director
What, plebs that don't watch films, and haven't seen any of the old godzilla films?
Don't get your opinions on movies from Sup Forums.
Anno blown the fuck out.
Sunao Katabuchi won best director award and Anno Hideaki won best screenplay.
He deserved best director for Arete Hime and Mai Mai Miracle.
Did not know he made Black Lagoon though; might actually have to watch that
Yes, it should be first
I'm so fucking hyped to watch the movie in two weeks.
>muh plebs
So tell me, what was so good about it?
The acting was bad and writing completely dry, is the only value nostalgia?
Your name fags on watch list.
It was really popular over there, and was well received here too, unless I'm mistaken. I thought it was great.
Not sure he deserved anything for Mai Mai Miracle, that was a disappointment and a half. Arete was great though. Black Lagoon is the skippable black sheep of the bunch.
Did they keep the marital sex scene?
how can I see it
Who said that? Shin Godzilla owned.
It might have a western release sometime this year. I know they're sending Katabuchi overseas to certain showings, so presumably international distribution is something they're aiming for.
>First this
>And now YOI
MAPPA finally succeeding, eh?
Your Name a shit though. If it was on the list then it'll be confirmed about their shit taste.
2016 is their year
Oh hey it got a Crunchyroll article:
If only we could get an OVA or something for Nagai Michi.
I'm happy for them, they had a lot of false starts.
Yeah, wake me up when BDs are out.
>you will never suck on Suzu's toes
>All that Koe no Katachi praising
>Koe no Katachi gets mediocre sales
>Yamada gets no awards
Sakugafags and KyoAnuslickerfags are the most insufferable cancer of the anime fandom.
Japs are total suckers for movies about muh bombings so it might not really be good
Your name is hated by the whole industry anyway (well, maybe except TOHO since it pumps money).
>Koe no Katachi will win awards
>gets cucked by Your Name in the Oscar Award considerations
>gets cucked by Kono Sekai no Katasumi Ni in Japan as well
>Yamada forever just high hat circle jerking material
This actually speaks to Yamada's talent as a director. Nothing but an overrated hipster trash.