Hand shakers


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has it even come out? It's not on nyaa

Will watch the first episode and then judge it.

>GoHands filter

Subs when?

Fingers crossed for murderbowl.

More like dick shakers

I've been waiting -3hours for subs! This is ridiculous! Fansubbing is dead!

Will watch for suit Christmas-cake loli and the /ss/ pair.


Gohands really love their cityscape/eyecancer combo eh?

Maybe the plot will be bad, but it's basically K with lolis. I'll be watching it for cute lolis and stunning visuals with cool action.

Is it CG or what?

It's a mix, but mostly 2D drawn.

Jesus fuck I actually don't know if I can take this eye cancer for twelve episodes.

>That visual vomit
>Stunning visuals

Well in a manner of speaking, it' is indeed stunning.

My shitty caps honestly doesn't do it any justice.


It hurts my eyes a little, but nice colors. 3 episode treatment it is.

That CG looks pretty bad.

Her weapon looks awesome.

See . Based on PV, the only CG is the idol dance steps.

>K without omnipandering

This is gonna flop.

Is this going to be like one of those "LN adaptations" without the LN?

hard to say without the show not being out yet

K didn't have omnipandering. But this is close to omnipandering.

Are they trying to beat KyoAni in filter usage?


Why do all the designs look like really overdone knock-offs drawn by chinks?


GoHands have been the kings of filters for some time now.

Why does GoHands keep doing the same shit over and over again? Shit the animation doesn't even look as good as K.


Why is fatty paired up with such a qt?

At least it has more shotas than K. It will be worth for that.

It had naked girls and panty shots for the boys and lots of homobait for the girls.

The are using the K designs but they have gone full moe

Which looks bad

>these designs

Is this how a kitsch animu looks like?

This slut's outfit is like something I'd expect to find in a mid to late 2000s Hot Topic.

Are we in 2006?


It's like they're putting actual effort in making this looks as ugly as they can.

Would rather shake my hand to a picture of Taneda than watching this without her

>shake my hand
You mean shake your penis?

No, user. That's gross.

It's starting.

which stream?


Pure tastless chuuni

My eyes are legitimately bleeding. K was ok but who the fuck thought this was even tolerable for viewing?


Who is this prostitute?

The feeling of this show is not right.
Not sure how to explain, but really not right.

Why does the color and character designs look so weird.

Jesus is this really the thread? Dead.

Fuck you. I love 00s slut outfit


>those god awful edgy designs from 2000 for 12 years old
>LN chuu2 swords


Doesnt look bad at all

Is that all the furniture goHands can afford in their HQ?


Looks like really cheap 3D.

Am I watching a god damn Mid-2000 PC game?



What the fuck is going on it looks so weird.

I hate the hair shading.

Forget the visuals, is the plot any worth?

>Flop Shakers



I think it's the blue outlines.

>this everything
random LN plot

It's apparently a pokemon with slaves.





This is cold steel level of edge



I thought Sup Forums liked experimental anime?


real darkness

at least translate weeb


Sometimes experiments fail.


AOTY right here

High school 3D backgrounds and shitty color filters aren't exactly experimental.

This isn't an experiment.

Hopefully this won't flop so hard, i want more SYD ovas.

You have to have controlled variable user. We learn nothing from """experiments""" like Kaiba because there is no basis to compare them to.

Sakuga kino.


so this is the power of CG.. not bad