Why does Japan sexualize middle schoolers?

Why does Japan sexualize middle schoolers?

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Because some people think elementary school girls are too young

what the fuck is wrong with those faggots?


all the rape is in your head

We call those "faggots".
JC can be pretty sexy too though.

Because rest of the World has no balls to do it.

Everyone wants to fuck a middle schooler whether they know it or not.

There's nothing sexual about a magical girl in a swimsuit.

What about mahou shoujo without swimsuits?

How can you not sexualize middle schoolers

Damn it user, you've made me want to commit a crime.

pls don't lewd JC, they are at a fragile point in life.

Earth Star is not all of Japan.

Long time ago my father wanted to do some stuff with a computer so I lent him mine. I don't know why, but a sexy pic of Chie appeared on the folder he created, called me and asked who was that cute little japanese girl, and If I wanted to delete the pic, I was like Hum...no, keep it. It was pretty embarrasing.

Why doesn't the west?

Wait, did they finally get more chapters translated?

Perfect balance of child and adult body.

because they're hot

Please refrain from sexualizing the Ooyasan.


Middle schooler.

Normal middle schooler girls behavior.

Doing the lewdest thing possible with a JC!

I found the boy cuter than Mizuki. Maybe because he's in middle school, there's some effeminately left.

Because middle school is the sexiest period.

Budding stage.

I like how they always emphasize that she's a JC. They know that really gets the boners going.


Middle school boys are still middle schoolers.
Middle schoolers with small developing pubic hair.


Chie thread?

I wish I literally looked like cocona

I'd rather look like Aoi. Then maybe I could attract a Hinata.

This. it's a perfect age

Isn't Mikan still a JS? She still has a randoseru.

middle school girls are technically able to have a baby so....not saying its right...but nature says its ok...

If I'm not mistaken, she is JC in TLR Darkness. Not sure though

So nice.

Real japan middle school girl.

I'm somehow underwhelmed.

Kill yourself

This is in differentiable from a Japanese adult.

>not a randoseru

Samba themed anime when?

Trump will nuke Japan for us.

13 is pedo
14 is prime

That girl was JS1. A far way from JC.

Japanese 13 years old girl.


Because people like you eat that shit up.

>Be in Japan with a friend
>We're walking inside a store and i tell my friend "man girls here are really cute"
>He asks me for an example
>I answer "that girl that just passed us right now"
>"Dude that girl is like 14"
>Think my friend is crazy and say "nah no way"
>Turn around and look at her again
>Oh god what have i become

Does /jp/ allow junior idols or is it banned there?

well according to the DSM-IV..

only 13 yos and under are considered to be pedophilia

for the sake of all men in japan.. girls who are older IS SAFE

>tfw we will never have magazines and DVDs that solely focus on JCs like Japan.


Otaku = garbage

JC prostitutes are the best.

It's banned now because mods are fags who don't care that it's neither illegal nor against the rules.

Except that Americans do? They have a lot of magazines featuring middleschool girls in cute poses supposedly fashion magazines aimed at middleschoolers but blatantly for older men sexually attracted to them.

I need the sauce on that

Lies. Google told me she was 22.Old hag!

@Emmy by Yukiu Con

Some examples?

And it's nothing like actual U-15 videos in Japan where girls undress before you into their underwear and then play with water to get the clothes to cling to their bodies and then with closeups on their crotches and butts.

Why aren't you sexualizing them right now?




Middle schooler.

>Elementaryschool loli boss
>Middle school girls everywhere
Why did this show not go so well.

They couldn't handle the awesomeness of Haruka.

It's your imagination, mom. Don't be so perverted. It's just normal kids in bathing suits.

I wish they wouldn't. I'm really tired of gaslighting people who point this out to me when I tell them I like anime.

3d girls are gross

>telling others you like anime

Don't ever do that


Are you still a lolicon if you like JCs?

No there's some other greek word for it

I'm like the tortoise. I try to get there before the hare.


why did your dad think she was Japanese?

I don't care about the Greeks. Do the Japanese still consider you a lolicon if you like JCs?

Hebephile and Ephebophile.

my dick says it's okay

Japs think all otaku are pedophiles with no exceptions.

Yes but who gives a shit.

I never noticed that crotch service in Madoka. maybe that's what Flip Flaps was referring to with their prolonged vulva gazing.

I want to touch it!
