I'm glad we all agree that Demi-chan is AOTS
I'm glad we all agree that Demi-chan is AOTS
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until maidragon
It has potential but one episode matey...
Tons of shows haven't even aired yet and people are already shitposting about AOTS
It's unwatchable
I'm only sticking with it for the sucubus
I'm reading the manga and it's nothing special. Anime looks worse
How can a shitty harem be AOTS?
If more than one girl fawns over a male character, then it is automatically trash. Ruins the girls.
Wow thanks IRC
But it's harem. And it's A-1.
If the age gap is big enough it can be okay. Harems are only terrible if the MC is high school age or younger
I'm going to watch it because I liked the manga.
I don't know about that one it's not really that amazing but it is nice to watch.
Manga is really bad. I'm actually impressed how the first episode was like ten times better than the first two chapters. Yet I doubt they can improve it enough to make it AOTS.
>all the doujins are about the Succusbus
someone needs to fix this
Leave this series alone, IRC.
AOTS is Seiren.
But Demi is a solid 2nd place. Shared with Gabriel.
>AOTS is Seiren.
>A-1 face
2 girls liking one guy does not make a harem. Only dullahan and succy-sensei like Ironman. Vamp is for cute bants and yuki-onna couldn't give 2 shits. If that changes then it becomes a harem, but right now you can't call it one.
>AOTS is Seiren
There's a containment thread just for the likes of you.
Every thread is a containment thread.
>reaction image posting
It's always nice when an anime brings in kids from reddit.
Oh wait. It's fucking not.
Vamp doesn't have a crush on MC? Fuck. Might as well drop this show then
>Stop posting images on an imageboard!
Silly user, it's LWA
Vampire is a whore and is likely hungry for Sensei.
MC is too busy scheming with her twin on how to save her from being future NEET who failed to enter university.
>LWA leddit kiddies proving they are the KlK cancer of our time
Trigger Niggers ladies and gentlemen.
I think she does, a little. Just not nearly as much as Dullahan and Succu-sei. But it's not worth dropping over.
Oh the ironing.
KlK is still our time you fucking newfag
Even if she doesn't have a crush on him, she's still the cutest thing about this show, which is impressive considering the other girls in this.
Don't count her out yet, she strikes me as the same type as the pink bitch from toradora that keeps NTRing herself
Does Succey appear in the ova?
I want Takanashi to lovingly suck my blood.
Funny, I initially thought the bumps in her hair were covering cat ears.
Ultra plot twist?
same actually
even though i hate the "bun" hairdo, they look super cute
Let's be honest. The main reason we find vampire-chan cute is because of her voice. Next is her personality, and finally her appearance.
What does Japan think of this show?
Let's be honest. The main reason we find vampire-chan cute is because everything about is fucking adorable.
that fucking cloak flap, FUCK
>tfw we finally have a good season
This is the first season in a long while where I've had this much to watch
>not konosuba like last time
>hates bun
What a fucking faggot.
long straight hair is the patrician taste
maybe i hate them because i havent seen any good examples, 2D or 3D
>A-1 Pictures
no thanks
>all studios have the same staff working on all of their shows
>shitty taste
n-no thanksies
Gate director
Elfen Lied writer
It's going to be shit
They should be fine as long as they stick as close to the source material as possible.
>>all studios have the same staff working on all of their shows
In recent News: Japan's Keyframe Animator died. Anime production ground to a halt.
Like that's going to be good.
Absolutely saved
Filled to the brim condoms would have been a good option to fuck with some people, just saying.
>look up demi-chan on panda
>All of it of succu-sensei
>All of it is her being violated
She just can't catch a break, can she?
Well, there's one where Succy goes outside to masturbate. No dudes involved.
I can't tell since I can't read moon, but it looked like she was doing it because she was compelled to and not because she wanted to.
demi-chan looks great, but will probably btfo by LWA and Konosuba 2
>Jumbo sensei
I like it.
>there are actually people who think Hikari isn't GOTS
It's ok. But I think Gabriel is better. And Meido Dragon will probably be better as well.
Good joke.
>Being on Sup Forums
>Hating on reacion faces
Pick one.
You don't have to be MC's romantic partner to be the best. She has a great personality and I'm sticking around for just that.
If anything, her having a crush on MC is more likely to just make them both less interesting.
best girl
>using mechanical pencil girl to shitpost
I want to prove to Succu-sensei that my love for her is pure!
I think her dyke hair is actually practical, maybe she keeps it short because it might be harder to manage longer hair when your head is permanently detached from your body, unlike Lala from monmusu who can kinda keep her head on her body
At first I didn't like the haircut but thinking about it how it would be a pain to deal with I will let it slide. Although she could still brush her hair down to make her look more girlish even if it is short.
That is actually the in-universe reasoning.
it's clearly a fucking harem. the girls all adore sensei.
you can't seriously be this fucking stupid. is this another "Bakemonogatari isn't a harem"?
But they don't all adore him romantically you autistic moron
>Genres: Mystery, Supernatural, Romance, Vampire
>Harem not listed
Why is this succubus being such a prude?
She doesn't even want to shake hands.
>girls all enjoy a guy
>they must want his dick
because any skin to skin contact causes men to cum in their pants, which is pretty awkward
Why doesn't she just wear gloves?
yurishitters can go die
Homosexuals go home
>people of the opposite sex can't interact without it being sexual
I'm sorry you've never talked to a girl, user.
Why are you posting the wrong character?
>Posted from my iPhone
that would probably give them raging erections, which is still awkward
Friendly reminder that there's no such thing as lesbianism, only adolescence.
im straight as an arrow, fuck off yurishitter
I honestly can't tell if she is desperate or just super awkward.