Little Witch Academia

>Little Witch Academia
>Space Patrol Luluco
>Kill la Kill
>Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
TRIGGER saves Anime over and over, yet you don't apologize. Tsk.

Other urls found in this thread:

>alright but short
>flat-out bad

I don't see why I should

Man, will Triggershills ever stop?

I never understood the Trigger saving anime meme, most of their shows flop and they're not exactly doing anything transcendental. Is all of this ironic?

because your tastes are shit

>Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

I want to strangle a triggerdrone everytime i see this

Are you autistic? Do you not realize that the two share a lot of staff including Imaishi?

I bet you don't consider PSG Trigger either.

The founders of TRIGGER worked on it too. Saying hurr durr it was under a different name, it meaningless. Afterall a author using different publishers, doesn't suddenly devalue his previous work.

sasuga Sup Forums


If the same show were made by trigger the outcome would have been completely different

Stop using Gainax's show to praise Trigger, you dumbfucks

>If the same show were made by trigger the outcome would have been completely different

For all intents and purposes it's Trigger

Bland baiting.

No it isnt

Nice meme

>>If the same show were made by trigger the outcome would have been completely different
>if Imashit would write/draw with Gainax on the title instead of Trigger the script would be different!!
Yeah no. You do realise that Imashi and the other faggot werent the only ones at TRIGGER when they made it? A lot of staff from TTGL also went there. With the same budget the difference would be minimal.


>A lot of staff from TTGL also went there
Proof or fuck off

Trigger would shit the bed if they tried to make a show like TTGL

PSG is now Trigger, it's all a huge multiverse according to Imaishi.

Gurren Lagann and Kill la Kill are both LOL REFERENCE the anime.

Only good thing so far is LWA.

>Proof or fuck off
>implying two people can work as a studio

IRC is going all-out today.

Bait stale matie.

Two guys and a bunch of different people

TTGL is Gainax's show
Go make a LWA or KlK thread or whatever dickwad

Stop trying to change the goalpost. You're the one saying that TRIGGER wouldn't consist of many ex-gainax member, although it's confirmed since ages. Who do you think are Hiroyuki Imaishi and Kazuki Nakashima? Who made Trigger with Imashi?

Also, here you go. Now kill yourself.

>TV series released prior to the creation of the studio Trigger and produced in the studio Gainax
>produced in the studio Gainax

Gainax's show
Eat shit

sure the line up seems decent when you cut out all the absolute shit, and 2 of the anime you listed are hit or miss, LWA is just barely average. TTGG is special, but that's really all they have.

The discussion was if the staff was roughly the same or not and you got blown the fuck out, manchild.

Only the director
You cant prove if the animators and such are the same

Cry some more triggertard

1/4, so no.

>Only the director
I didn't know you were baiting autismo.

>only great is not ever a Trigger show


It would tolerable if it was, but Triggerniggers are serious

My god, you are beyond autism.

What did you expect from degenerate who use "triggertard" and "triggerdrone"? He's studio warrior after all

>Triggerdrone calling someone else a studio warrior

Now ive seen it all

Kill la Kill and TTGL had the same exact production staff except for the music.


In all fairness, Trigger probably has the best ratio of good to bad shows.


How involved was Trigger staff with FLCL? I'm really afraid that Gainax doesn't have the people who do FLCL's style anymore.

Why all the hate for KlK ?
Is it merely because it's popular among normalfags ?
It's not exceptionally good but I think it's still a very nice show. It's too long and lacks substance but it does have good action at times and the Mako episodes are gold.
I also remember it was the only show I was following religioulsy in winter 2014.

This guy is either retarded or falseflagging, Trigger does use a lot of staff from Gainax, but that doesn't make TTGL a Gainax show.
They're two different companies, even if a lot of the creative staff is common to both. Is it that hard to understand ?

gainax sure hates trigger

>This guy is either retarded or falseflagging, Trigger does use a lot of staff from Gainax, but that doesn't make TTGL a Gainax show.
>literally missing the entire point of the discussion that lead to those posts

>Is it merely because it's popular among normalfags ?
Yes, kids can't feel special when enemy subculture likes things you like

I'm not sure what you're implying.
I was calling a retard or falseflagger the guy that these posts were quoting, because he said TTGL and KlK have nothing in comon aside from Imaishi. But I still agree with him that calling TTGL a Trigger show is stupid.

But only LWA is something what could save anime, KLK and TTGL is what ruins it, Luluco is just ok.

>good OVA that was WAY over funded
>hot trash
>hot trash
>not thiers
Apologise to me for making this thread.

You cannot talk to trigger niggers. They cannot undestand that companies work differently and even the people within them. They also cannot understand that Imashi isn't the be all and end all.

"saving anime" doesn't refer to pouring cash into the industry, it refers to creating quality entertainment. Now whether you agree that these shows are quality or not is whole different topic

>style over substance but managed to be good
>terrible but looked good
>bad, normalfag tier
>ok, but style over substance as always

Triggerfags delusional as always.

>They cannot undestand that companies work differently and even the people within them.
>Nakashima writes faster at Gainax!!
I'm dying

I also prefer my anime to be dark and edgy like my soul. Cartoons overall should be realistic and show everyday events.


you really think that working at trigger is the same as working at gainax? you're an idiot. that's like saying living life like a parasite is the same as living life like you. a parasite at least pays its taxes.

You're just proving his point.

ImaizImaishi directed and storyboarded episode 5, Yoshinari Sushio and others were key animators, the series director Tsurumaki collaborated on KLK and LWA, the only missing key member is Enokido.

Real substance.

Kiznaiver is good.

>you really think that working at trigger is the same as working at gainax?
You haven't posted a single source proving that a script writer working anywhere would have to adjust his work speed/way of work in anyway.

Doesn't matter if it's gainax or Trigger. If someone wants a script in X days, he has to deliver by then. That's it. Nothing indicates that it would be a different struggle either way.


>this level of autism
If nothing else, while studiofags are complete fucking idiots at least they are contained for the most part

Good job at proving that you were talking bullshit as expected.

you're a fucking retard. can you write a script in X days if you also have X other things to work on? i've never seen tunnel vision this bad before in my life holy shit.

>can you write a script in X days if you also have X other things to work on?
What does that have to do with working at Gainax or Trigger, you retard?

>work environment isn't a thing
>tries to suggest they could have made project x the same work no matter the shift in workload

how to spot a NEET


>discuss if the script would be the same if he worked at either studio
Retarded strawman argument.

What don't you understand in "different companies"?
They have different work environments, different offices, different non-creative staff, different reputation, different assets, probably different management policies.

If you can't understand this then stop talking about studio and just talk about creators. In other words, make an Imaishi thread and not a Trigger thread.

I hate Read sub on a TRIGGER animu

>They have different work environments, different offices, different non-creative staff, different reputation, different assets, probably different management policies.
So if I publish a book, it must be a completely different thing depending on the publisher I choose to work with? How autistic.

An anime isn't a one-man work, retard. A studio can't be compared to a publishing company.

>he thinks working at a studio that is blatantly different in every way possible, both in scale and requirements, is a strawman

lol why are you even mad? you should be able to compose yourself regardless of environment assuming your logic is right.

You just can't talk to them. They've made up their mind. This is the fate of people who bite down too hard on stuidos, especially studios that bank on continuity between art and themes to create a branding and gimmick.
All shows are good because all shows are Studio X. Can't you see their patented Y? No one does it better.

How does that matter for the writer as an individual?

Because you think random exterior reasons would be relevant here. Instead of arguing you directly assume
>yeah he probably had more work at gainax/trigger, so it could never be the same
Which is plain stupid.

Why do you even argue about this?
TTGL is just an inferior Kill la Kill anyway.

>exterior reasons
>The fucking arrangement for which they were able to make TTGL
>the various factors which motivated/inhibited their creativity/productivity
>lol it would be the same at Trigger there's no difference

do you even hear yourself? how stupid are you?

>the same person doing the same thing would not be motivated to do it, because I say so

When Inferno Cop was airing, someone made this.

Then, when KLK was announced, shitposters started hyping it with: "anime will be saved".

Don't think you've won the argument because you made the last post, it's just that people are tired to argue with you since you're too dense.

No, you just don't have a good argument.

>Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
>I-it's the same staff so it counts
Fuck off faggot

I rather trust the studio than some weeb.

I don't see the problem here.

It's a fan-made website, not an official one.

This desu senpai.
Not my favourite thing ever but a rather solid show.

First two are good, the last two are bad. TTGL is enjoyable if you're like 14 or if you're retarded. KLK is just irredeemable horseshit

I liked it.
It didn't deserve the hate it got here.
Also the OP was top tier and the character designs were fun and the tone comfy.

It was a solid 5.5/10

Little Witch Academia is their first good show though

And TTGL was Gainax


Trigger is a portion of Gainax staff not working on NGE or Annos other projects famalama

Still not Trigger.

It's shit

LWA is their best show

You misspelled Inferno Cop. They've never made a bad show, unless you are an elitist snob

So if I go and change my name I stop existing?

Inferno cop is ok as a shitpost

But KLK was disgustingly bad and everything since has been mediocre until LWA which has been amazing

Not an elitist, but all their shows have ranged from bad to mediocre until LWA

>Implying any of these were good
Inou Battle was their best show and it was a fucking harem. Try to deny it. Pro tip: You can't.

KLK is a masterpiece, LWA had a 10/10 first OVA, a mediocre second one and a good first episode, but certainly not as amazing as the first episode of KLK.

>forgetting Trigger's best show

KLK is not a masterpiece at all.

I'm willing to bet you were 14 when it came out and it was your first big show with Sup Forums

So do people hate the studio, their shows, or their fans? Trigger's fanbase are definitely insufferable but the studio seems like a nice place to work and the shows are just fun with little to no heavy substance.