Skilled Teaser Takagi san

>those last 2 pages

It's that lovely time of the month. Patiently waiting for translations.

Oh my, are you saying you don't like to be teased user?

>nip raws
Thank God.
I've never visited takagi threads before so that's nice to see.
The chinks literally call it "raw meat" holy shit.

>the final goal marker is actually キス
I can see it but that seriously sounds like some BS takagi just cooked up.
>Takagi was quarreling with her mother
Sh...she's going to be fine, r...right?


From the images it seems to be something like Takagi San feeling a little down, and ignoring him on that day, he can't help but feel bad about it, and does something to cheer her up.

I can kinda help.
>What will you do if we find a porn magazine at the goal?

So Nishikata really loves to be teased.

Soon, very soon

I'm still waiting. Patience is slowly running out.

They end up together but are the chapters out of order chronologically for the most part of the series?

Even my nip is enough man. Take out a dictionary and go on reading. May the moon be with you!

Was chapter 43 not translated yet?


Is it a crime to tease her belly?

>Takagi blushing in 2nd chapter


Takagi had a fight with her mom and wants nishikata to stay with her longer when he tries to leave.

Waiting for husbando



Her mom didn't like her slut ways? Kids these days.

every face she makes is delicious
she's going to edge him for hours when they enter high school

Posting mini-tease that got translated the other day.


i'm surprised chinaman website has legible raws


Translation's up on the other thread by the way