We just get nuked? WTF!

You ever see a forest fire like this?

>Cali is on fire
I don't even care. I hope that damn bursts too


LOL. luv u user ;)

heres more carnage then

yes you bloody poofta

> central coast fags
> not even 100,000 acres
Yawn. Call back when you're ash.

This happens once a month in Cali it's nothing

lasers again?


Looks pretty normal. Burns like that here all the time.

Cali are retarded unprepared drama queens.

maybe libtards will finally stop voting democrat now that they are seeing who rules over them?

california typically lights on fire quite often but this one seems to be moving incredibly fast. they might lose a few cities.

takes a lot of commie corpses but shit lol

I've actually seen worse user. Retired MoF firefighter. I have sat with a buddy on the side of a mountain, drinking vodka and watching a fire 30 miles long, 200 feet high travelling through a valley at 60 mph. we had just finished a fireline duty of 6 - 14hr days, and had one day off to relax, in the bush.
I'll tell you this, once they get going, nothing on earth can stop them.

We can only hope.

Properly trained minorities could stop them.

I live in the bay. Burn it all.

>nothing on earth can stop them
>its fucking fire


thx for noticing

Tree's burning from the inside?

check this one

In all my years working in forestry i only once had to work with a nigger. He lasted three days. He last words to me, "A bear gonna get you."

Fucking cowards, scared of their own shadow.


lightning strike could do that.... maybe

Tree is burning from the inside
Trees burning from the inside
two different meanings, user

Is this fire close to anything important?

Googled some lightning struck trees, I think you are right user


Sick of this meme.
If you were nuked then the thermal flash would have set you on fire before the shockwave blew you and your house into a thousand pieces.
This is just typical cali fag fires.

Fire is comfy. Embrace the fire.

Its refered to as a "cat's face". Rotten tree, bark intact, sap burns out the hollow, probably the bark is a fire resistant type (ie doug fir).

Very dangerous, could fall even in a slight wind. Its not the fire you need to worry about, its the wind. When your walking through a fire, you always keep a feel for the wind picking up. When the wind picks up, shit falls. At night its extremely dangerous to be out in the fire, cause you cant see around you what could fall and avoid the area.

I'll tell you something else about being in a forest fire, the noise is incredible, its like being inside a jet engine .... its deafening, the rush of the wind, the roar of fire and your always on alert to that sound (crackling) of a tree beginning to fall.

The other thing abut a cats face is that they are very dangerous to fall. Obviously that tree is on fire, but also you cant tell what physical properties whatever matter is left has, and so you cannot directionally fall it. The best way to fell that tree is to find another tree near it still intact enough to directionally fall, and lay the good tree into the bad tree, and bring them both down.

ok fair enough
I will amend my statement. No man can stop it, nature created it, and only nature (rain/cold) can stop it.

I have seen enough to know that you can only put it out if you are very quick to it and contain it very quickly. Once a forest fire gets going, men are all but useless to stop it. I've seen millions of dollars poured into them, men, machinery, heavy equipment, once the fire get s big enough, it cant be stopped. only natural barriers will work (cliffs, and rivers).

>When the hills of Los Angeles is burning~

Man Kate is PISSED.

holy SHIT, user. great webm

kek it's nightmare vision
>everything looks the same

I'm scared anons I'm in ventura and the flames are getting closer holy fuck!!!

Better version you amateur


yes user. We have fires all the time.


gods revenge for steinle

every year, only now Trudeau tried to import lazy niggers to handle it that do fuck all

>Hating on Ventura
Bad dog. Sit, stay, play dead.

thanks for the insight

God's revenge for Steinle would be San Francisco having a fire, large scale earthquake, tsunami, and nuke all at the same time. LA, the surrounding areas, and especially Ventura have nothing to do with this.

Because remember, Steinle's murder was in San Francisco. The trial was in San Francisco. The final verdict was decided by S A N F R A N C I S C O.

LOL. the fake out is SO good here.

nice work

that's so fucking cool


what is this shit? more deliberate sabotage as an excuse to transfer Mexicans to red voting states?

Yeah, in Fort Mac like 2 years ago. Learn from our mistakes, don't import South Africans to "help" fight the fires.

Prepare for ritual sacrifice due to the super moon

oh sweetie, a nuke wouldn't just have caused a forest fire.

Califag here. I did here a loud boom a hell of a ways off sometime around when this shit started sooooooo maybe? I think that'd be the kind of thing that we'd know about though considering america would be putting boots on the ground if not firing nukes back.

We couldn't be lucky enough to see califaggia get nuked

>highway to hell

>forest fire
>during winter
I guess the Hellfornia never freezes

>Implying it won't be the Trump administration that nukes Cali

If only if only the woodpecker sighs.

>forest fire
>during winter

We never get them here , too fucking wet

is that california?

Owner of a geiger counter here, no.

Ms-13 stayed this shit

I'm in California. The Santa Ana winds are fucking raging right now (80mph in some places) so this fire is basically unstoppable.

Localfag here, they requested air drops at sunrise, which is about 3 hours 3 hours from now

Same. Santa Clara here.