I want to sleep with this girl

I want to sleep with this girl

I just want to have sex with her.

i just want to be her.

Kumin is better

But you wont.

i want to

Bad dog!

dat fuckin giganticus hairclip

Not with that attitude, at least.

The solution to all your wishes is the secret art of T U L P A !
Want to bone her? Takes a while to get the skin hallucinations right, but it is possible, with T U L P A !
Want to be her, even if in mind only? Takes a very long while to get to possession, but it is possible with T U L P A !
T U L P A ! At the low cost of your sanity!

Tulpa is a myth.

I got bad news for you

This. It'd be way more fun than just sticking my dick in her.

I want to take it in the ass (preferable 2 at the same time) as Nibutani.


Dekomori pls

You guys are mistaken here, I just want to sleep with her not have sex or anything.


I want to be her and have sex with Sup Forumsnon.

What does user mean by sleeping with this girl?

I am Shinka and I want to have sex with myself.

How good are her blowjobs?
How good is her paizuri?

Dekomori, stop posting on Sup Forums


If you're sleeping with her, you might as well try to have sex with her as well.

But I want to just listen to her complaining about her day as she falls asleep next to me.

o yeah?
do you have one famalan?

I want to sleep with this girl.

So just sleep next to her and no funny stuff? She'll dig her elbows in your face.

I'm gonna tell Kanye and he's gonna beat you up you fucking perv

What the fuck is wrong with you faggot

I can't help it, I want to feel her warmth and softness.

>She'll dig her elbows in your face.
What does this mean?

she has no sexual experience user

i want to cum on shinka's butt


Got anything to back that up?

user is right, I think she knows about blowjobs and paizuri through research or some shit but she has never actually done it.

Don't stick your dick in crazy, user.


and she is not crazy by the way, just a little bit eccentric.

Unlike Rikka, it would be really hard to get her to bed.

>try to take shinka by force
>she overpowers you

This should be an acceptable alternative for most anons that would rather be Shinka than fuck her. It is for me, at least.

>She overpowers you
>you end up in this situation

What do

I would just accept my fate.

Enjoy the pleasure of being pinned down and smothered until I pass out from obeying her and not breathing.

Who is she

Mori Summer

Get a room faggots

>find a ticklish spot
>keep tickling her