Can someone explain this?

Can someone explain this?

Who said right wasn't art?

Normal people would say that.

It is wrong

One is porn and one isn't.

In this day and age everything is art. This post is art. Those trips are art.

From a technical standpoint left is way more impressive though.

There's a tremendous difference in the quality of lighting and shading.

I'd rather lick left's belly.


Painting on the left demonstrates a higher level of understanding of form, lighting and color and has more pleasing framing and composition. They're both art because it's just a category but left is -better-.

Fuck off, cultural marxist. Not everything is art or equal.

Pornography is not art.

Porn can be art though, just because people used to masturbate to greek statues doesn't mean they are suddenly not art.

Left is pure, right is a whore. Very simple stuff really.

>One is porn and one isn't.

>Shading at all important when compared to fundimentals

Why do so man people think this?

It's the other way around OP

Greek statues were not made for the express purpose of self-gratification.

Do you have any real proof of that?

>not art

Fuck off, normies.

I was there, I ought to know as much. We used our catamites to relieve our sexual desire.
