Are Amerindians Aryan?
Are Amerindians Aryan?
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No they are their own race
Alaska Natives
Doubtful. Still, you have to wonder why they were made to go through this after the war. I don't like to speculate but I will say that the evidence is mounting that the Bering Strait land bridge was not the only way humans entered the Americas. If you are interested in some alternative hypotheses, research the Soultrean theory and the work of Thor Hyerdahl
No, they are their own brand of Mongolian
Being Aryan is a meme, nobody is Aryan.
What about Iranians
i often wish I lived either as an Incan in the mountains of peru, or a polynesian in the tropical paradise islands in the pacific.
pic looks so cozy with those zany colors on his hat... for some reason that color scheme strikes me with childhood happiness
No, they are mongoloid. Their fate is to be enslaved by superior races
The world would be a lot simpler if this was true
The nazis thought they were.
To be precise, the Nazis were never able to mount their Tiwanaku expedition to confirm or deny their suspicions.
aryan means noble. NOBLE.
only amerimutt faggots think white = aryan. only we wuz kangs faggots thinks white means aryan.
you got kiked, white boy.... better just accept it and move on. the aryans were crushed by the jews a long time ago because of (((anglos))) being so easy to make into merc armies.
you are now going to live the consequences of being a religious zealot colonist by getting colonised by religious zealots. karma is real. hopefully you realise that before it's too late bc frankly, you're so fucking retarded and don't even realise it. you know NOTHING of what it means to be aryan. all you know how to be is an honorary kike.
Andean Amerindians are very calm and quiet people. They are very hardworking, resilient, hardy people. They love their identity and traditions, and they are very Christian too. And they have good cuisine. Very nice people. The only bad thing about them is that they don't shower a lot, and they drink too much during festivities.
Aryan means noble in Sanskrit. The politically correct designator used today to refer to the Aryan people and Aryan language family is Indo-European. Anything you read that says Indo-European, just imagine the word Aryan in its place pre-1945.
oh lok, one of you retards finally admitted the truth - that you descend from Indians.
pan aryan alliance when?
also: you're going to be meat shields.
if you're truly "aryan" then you'll be happy to die for Dharma.
or you can just take Islamic Sharia, mutt
All linguistic and anthropological evidence points to the Eurasian steppes as being the birth place of the Aryan tribes which invaded India and Europe. Why are you so angry?
I'm not sure about Aryan. I think there is a lot more to the Amerindians than what is publicized. We are not all the same in appearance, etc. I have a lot of SE tribe in me. We look nothing like the natives in other parts of the hemisphere. The NE look different too. I think the lineage varies greatly from region to region. Sometimes even tribe to tribe.
Yeah...I'm an amerimutt
btw OP look what I found lol
Full blooded Cherokee
probably because there's no evidence of anything particularly advanced coming out of Europe and you got crushed by Cuckianity and India didn't and still has better links to the past and knowledge in the modern day in spite of 1400 of muslim raping and kike / (((anglo))) raj yet i still have to deal with white kangs 247 who have no religion, no science, yet want to tell me they are kangs.
that's y
wow what an indigenous qt. no wonder they got so race mixed!
It's funny because I live in Northwestern Argentina where a lot of people have Amerindian blood. And there's a lot of people who love Hitler, and think he's cool as fuck, eventhough they are brown. Since people here are not as politically correct as in the rest of the country, they like to pretend they are Nazis and shit. Fortunately people here have not taken the SJW bullshit, but in Central Argentina where most people is white, they are mostly leftists and cucked. I'm not saying people here is any better, they are not leftists, but they like to vote populist leaders. Maybe that's why Hitler has such a big appeal to them.
ok, you seem a little unhinged. step away from the computer, i noticed you have been posting in many threads. go for a walk outside.
>Full blooded cherokee
Hahaha good one
Also Cherokee
>Hahaha good one
I have my doubts too. She is listed as Miss America from a 100 years back. Have another that seems a little more realistic.
>behind German proxy for work
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