THE MOST underrated characters.

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Sup Forums will deny this

this is why you should use iconic equipment instead relying on multiple items/weapons

She didn't do anything of worth at any point of either Nardo or Burrito.

Girls aren't useful in Naruto.



tell that to tsunada and sackoora

I never got far enough to see Sakura earn her keep. She just cries and is a burden (and admits it).

Does literally nothing for a thousand episodes

> underrated

She's not underrate. She's fucking underused. Literally the only character in Naruto to not have a backstory. Even minor and background characters got backstory, but was Tenten's? Fuck all.

Dio Brando

>tfw no qt disregarded weapon master gf


How can she be underrated when she's literally 10/10


>Master of hand to hand combat and all forms of weaponry
>Nah let's focus on the characters with stupid powers becuase that's easier to right

B-but muh sharingan

You know, if Naruto actually went by the theme it claimed to be spouting (people succeed via hardwork), then she should have been the fucking main character instead.

I dunno about whatever rock you live under, but everyone else loves Stroheim.



Or at least Rock should have been. Naruto's hardwork bullshit is completely undermined when he's got demon powers

I am drunk