how do i quit Sup Forums, this place is based and im revealing my powerlevel too often in the normie world. but its so good being here
I sometimes wish I never took the red pill
Life would be so much easier being a faggoty liberal
Oh there's no going back. What has been seen cannot be unseen, what has been heard cannot be unheard. I wish I had heeded the warnings and left while I still had a chance, I just came here for memes.
Realize that there is a next level. Lurk more.
You can't un-learn what you've learned here. I've tried several times to walk away but I just can't. Even when I did, I still found myself falling into the old habits: checking articles for a Jew author, rolling my eyes at holocaust shit, etc. Even if you aren't here, your spirit still is. There's something to be said for not torturing yourself by coming here to see things fall apart though.
There’s only one way out of here
>place is based
>revealing my powerlevel
>normie world
so you're an underage faggot that spouts memes irl like a retard? lol praise kek my fellow pepe!
im 27
get your self banned. I got banned for months and it was good for me.
Best you can do is educate yourself, improve yourself, and ride the kali yuga.
Came here when I was a mere high school graduate. The whole Ron Paul thing was going on Sup Forums and I questioned a lot of things that I had not questioned in the past.
Realistically, only thing I've got from Sup Forums was getting rich from Bitcoin.
Go read the rules, then go about breaking them.
Commit sudoku.
Get a job
head over to /sig/ and get involved in real world movements.
Identitarians if you've got nothing better nearby.
It's so good being here but it's hard accomplishing anything desu
how do you losers even take any of this shit seriously?
I mean really. how do you get to that point in your life?
Goes to show, truth can't be ignored
Spend time on other boards. /bant/ and /trash/ are fun (pic related, I found it in /trash/). /news/ is good to discuss topics similar to Sup Forums, because no memes and the posters there are slightly more mature. Post cats and birbs and doggos with the goons on /wsg/. Get a Sup Forums GoldPass® and spiderpost on /vip/.
>filled with kant and marx
>no atlas shrugged
Go back to leftypol you faggot nigger kike
>how do you get to that point in life
By having an open and critical mind.
Nothing wrong with knowing thy enemy, although I don't see anything wrong with Kant.