Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku

>Not having 10 in all stats

Other urls found in this thread:

Detick Bell is nice magic girl.

What's your favorite Job Class?

I've always been a sucker for Ninjas.

Bellsie pleases old walls for clues.

My wives Swim2 and Nokko-chan are so cute.

Ninjas are cool as hell, but I like ranged classes, like mages and archers.

ruhminder taht milhvilleh a kyute

I've always been a sucker for on topic discussion so get the fuck out

Mao Pam is my favorite jobber class.

yeah seriously, stop with the off topic bullshit

da kyutest

>Instead of starting on-topic discussion I'll just bitch about the off-topic discussion
You aren't any better, in fact, you are worse.

They are better, though.

They are worse, though.

It depends on the game for me. But assuming there's a game with a good class balance, and equally aesthetic pleasing, I lean more towards gunslingers. Just love firing bullets and throwing explosives in a fantasy setting.

What's your name again?

Calamity Mary

Except I actually contribute shit to these threads, unlike you you snarky cunt.
Jesus christ, TL-kun doesn't release something for 2 fucking minutes and the autists crawl in. I blame the discord.

Why doesn't Ripple throw other magical girls to the sun?

Hello Sup Forums! I'll be your instructor from now on!

>Except I actually contribute shit to these threads
You don't know me and what I do or I don't you cunt. So fuck off somewhere else with your unwarranted self-importance and inflated ego.

>I blame the discord.
There's a Discord?

Hahah, geez, I sure love some MSIK related discussion on MSIK threads.

Supposedly because she needs to see the target clearly. Having a general glimpse of the celestial bodies like the sun/moon/stars doesn't work.

When are you going to die then?

Her power most likely doesn't work with living beings, just like @NyanNyan's scrolls.

Most magical girls power are limited to inanimate objects, I guess Ripple's is that way too.

She should throw Shufflins then.

Shufflins aren't inanimate,

Actually I remember it's stated she has a range.

She probably can't throw anything to the sun. Too far.

Fuck off Deluge

Well, nobody would need to know you to know you're autistic: You said I wasn't contributing anything, I said otherwise, and now I'm self important with an inflated ego?
>There's a Discord?
How convincing. Just let the thread stay on topic, or go back.

JOKERS Chapter 2 Question: If Pfle and Toko had an agreement to make Man-Made MG's, would that make the Namiyama girls man-made too? Does she knows about Fav and Clamberry's MGRP plan?

Ripple's power is really shitty. It would be good if the thrown item pursued it's target forever even if blocked or something like that but nope.

How does even throwing things without missing go along with her personality? What does it mean?

She beats up her own mother and is generally one to resort to violence when push comes to shove.

>You said I wasn't contributing anything
Bitching about the state of the thread is indeed not contributing to the thread, if anything, you are just adding to the shitposting.

>and now I'm self important with an inflated ego?
Well, yes, specially considering you make it sound like you are the one and only person here who makes quality posts and the threads wouldn't even exist without your holy presence.

>Just let the thread stay on topic
Stop your autistic bitching then. You are the one who keeps feeding he off-topic here.

No, Toko is a mascot that can make true magical girls.
Pfle is trying to replicate that process without a mascot by studying Toko.

>Does she knows about Fav and Clamberry's MGRP plan?
Most likely yes, it was an huge scandal in the land of magic.
I doubt she cares though.

How come other people can fit inside 4D bags?
I thought you could only fit things that a single person could carry.
Could you fit 4D bags into 4D bags?

Shufflins aren't people

>I thought you could only fit things that a single person could carry.
Are you sure about that?
Still, I figure how much a Magical Girl can carry is an huge amount.

Because they are 4D. Nope, it's another dimension, like Doraemon, I think. Wouldn't that create an infinite loop?

hey they're cool for now, its a truce

Not cool enough.

>hey they're cool for now
You're not fooling anyone you damn junkie.

Oh now!

Your favorite girl has swapped powers with your least favorite girl!

How does this affect things?

Very sure, I just cross referenced the shop description in the anime and LN.

If it's something you can carry yourself, you can fit as much of it inside the bag.

Hitori de motteru mono nara ikutsu demo hairerareru

My mate was asking me after reading Aces about why Ripple was able to both stab with a blade and pull out Sachiko with a single hand and the finer details of how you manage to stab something inside a limitless dimension bag without being able to look in.

You know this is going to make everyone get Keek's power right?

>Marika with Keek's powers
Hey, now she can have VR death games in total safety!

>Except I actually contribute shit to these threads, unlike you you snarky cunt.
>you make it sound like you are the one and only person here who makes quality posts and the threads wouldn't even exist without your holy presence.
You have to go back, snowflake-chan

>Pfle gets mind reading powers
Truly diabolical.

>Pfle with Deluge powers
I don't know DESU.

Deluge with Keek powers, pre-Queens RIP to all Shufflin, post-Queens- RIP to Team Puk unless PP power works in Keek''s dimension like Grim Heart's does

she's off the drugs user, if you wanna throw shade at someone throw it at BBC

For now, and for how long?

>Pfle with Puk Puck's powers
I think I'd end up hating Pfle if that happened.

Hang out with Dark Cutie enough and her chill rubs off on you.

Dark Cutie with Puk Puk abilities.
Will she get 3 anime seasons and a movie now?

Pythie now has Keek's power.

Expect many R-18 magical girl games.

We'd be in a hairy situation if that happened.

Deluge with PP abilities, not sure

But she hired her right? Is she Rain Pou's employer too or that's another person? And is she the one that communicated with Pythie at the end of Limited?


Everyone loves me now!
I feel so happy to be surrounded by so many friends!
But I want my family back... Inferno... Tempest... Quake... Cherry... I'm lonely...

Pukin with Cranberry's abilities. Maybe if she pulls a motivational picollo she can use her willpower to scream people into submission.

yeah, that user had it wrong, Pfle hired Rain Pou and Toko to steal the info to make man-made girls and then orchestrated Limited to kill them both because they were loose ends, she also was the one who called Pythie at the end

Can people post drawfag gifs, never got around to saving them.

Also Int best stat, extra best if it makes you smarter as well


Just like me.

ALso, I want to MARRY Mariko!

>Implying that Ace of Spades didn't turncoat to his new friend Deluge's side and made everything daijoubu

Instead of stabbing people with a rapier she kabongs them on the head with a violin.

>Mana with Rain Pou's power
Well, I guess Mao Pam probably wouldn't have died.

Can't Snow fucking White take a fucking break? The poor girl's already suffered so much and now we have to deal with her being dominated

Never fucking ever. To be Snow White is to be suffering.

People die when SW does nothing. People die when SW tries to stop it. SW can only know suffering.


She's going to suffer until the day she dies

Not even the Nemurinland Drama CD gave her a break. And it had healing for everyone EXCEPT her. She got called a fake and attacked by La Pucelle instead.

The irony is that Marika was the only one who showed her any sympathy, and Marika's commonly played as a reckless brute in most of her stories.

Finished Restart. Not bad i should say.
Also, fuck spoilers. I can't stop myself from reading them(especially about SW) in this thread. Fuck it, it's just too sad.

what have you been spoiled on out of curiousity?

Who is your least favorite?

Snow is happy now though. You don't feel anything bad when pucked.

This is the author way of fulfilling the fall, with this we get to see her in an antagonist role without her truly falling.

Endless suffering. Well, whatever, i'm outta here.

>Endless suffering
but that's why we are all here.

>Snow White with Puk Puck's powers
Pretty sure she does that without magic anyway.

Real talk.

Can anything snap Snow White out of her current funk?

Make sure to also account for the added funk caused by the eventual realization of her manipulation by Puk Puck and her betrayal of Uluru. Bonus funk if Uluru dies because of this later.

"Snow White, it's time to suffer..."
"It's always time to suffer..."

>Snow with keek power.

Not a very good magical girl, she would likely spend her days with her cyber sou-chan.

Probably Marika. Since Marika is motivated by the desire for a good fight and also because she does care for Snow White to an extent, she'll keep badgering Snow White and keep her from fully withdrawing into herself, without the fake friendliness Puk Puck had.

I don't think anything short of La Pucelle magically coming back to life, and not just getting to see him for a bit in dream land, would be able to salvage her by the end of this.

I don't know if even LP would help at this point, she probably remembers him snubbing her for Ideal Snow White.

Well, he didn't quite snub her. He talked like he fully expected they'd do stuff together when SW woke up, completely unaware of that not being the case.

He came around to accepting her after the initial misunderstanding. Granted, he didn't hear the specific of JUST how awful she had it.

La Pucelle would probably be horrified and immediately jump to comforting Snow White if he really knew what happened.

That'd probably make him realize he fucked up REAL bad in calling her a fake. Gotta wonder what he was thinking that issue got cleared up.

Correct me if I am wrong, but doesn't Deluge currently have in her possession the 4D bag with 3 spade face-card Shufflins in it, tied and gagged? Would be a real test of her chill to see how she reacts to that knowledge.

This isn't a redemption story.
It's about an innocent girl becoming what she hates.

She's already allied with Osk. She chilled out a lot once she got off BBC's drugs.

SW has that not Deluge, those Shufflin are probably gonna be working for PP

Anyone have the stats chart of the unmarked cast?

When the fuck that junkie even has a bag?

My wife SwimSwim is so cute.

she is no longer a junkie, DELET

I think that Uluru should have it. I looked back at it but it wasn't very clear. It makes sense though since she was suppose to pick up SW's gear and bring it back to her.