Are there people on Sup Forums who are still globecucks? 2018 is almost here ffs

Are there people on Sup Forums who are still globecucks? 2018 is almost here ffs

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haha le ebin raptor jesus
he went extinct for our sins lmao

I do think it is round, but I usually argue from the flat side because globecucks are literally retarded and a source of entertainment.

what do you mean globecucks? like, anyone who isn't a flat earther? seriously, the shit required to pull off the hoax is way more fantastical than the earth just being round, and gravity, etc..

Thats what (((((((they))))))) want you to believe

last one is the chad thinker, doesn't give a fuck if the earth is round or velociraptors from JP were real, it's his way or the highway.


>all mod created threads

Don’t respond to mod created posts.

Sage all fields.

somebody has never heard of gravity or how mass works. you must be low iq muslim.
sage the paedo sand monkey

I know you're trolling but I don't get people who try to seriously try to use this picture as a "AHA Gotcha" to NASA.

Flat cucks accuse NASA of being this slick stealthy organization and yet would be sloppy on a releasing back-to-back "official Earth images"? Not to mention, this image doesn't affect people who understand the zoom in feature and the existence of clouds.

First time i've lost to this type of ylyl crap.


You do realize that NASA is an entirely fraudulent embezzling scheme, though, right?
Here is one of their astronauts telling the public about one of NASAs many “oopsies”.

the only person i ran into outside of the internets who pushed this psyop bullshit was guess who ...ex-fkn army guy. and i shut him down fast.
now should i call you gunter or gerry while you are staying at that base in colony of deutchland, you fucking tax leeching cunt.

Flatards should try reading up on the time cube before they try to pretend they know shit.

>he thinks space is real

How can anyone convince a shithead about the earth if they don't understand mass & gravity?

Stop believing satans lies

fuck off back to /x/ you god damn mong

A thread died for this bait thread larp you fucking faggot

Only a low IQ fag would believe the earth is flat.

How does that shadow work in the flat earth picture?

That's retarded Hans. Why would NASA or anyone lie about the shape of this planet?