Do you remember the 80's and 90's when it was okay to have diverse casts in movies and shows...

Do you remember the 80's and 90's when it was okay to have diverse casts in movies and shows, and nobody really considered it to be a thing of any kind? What happened in this century that ruined characters just being any ethnicity and either gender without it being stupid identity politics?

Pic related, Xena is a female protagonists that seems to be universally loved even by the modern feminists, but I can just imagine both how PROBLEMATIC she would be to SJW:s and how some men would scream "anti-male agenda" if the show started today. Back in the day absolutely nobody had any issues with it.

Other urls found in this thread:

Yeah, back then feminists were split between "Womyn Stronk" and "chainmail bikini so demeaning" but that was relegated to a few catty columns in the MSM.
But the answer is that the Left needs identity politics to win elections and keep everybody in a constant state of mutual hostility so they can ride in on their high horses to be arbiters of """fairness""".

The left has been losing elections in America overwhelmingly for 10 years now.

You might want to leave your metro of stacked up cucksheds sometime.

That show was utter, irreedemable trash.

I remember hating it as a kid, as well as the The Tribe idiocy.

Xena is my waifu

Those winny cunts always existed but they didn't have the current audience.
Nowadays it's like every retard has a megaphone..
Just one downside of the internet.

Gabrielle a cutie

I member.

What was that xena/hercules tier series that was basically medieval power rangers?

I liked xena warrior princess when I was a kid along with the hercules show. Identity politics has shifted perception quite a bit.

didn't they want to make another Xena and explore "her lesbian side" more?
I'm not making this up.

People still do not have any issue with this. It's only feminists and stormweenies that care about identity politics, the rest of the world has more important things to worry about.

Remember the big Xena Warrior Princess action figure shit caused a lot of people to get upset cause kids were playing with a action figure that had underwear or something that was better detailed than barbie?

And now 14 year olds use tinder.

remember when south park wasn't garbage about current am*rican events

Maybe because it was a good films without "forced diversity".
When i see "Aliens" or "Terminator 2" - i see a god-tier cinema, when i see new "Ghostbusters" - i see a bad scenario, bad casting, etc.

Yea wtf?
They just have force their narrative on everything.
This is an excellent example of OP's subject.

This is actually retconning, considering she was pretty much officially paired with Kevin Sorbos Hercules.

because there was no internet. even when the internet became available to the public, not every normalfag with a phone was virtue signaling 24/7

>talking about Xena tv show
>did not mention best qt

god Zena was a fucking babe
really wish she had a cock tho
found it

Because they were meant to be fun.

>tfw you wake up on 2017

Xena was a better show overall though.

The show was really about Gabriels bottom, and tits and how she handles shaft. I don't even understand how Lucy Lawless is a model. Some Byron-related nepotsm?

>not callisto

anyway the problem with modern feminist movie or female action hero/leads is that they care more about the hero being female than anything else.
i truly believe people would have had no problem with a female ghostbuster movie if the movie would have been good, instead of being market from day one as an all female movie.

no one is perfect user

Actually feminists were a thing even in the ancient times of the 1990's and Xena was very popular in that scene and the lesbian scene and the general East Coast Jewish communist scene.

damn brah , i remember when i was i child my "first love" in school was dark blonde girl, and them i saw Callisto, now i am 28 and she is still my reference

I deleted my comment because I'd remembered I preferred Xena too and felt confused about my sexuality, so I lashed out and destroyed the comment in a vain attempt to hide the truth from myself.

Marketing, aka jewery.
There is no honesty or virtue in this zeitgeist of gender obsession. Just a bunch of sales directors pandering to the most extreme wing of mentally handicapped nutjobs for various reasons, including:

>driving traffic, views, awareness through controversy, since it is the easiest way to make things stand out in the ocean of boredom we are all drowning in
>sound as progressive as possible since it's the meme of the generation

A couple of companies will ride the next wave, traditionalism and conservatism, in a bit and make a shitton of cash in the process. All others will follow. Give it a decade / twenty years and that will saturate too. Rinse and repeat.


>implying that the Democrats or the Republicans aren't effectively left-wing parties.

Have been terrified of humanity since I was around five.

She was good, show was good and I like Lucy lawless. I hate feminists but that show wasn't for todays feminists it was for empowering women and people who like women. Like the alien movies or even the resident evil series. Not today's trash

I like red drapes but prefer chocolate brown carpet.

I dunno why but I never found her attractive and found the show stupid. I'm amazed how we went from shows like this, Hercules and Beastmaster to fantasy shows like Game of Thrones (which were only good in seasons 1-2). Then again in the past we didn't have Cadfael.

Actually I had my copy of FHM with photoshoots of Lawless and O'Conner confiscated at school and I was put on detention until I managed to convince the teacher that FHM wasn't porn.

You see this with the new Star Trek. Its fans waste no time telling everyone Star Trek was always diverse, so it's a silly reason to hate on the show. In fact, they insist everyone who doesn't like it must be a racist. I've seen them do it countless times. But what's so praiseworthy about a show that's not actually more diverse than the previous shows? Including the one made in the 60's? And one that's being out-diverse'd by the spoof parody show running at the same time?

It's a cult. These people are addicted to feeling like they're part of a righteous struggle, and they want to expend as little effort for it as possible. Saying dumb shit about TV shows is as lazy as it gets.

why did you bring it in school?

>how some men would scream "anti-male agenda" if the show started today.

Xena was one of my first red-pills. I noticed the dissonance between the unrealistic girl-power message and how all the expendable mooks were men. Like women fight better than men, but the only ones dying are men because it's too sad when a gash dies. The values underlying such a production are dissonant. They are deeply flawed. Thus I stopped watching Xena when I was 5-6.

>I'm amazed how we went from shows like this, Hercules and Beastmaster to fantasy shows like Game of Thrones

Oh, what could have been?

the whole show had so many hot woman even just side characters

also outside of really bad cgi the series really aged pretty good, still rewatch it every now and than

Because I bought it that morning at the shop next door.

Diversity quota and mass migration ruined that jew trick

You fucking mentally ill racists are the ones who made it an issue when you started whining about it.

You really are mentally ill.

Funny the actress who played Xena (Lucy Lawless) is a kiwi

She is also a raging SJW lunatic who frequents talk shows, hates Trump and just rants about refugees and how we need to take thousands more in.

She got arrested recently for chaining herself to a oil rig with greenpeace.

I cringe everytime I see her on TV and she is always on whinging.

She was setup to fight alongside Hercules... She had to be strong.

Fun fact: that woman gave birth to three children that were Uber'd to John Podesta's hot tub.


is that aphrodite? i guess its she. Yeah , she was hot too, but Callisto still best.
>hello darkness my old friend

It was never 'okay'; we were just political normies.


Well, back before capeshit was shit, there was this awesome movie called Blade. Nobody gave a flying ass that it was about a black half-vampire whose archnemesis is a FUCKING WHITE MALE vampire supremacist. Nobody made the connection because nobody gave a shit--it was just a cool movie that people liked, but it was under the radar enough that (((they))) didn't feel the need to bring up race every 10 seconds regarding the main characters or plot.

Feelsbadman, Marvel could never make a movie like that anymore without rubbing everyone's face in it.


Yes. The last few seasons I only watch a couple episodes and don’t finish the season. It’s time to kill it. Sad, I don’t watch much TV. South Park is one thing I would like to enjoy.

I would pick Xena cause I like blue eyes+ brown hair in women.

Great point user. I've said this myself before. The 80s and 90s had very diverse casts and nobody ever made a deal of it. But fast forward to today and its like a black person has never been in a movie and efforts must be made to make movies as non-white as possible. Something happened: Its called postmodernism.

Oh man, now I have to watch Blade again. It's most likely shittier than I remember, but it's probably still gonna be good!

yeah, thats type of women are hot too. As mush as all white womans.

>wake up early
>Hercules is on

Nothing like that first sip of the day while watching Herc kick the shit outta bad guys.

More like Lucy flawless

That one has brown eyes though. Looks pretty weird to me but obviously she is still attractive.

Janet was my waifu when I was a kid.

because feminists and other human garbage weren't given a platform to spread their retarded opinions

social media is killing humanity desu

Identity politics became mainstream, thats all
Lots of shit we were ok with are now targets to an identitarian interpretation

>ywn be forced to the ground and held down as Atalanta pulls her panties off and sits her super tight hot wet muscular pussy all the way down on my shaft.

one of the few non-chauvinistic female protagonist choices that worked was Captain Janeway in Star Trek Voyager.

Others like Xena didn't really work. But at least they weren't as obnoxious about it. That doesn't mean that diversity casting should be tolerated though. It's bs and should go.

Hercules and Xena were awesome because Sam Raimi made them.
He also made the epic Evil Dead movies.
He's also a Jew.

>She is also a raging SJW lunatic who frequents talk shows, hates Trump and just rants about refugees and how we need to take thousands more in.
Aw why did you tell me this thats a shame and you just ruined her for me. I was enjoying her on the Evil Dead show.

God, I hated that fucking show. Most people who watched it, only did so to laugh at it, because it was so bad. The only real fans were literal lesbians.

Only little kids watched the show, and little kids dont get political, so in other words nobody cared. Ot really was a terrible show, but not politically terrible.

Not really. I was a teenager when this showed air, and it reeked of feminism.

People who think feminism wasn't a thing in the 90s are either very young or very retarded.

>ameriturds are too dumb to use ywn

Blade still holds up very well desu

Yeah, it's kinda pathetic to read this thread and all the people who think this feminist shitshow was somehow redpilled or entertaining.
Along with Hercules, it was one of the worst shows of the late 90s, and was only watched by people who laughed at it for being campy, or by feminists and lesbians who shipped the two main female characters.

>Back in the day absolutely nobody had any issues with it.
because xena was hot. todays stronk wymyn heroines are ugly flatchested welfare whores without any shred of curves.

Xena was actually groundbreaking when it started to hint at and play with the idea of the two main protagonists being in a lesbian relationship. I don't think the male viewership objected that much.

They also had Xena singing "girls are doin it for themselves" in one of the musical episodes btw, it wasn't exactly empty of any feminist agenda or anything.

seeThis was before we started seeing quips and shit. On it's own, it's still a good movie. The CG kinda aged like milk but this was like the 90s so it's about as good as can be expected.

The second one by Del Taco was pretty rad--don't bother with the third, just pretend like it didn't happen.

>tfw my first crush was Carmen Sandiego
Even from the beginning I was a racemixing degenerate
feels bad man


I don't know, mate. They were very obviously making the plot bend over backwards to accommodate her sometimes. And she got incredibly pissy when Jeri Ryan joined the show, because apparently they were constantly fellating her girl cock with talk about how she'd always be the focal "strong womyn" of the show.

Callisto is waifu tier because Hudson Leick just has so much fun playing her. Man this show was so campy and I absolutely love it to bits.

Damn that webm. This was the exact scene i started fapping to Callisto as a kid, i didn't cared much before. Must have been the legs.

its still good. cgi is as garbage as youd expect but it holds up well. kinda bummed that they dont really make marvel movies like this anymore

Feminism gave me the motivation to escape the matrix. Feminism psychologically ripped me from my perfect little blue pill world. Feminism drove me to remove my rose colored glasses and see beyond the illusions and enchantments of cultural programming, social engineering and social conditioning. Feminism opened my eyes to male disposability and cultural misandry. Ironically, feminism empowered me - a man. Feminism force fed me the red pill.

It's the unintended consequences that always get ya.

It was full of half naked hot white women. Of course men did not object.

Xena was an first level of feminist agenda on TV. With the aim of laying seeds of discord mind virus into little girls heads.


we all know how (((they))) get their goals

Did it even have a male viewership?
I never actively watched this shit, but back in the late 90s, I would have the TV on in the background when chatting on IRC or playing UO/Diablo, and reruns of this shit would always come on at night, so I half-heartedly watched it.
A bunch of Swedish friends I'd met online did the same thing, and the only conversations we had about the show was how awful it was, and the feminist bullshit it was pushing.

I really don't get why so many young people think the world was devoid of feminism or diversity casting in the 90s. Even cartoons from the mid-80s started adding token minority characters, and by the late 80s, blatant feminist propaganda was common in cartoons. It only got worse in the 90s, and it's astonishing how much "girl power" shit they crapped out.

Of course it's not redpilled no one thinks that.
It's a good show if you like campy fantasy, that's it. Everyone involved is hamming it up on purpose and are having a great time. It even got cartoon sound effects!

There's quite a bit of difference between what you could call positive and negative feminism. The former focuses on empowering individuals by improving self-esteem, but giving good role models, etc. The latter, which is powerful today, focuses on herding all women together, telling them they're disadvantaged and need to work in the mines of feminism to make it all better. You can see that this form of feminism doesn't focus on positive aspects, but rather bitches and moans that it's all external. It's all society's fault. Positive feminism encourages women to go out, take risks, and prove themselves. Negative feminism wants you, deplorable white, cis male, to deliver privilege to it on a platter while it sits on its fat ass doing nothing.

There's no "fat acceptance" in Xena, for instance. Because most people do not want to be fat. They hate being fat, let alone being obese. They know it's unhealthy, and uncomfortable. Not to mention unattractive. Positive feminism would encourage women to take up sports.

Whenever you see feminism, just ask yourself whether it's asking the world to change, or if it's asking women to change themselves. Because that's the big crux between any sensible movement, and idiotic cults that are centered around making others do the work for them.

Yeah, it was fucking awful. Probably one of the worst show of the 90s.

A new and very stupid crop of people(and I use the term loosely) grew big enough to really fuck things up.

Married With Children started in the 80's and railed against feminism, fat acceptance, etc.

But if you go back and watch a show like Xena or Buffy they're still fun even though they're pushing WOMEN CAN BE STRONG
Compare that to stuff nowadays like Supergirl which is completely unwatchable

There's no such thing as positive feminism, because it always implies that they're victims of men and praises them for absolutely no reason.
Encouraging women to go out, take risks and try to act like men is crazy. Women aren't men, and trying to make women act like men is not only dangerous, it's bound to fail. Men and women have different strength, and encouraging women to act against their nature is just a disaster waiting to happen.
It's frightening to see so many feminists on Sup Forums. You're just as brainwashed as modern feminists, but you're simply going by an ideology that's 20 years older, because it was part of the background noise of what you considered normal as a child.

She luvs it up the ass

shieeet, even calvin and hobbes had G.R.O.S.S
it would probably be a banned comic by todays standards.

She has not aged well

Shes hot desu.

>Married With Children started in the 80's and railed against feminism, fat acceptance, etc.
Married With Children ridiculed everything, from feminism to anti-feminism. Al Bundy wasn't exactly portrayed in a positive light. He was a working class loser whose only achievement was being a good American Football player in high school.

>Compare that to stuff nowadays like Supergirl which is completely unwatchable
I don't watch TV anymore. Everything is completely saturated with far-left politics, and I'm not masochistic enough to subject myself to that.

>90s Sorbo
I grew up with him, so fucking God tier. I miss the long haired hero archetype. Also he's said hollywood didn't want to cast him too much because he's a Christian.

Cory Everson was smoking hot in that, but sounded a bit too manly.