Instrumentality opens you up unconditionally to everyone else. It's the truest form of interaction you'll ever get. It's oneness with the entirety of humanity. All your secrets, your hopes, your fears. Everyone would know and you'd know theirs. Would you be emotionally hurt? At first yes, this is what Shinji experiences and why he rejects Instrumentality
Shinji is faced with his biggest issue: Connecting with other people Instead of growing and accepting the connections that he would truly know and understand, he rejects it. He rejects the truest form of honest interaction and retreats back to the "normal world" where he's able to run away.
Caleb Mitchell
Stop trying to make sense of it. Anno can't think and he can't write. He has no discernible talent.
Jeremiah Ortiz
Oh really?
Aaron Walker
Full openness isn't honest interaction, it's oneness. There is no individuality or communication between parts of a whole, they all just blend together into a meaningless slush. Barriers, lies, differences and the unknown are what make us ourselves and what make our interactions worth having.
In short, Shinji was right.
Parker Turner
He is, why do you think I posted that crap in the first place, or phrased it so carefully. How could anyone hope to enjoy the no-sex, no-touch, no-sunlight thing is beyond me. I mean, people go crazy after a few years of using Sup Forums. Imagine doing that for a few thousand years.
Luis White
>complementing the imperfection of humanity with... humanity
makes no sense, folks. join the catholic church and complement the imperfection of humanity with god whose image you were made in and the lord our savior jesus christ
Logan Rodriguez
You phrased it as if this rejection was running away from the true conclusion of interaction, rather than avoiding an unnatural situation that would totally devalue interaction. Sorry if I misunderstood your intent, I seem to have been doing that a lot today.
Gabriel Watson
Instrumentality also turns everyone into red goo
Leo Morales
>all your secrets And that's my main issue with that, i don't want people to know my secrets, that's why they are secrets, just as i don't want to know the secrets from anyone else, is the ultimate privacy invasion if you ask me
Evan Turner
My intent was simply to be vague and imply that the opposite may be true. If I could choose between the real Asuka and you guys, you really think I'd be here for longer than five minutes?