Hand shakers

Not thread for this show?

Not even worth the 3 episodes rule.

trying to watch the episode but getting headache every 30 seconds, man the art concept is weird on this one

We're all trying to recover from the first episode.

Is this the new Flip Flappers?

You know what I think of? Absolute Duo.

It was a bit...much...

It is unbelievable sad how much money has been wasted on this shit.

Because it jjust died after reaching bump limit. All these peasants stuck in Plato's cave. Sad.

i know right, it may have one of the best OSTs this season.... so much wasted potential

Who in the name of fuck created this thing and why? Just fucking everythin about this is bad, and not the generic disappointment of the season bad but legendary bad.
Did they somehow make a meeting to discuss what they have to do to create the worst possible series or something? There is shit like Linebarrels or Myself, Yourself but at least those had drawn backgrounds or better looking outlines or something.

Last thread died.

Stomach shakers.

When I first read the lame, generic-sounding premise for this original anime series, I certainly wasn't expecting it to be the most visually ambitious production of the new season. But that's exactly what we get. The first episode features a stunningly full degree of character animation, with both foreground and background shots of crowd scenes animated in great and exacting detail and movement everywhere you look; even when characters are talking from off-screen, instead of still or panning shots (one of the most common animation shortcuts in anime!) you still see crowds moving around in a natural fashion. Furthermore, the always-active camera zooms around and through the action to promote a vastly deeper 3D effect than anime is normally capable of, and various creative camera angles and distorted lenses are used for visual effect. Character designs are rich and detailed, too, even if they do carry over fairly common anime design elements and have a sort of gloss to them. The CG effects with chains and gears may be a little to glaring for the tastes of some, but I allow extra consideration for them since they are manifestations of otherworldly super-powers.

I like the directing, I like the camera style, I like the thought behind the series.


Final webm from me.Next episode better has more polish than this one.

also the cg.

The cg meshing with the traditional animation was trash.

Was everyone going through this phase?

>you still see crowds moving around in a natural fashion

That user probably copy pasted that from somewhere else.

Aku no Hana 2?

No other studio would do this.

Do I need to suffer through the episode to know why that guy is standing on her vag?
I'm intrigued. Like driving by a car wreck kind of intrigued.

Will this be the new anti-shitpost pasta?

what in the fuck

Some sort of pact.

Looks like trash.

Maybe it's another one of these shows set up to fail so the nips can funnel Chink money into real productions and leave them with rights to absolute garbage.

Pretty lewd.

As expected of Gohands

Shes a masochist,her power get stronger from the looks of it and them being a handshaker.

That's not traditional animation. They're tracing over CGI models.

I actually agree.

It is visually stunning indeed.

It's amazing how something with so much effort put into it can turn out so poorly.

That's his girlfriend and she's a hardcore masochist.

Only in anime could we have pacts formed by
>a man grinding his foot in a girl's pussy
>a man sucking milk from a girl's tits
>a man fingering a girl to orgasm
I'm sure I've forgotten some other method of Japanese contract formation.

>you know the hallway fight from Kara no Kyoukai?
>let's make a whole anime that looks like that

Fuck all of you. I like it and think that while not AOTS material, it's fucking great

dammit, I was hoping you guys wouldn't give me reasons to watch this!
Now its like driving by a car wreck and there's a tarp over "something". I have to stop and look now!

Just how much money did they throw into this pile of shit?

Better than Flip Flappers, except not Cockona.

>Cool looking city
>Cool looking animation in the PV
>Great music
>Story gives you a headache
It's K all over again.

Wait, It's worse.
>Giant heads and mini limbs
What's this? an anime for goblins?

is this show going to be lewd enough to warrant a watch?


that must have felt good.

>>Cool looking animation in the PV
You mean pointlessly forced animation

My thoughts exactly.
I watched the first 20 seconds, then skipped a bit around the episode.
The QUALITY in this show is too strong for me. Holy shit it looks bad.

K is the best AMV out there, not a fair comparison for this trash

I love how the cracks move around the wall.

Aku no Hana was at least watchable, this is giving me a headache.

>this entire series
holy shit it looks bad

>wanting to watch a second episode
Why subject yourself to that?

Worst first episode of this season?

I want to have a cute slave I can sexually mistreat as well.

What the hell who's animation class project is this?

Haha, shit.

Usually I can at least stand to watch the anime, but this shit is too much.

I like it somehow but it would probably fade into obscurity later into the season and I forgot to follow through. I'll just dump the previous webm for the others to "enjoy".

>I like it somehow

How did Sup Forums know that this was shit even before it aired? The promotional description didn't interest me, and that's why I avoided it, but other people seemed to have more insight into why it would be garbage.
What were the signs?

I'm just a sucker for anime original. I can finish QUALITY code, why not this one.

>What were the signs?
The staff and the PV.


A lot of people on Sup Forums are anime pros.

I'm not kidding when I say this is the worst I've ever seen.
Everything is clipping through and overlapping over everything else.
It looks so bad. Which is disappointing, because I was kind of hyped for it.


The vertical silver chain in the middle phases through the gold chain

The premise just screamed shit to me. I didn't even watch PV, though, so I am amazed it turned out to be this bad. Maybe I'll finish it out of morbid curiosity.

>I was kind of hyped for it.
Bad move.

Anime was a mistake.

One of the chains going into the ground is not staying in its supposed spot like the others are.

>Head looks like it was shopped on by an user

my sides

>tit shake

IS normal for a show to cause motion sickness?

People say KyoAni "overanimates" but this is the perfect example of something that deserves that criticism. They're just making shit move around everywhere without any actual effort into making it look good. It's like Michael Bay's directing style in animation form.

Those teleporting boys on the left.

There were all kinds of hilarity going on.

I wanna like it, but it looks terrible.

Is this some kind of test?

>Dude just disappears

It's like some sort of twisted headache simulator.

It was refreshing.

Is there a video source that doesn't look like complete shit? CRs encodes have artifacts out the ass.

Holy fuck it aired like that? Being the first episode they are truly fucked.

I knew it was going to be bad as soon as the premise sounded like they flipped through and english dictionary and used what ever words they landed on to come up with the most chuuni plot they possibly could, but I never would have expected it to be this bad. How can literally every aspect of one show be so bad?

Are all of you asians, by some chance?

Because only asians get motion sickness, which is why they suck at playing FPS.


My god those heads are huge.

I'm pretty sure it isn't normal to laugh at animation as much as I have during this episode. I can't believe someone looked at this, approved this and let it air. What the fuck.

Theres almost 1gb raw out there.


>This is what Sup Forums really believes

Transformers 1 was good, faggot


best girl.

>Not a CG wrench

Fucked it up.


>Guy on the right standing still like an extra on a movie set
>oh the camera is coming this way time to move
>takes a fucking 6foot step to the front

It's the Flip Flappers of the season.




>implying I'm not right

>How can literally every aspect of one show be so bad?
The OST was good.