What's his name again, Sup Forums?

What's his name again, Sup Forums?

Also, why is he running away from debating Millennial Woes? Has the fame gotten to his head?

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Why doesn't he do it?

Can we just not have this thread again? We really don't need it every single fucking day.


I dont have to do anything but look at your flag to know why you think what you think Muhammad.


JP's been on the verge of a mental breakdown for something like an entire year and a half. He managed to keep his position at UofT and has been teaching classes and giving auxiliary lectures on the bible with what seems to be an entirely original analysis. He's been under a ton of pressure this entire time and he's an old man.

At this point in time I would venture to say that being a meme is profitable, and the safest way forward is with conscious prudence. Ya know, sometimes you've gotta pick your battles. For god's sake he was already getting called a Nazi for standing up for common nonsensical opinions how could you, with a clean conscience, expect him to walk into the fire once again in a nakedly ethnonationalist conversation, much of with he'd be incapable of disagreeing with, with ALL HE'S ALREADY BEEN THROUGH. Give the guy a break. He's definitely earned it. All he's probably asking for is a mercifully uneventful sliding out of the spotlight where he can appeal to losers and normies alike, right?

"If you take a shit - clean your ass" - JP maps of meaning

well played user.

>attack the alt-right
>gets asked to debate
>"Give him a break guys! :(

He brought it onto himself.


le finger sniffer

What millenial woes? could you please explain to me what woes we millenials have?

witer den u moheomd

isn't it Dr.Pedoson the cuck

Exactly, if he wants a break then he should be careful to pick his battle. Simply ignore the Alt-Right. And when people ask you about say that you haven't read and thought about their ideology enough to give a good anewer.

Has Peterson figured out what a White person is yet?


>doesn't consider Woes relevant
>doesn't want to give his views and channel exposure
Either that or he genuinely hasn't seen, which is possible.

He doesn't figure out anything.
>Q: Do you believe in God?
>A: It depends on what you mean by "believe" and what you mean by "God".

You know exactly what they mean you fucking psued.

he can never give a true answer. he talks endlessly about the bible but he can't even give a general subjective answer; he has to act like he's over-analyzing when he likely just dodging.

Woes is the top rated reply, and even offered to pay Peterson $500 for a talk, rather than the normal $200.


I got to admit he's pretty genious.

I would've never believed that you could get hundreds of thousands in donations yearly by telling basement dwellers and other underachievers to clean their room.

Rare good post from a leaf, possibly Hermit himself.

This still doesn't excuse going on a full offensive on the alt-right and Hitler. When he says people who have pride in their race are losers who have accomplished nothing, it puts into question where his true beliefs actually lie.

The demand for him to debate the alt-right exists because he aggressively called it out. If he ignored them we wouldn't care but when you insult a huge group of people, most of whom make up a big portion of your support base, you better be prepared to put your money where your mouth is.

le-collectivism-is-fine-for-minorities-but-bad-for- when-whites-do-it-man

I would like to see a talk between JBP and Woesy, mostly just to test Woes and see how quick on his feet he is these days. I'm impressed that he isn't intimidated by Peterson at all, I want to see if it's unwarranted arrogance or he really is that sorted.

new Chad Daddy doesn't cut it.

He a ubershekel shore



brain cancer

>Why doesn't he do it?
I don't know, I'd do it if I was him. There's not a fucking chance in hell that Millennial Woes could beat him in a debate, whether he's right or not. Woes couldn't even beat Sargon, Sargon had to beat himself because he's a dipshit. Peterson is wrong, but he's not dumb.

Pretty easy when a third of your society was raised by single mothers.

woes would get caught up in Peterson's bullshit mean nothing word definitions I think. Then again Peterson has been making some pretty shitty tweets so maybe he is slippin

Why is Millenial Woes running away from speaking with civic nationalist youtuber Cultured Thug?

From @29:45 Cultured Thug talks about trying to get Millennial Woes to talk with him...


>I'm a devout Christian
>also the Bible is just a bunch of fake stories that never happened but have really good morals

Yeah he's a kike.

Woes isn’t even that much of a heavy weight debate wise, Peterson is acting like a coward for not debating him.

he hasn't really done live debates, only discussions.

>Woes isn’t even that much of a heavy weight debate wise
Woe's is a fat fucking retard who's top tweet is telling peterson to, "stop cucking". Woes is a useful idiot for Peterson and is going to be fucking shredded if they actually debate. He should be telling Peterson to debate JT, Kevin MacDonald, or Ryan Faulk, not himself.

Stop this shit-stirring, he's saying that he hinted at Woes about a conversation but he didn't pick up on it. Stop trying to wring drama out of everything.

>Has the fame gotten to his head?

Pretty much. Now he is getting 70,000$ a month in gibs for simply existing on top of the shekels from his salary and revenue from his books and shitty tests. JBP is a con artist.

I'm sure he would gain more respect standing straight than bending under pressure of libtards when it came to Faith Goldy or when it comes to racial realism. He definitely makes enough money to get by without his academic career. But he doesn't do as he preaches. His career is more important to him than truth, slaying the dragon, cleaning his balls and all that mumbo jumbo.

stop making these thread MW, you are a faggot with zero things to contribute to the discussion

what would you even say to Peterson?

Self-authoring was unironically worth the $20 though.

MW's main talent is cutting through bullshit though, that's what would make it entertaining. For all that he chinstrokes and articulates well he's very much a common sense sort of guy, it could either come across as stupid or deflate JBP entirely.

His only experience is debating Sargon on Skype.

there are other tweets if you watched woes' video about this disagreement about how Peterson views the alt-Right and how he won't talk to anyone of the alt- Right.
AmRen, Taylor's organization replied to Peterson's tweet, you'll have to look for it.

“No i wont tidy my room”

Because Jordon is a hidden ethno-nationalist himself, or at the very least he acknowledges that there is differences in IQ between ethnicities and it is likely genetic
Watch his Joe Rogan podcast with Brett (((Weinstein))), basically talking about how they tried to fix "underprivileged" kids IQ by giving them money for programs such as head start, but by the time they hit 18 they had regressed towards the mean
He avoided mentioning race and you could see Brett (((Weinstein))) doing the same, but it was obvious

He doesn't want to be made to clarify that position as it is too far out there, but race-realism is becoming more mainstream and he hasn't outright attacked it yet

>cant even debate some alt right youtuber from scotland, SCOTLAND

Pic related.


I wonder who would want him to attack the jews publicly so they can paint him as an anti-semite?
Just when he's making major moves trying to clean up jew controlled sjw university faculties, hmmm ... I wonder... Has anybody ever used this tactic before.. hmmm... but who?..

What does "white" mean to you?
What is Western civilization?
What is nationalism?
What is racial identity?

"what kind of white--- there are different whites you know, color is a very complex thing---and so is race---if you look at it from the perspective of ____, but if you look at in the perspective of ____ you get totally different thing,you know?---...what were we talking about again? Ribbit"

He actually talks about Jews and East-Asians having a higher IQ on average which I think is a good way of helping race-realism into the mainstream
First it disarms the notion you are coming from a place of "white supremacy" but also implies without saying, if certain groups can have higher IQ's than Whites, then others can have significantly lower ones

Debating MW would be a waste. I'd rather see him debate someone more competent. And if he's not willing to debate white nationalists then he shouldn't attack them. It's cowardly and pathetic. Also, his (common) point that people shouldn't feel "pride" in their race is rediculous, even more so coming from an expert on psychology. He should realize that connection to ones race is hard wired in our thinking, and that race is an somewhat of an extended family. Am I supposed to ignore the sacrifices and achievements of my direct ancestors just because they aren't technically mine? I guess I shouldn't feel proud of my parents working their asses off so I can have a good life.

he kick Faith Goldy from a discussion panel because she "was too hot"...people assume it's because of he appearance on the DailyStormer.
He's a lap dog, controlled op.

you dirty little phoneposter

He publicly attacked us. A counter-attack is only to be expected.

yeah, very sloppy

What's incompetent about woes?

>consider yourself duly warned bucko

btw, kinda funny when woes talk about genetic interest in his race while smoking cigarettes

It's not that he's incompetent, I'd just rather have someone MORE competent on such a huge stage. Someone more experienced like Jared Taylor.


>faith goldie
pic related
I dont want to be associated with a retard like you, have you seen that guys twitter feed?


*Takes a sip of cola*
*Lights a cigarette*

Most people who study psychology know that it's not an exact science and is only supposed to be applied on an individual basis. The idea that anything is "hard wired" into our minds directly contradicts one of the few fundamental principals of psychology.

does not disapoint

So we aren't hard wired to reproduce? We aren't hard wired to breath? We aren't hard wired to sleep? These are all social constructs or what?

>making close to 1kk shekels a year
>poor man


why should he have to debate every fuckwit on the internet who thinks they have an original argument?

unless his patreon mob demands it, he's right in telling randoms to get fucked so he can get on with his life

a bloke only has so much time to get shit done and he already has a lot on his plate

We dont need a million woman or nigger hate threads a day either, always saying the same shit, but they still happen.

It's fine if he doesn't want to debate white nationalists, but then he shouldn't attack them. Unless he's willing to defend his views he should refrain from saying them.

Because its his job.

>gets paid 7 figures every year
>attacks the altright
>cowards away from ever talking with an actual identitarian

Cultured Thug would demolish Woes. Thug knows too much about Fascism, dislikes the alt-right and has his life together unlike Woes

I still haven't done mine, oops. Got it for free though through a code posted on here.


I want the leftist shills to leave

ugh my computer sucks

He already got the money and fame he wanted. Why risk it?

Because all this e-celebs fags want attention. How do you get attention the fastest way? You make use of drama, just attack the people that are more popular than you.

MW thinks that having a debate with CT will do more harm to him, than he would get attention, therefore he will ignore the challenger. Its the same game with JP and MW, JP has more to lose than to gain from a debate with MW.

Attention whores just want attention

Nah, you are just retarded

>Because its his job.
its really not.
>gets paid 7 figures every year
He also I has a job and a self-improvement business, I wonder if you ask as many questions as to how Spencer or Sanders gets their money?

>wah wah you have to ask everyone equaly or you are wrong

another brainlet from canada

Humans can't have instincts?



False equivalency of the highest degree. You can't seriously be comparing basic human functions with racial ideals and pride, but in case you're serious there's a very clear and well defined line that separates those things from other human behavior and thought. You're welcome to actually study the science you're speaking about, but if that's too much to ask I'd suggest at very least not making definitive statements based on your own emotionally charged assumptions.

For the record I don't oppose the idea or need for racial pride, simply the particular argument you are making that's directly refuted by information gathered and provided by people much smarter than either of us.

psychology is the "science" of behaviour and mind, yet you try to argument with instincts, you are truly a retard

>you can't seriously compare biological functions to racial ideals and pride
holy fuck confirmed historylet and biologylet

s'up kroot

>attacks the altright

How butthurt can you guys be? He's literally a nobody psychologist from Leafland.

Nothing productive would come out of that debate anyway because you would simply cry victory regardless of what arguments he brings forth and call him a cuck.

Face it, you guys aren't interested in debates at all, you're just interested in shitposting, ironically and unironically.

Instincts aren't the mind? Instincts don't affect behavior? Do you not realize that psychology studies the subconscious aka instincts? Or studies of involuntary fear reactions aka instinctual reactions?

>emotionally charged assumptions

nice projection

Based Fjord man

Not your personal army fagot

>basic human functions
Is making babies feeding them protecting them and teaching them basic human functions?
Wolves do it.
Perhaps it is an animal function.
Irregardless they are classic examples of innate Kin selection.
ie genetic interest in race

There is an argument for gaining exposure from appearing on his platform.

>Instincts aren't the mind?

Onl if you are a nigger, there is a giant hole between instinct and mind. You lack basic knowledge, yet you try to argue. You are probably a millenial, who believes he knows it all but has the IQ of a nigger.
