Tsuredure Children

Hmm. Getting the raws took longer than I thought. Anyways.

Chapter 125: Snacks

Nashimoto Yukari
Year 2, Class 1. Cooking Club.
A gluttonous girl. She has a crush on Sonobe-kun, who often gives her candy.

Sonobe Kazuya
Year 2, Class 1. Student Council Secretary. Wind Ensemble.
He often gives candy to Nashimoto-san in his class. He knows Nashimoto-san is on a diet.

After the next test, we're going on our class field trip.
Nasshii, aren't you going to confess to Sonobe-kun?

No way!! You're gonna be like this now that you got a boyfriend?!
But Nasshii, lately you two have had a good vibe...

Whooa whoaaa!!
It's nothing like that!!

Whooa whoaaa!!

[Side] It's nothing like that, but I wish it was.

To be honest, I've also been thinking we have a good vibe recently.
Nashimoto-san, do you want some candy?

Like how he gives me candy, or when he gives me candy...
(Small) Oh, M&Ms! (lit. "marbles", they're essentially M&Ms, and I can't think of a good non-branded term for that sort of candy, maybe it's better to stick with "marble chocolate/candy"?)
(Small) They're great, right?

And his candy is so great...!!

Hey Sonobe-kun, do you give candy to other girls too?
Nope. Not really.

Sonobe-kun really does...
Why ithhat? *num*

Well you know, Nashimoto-san, because you're always hungry.

Whenever I see you hungry, I just can't leave you alone...
R... really...?

Should I be happy about that... or...
Does that mean you think... I eat too much?

Not at all. No way, haha.

You *do* think that, don't you?! That I'm just a glutton girl?!
I don't think you're fat or anything.
What about a glutton?!

Sorry, sorry... It's just that you eat so happily...

This sucks!! I thought we had a good vibe, but he's almost acting like I'm his grandchild...

But you know, Nashimoto, that's the part about you

Kurihara-san... She recently got a boyfriend.

...Are you just making fun of me?
No way!! Watching you makes me happy too.

Calm down, there's no deeper meaning here...
But, uh... for a girl, that's not a good thing, right...?

Eh? I think it's cute though!

It's kind of charming, isn't it? Like, "a girl that eats well".
Well... uh... I guess I've heard that before...

He says it like it doesn't involve him at all... Well, I guess that makes sen. Not like he can read my mind...

Oh, do you have someone you like?

Since you're so worried about your figure, I thought maybe that was why...
No... Well... I do, but...

Are you going to confess during the school trip>
EH?! Uh... I don't know yet...

What would you do? If I confessed to someone...

Well, I'd feel lonely. (maybe "sad" instead?)

Wh... Why??
Well if you had a boyfriend, I couldn't be so casual about giving you candy and stuff...

Is that... as a friend? Or maybe a little as...

But you haven't made up your mind yet, right? Eat some candy and take your time to think...

Okay, I'll confess.

... Who are you going to confess to?
Th... That's a secret.

I see, then I'll just have to cheer you on.
W... Well... I'll probably get rejected anyhow...

If that happens, let me know. I'll be waiting for you, candy in hand.

Alright then, good luck.
Ah... Yeah... Bye...

I wonder what Sonobe-kun would say if he knew that the person I like is him?

If he rejected me, would he still give me candy? ...Probably not, huh.

Is it love? Not just your appetite speaking?

fyi typesetting will get done tomorrow night at the earliest.

Go man. Not stopping you. I'll check this then

He successfully baited her with candy.

An inspiration to us all.

I'll give this bitch candy, bitches love candy.

Did you use the HQ or LQ raws?

This is as HQ as I could find.
Do you typically use something higher quality than this?

Thanks as always, translator-kun I love you.

Panel 1: Are you gonna confess to Sonobe-kun?
Panel 2: "No I won't!! You've been acting like that ever since you got a boyfriend!!"
"But Nasshii, you two have been getting along well lately..."

Right pan 1: Honestly, I also think we've been getting along well lately.

Right pan 2: They're hard candy. Something along the line of nerds and sweet tarts.

Left pan 1: "No, I guess I don't give them out too much"

Left pan 3: "Because, Nashimoto-san,"
"You always look so hungry"

No, there's usually 2 versions that come out. How big was the filesize?

I switched with the TS today. Give him credit.

Nice. I like changes.


Oh, and the filesize is 269MB.

Right pan 2: "Does that mean..."
"You think I'm a gluttonous girl?"

Right pan 3: "Oh no"
"That's not true"

Left pan 1: "So you do!? You think I'm a gluttonous pig!!"
"I don't think you're a pig"
"And the gluttonous part!?"

Left pan 2: "Sorry sorry... but Nashimoto-san"
"You look so happy when you eat..."

Left pan 3: I thought we were getting along well,
But now we look like a grandma and her grandchild...

Left pan 4: "But, Nashimoto-san, that's what"
"I like about you"

Huh. It's about the same size as mine, so it should be okay. Just checking

who is girl with hampster?

Right pan 1: "I'm not!! Watching you makes me happy too"

Right pan 2: "But yeah... isn't that a little weird for a girl...?"

Left pan 1: But aren't 'girls that eat well' kinda charming in a way?"

Left pan 2: He's saying it as if it had nothing to do with him... Makes sense...
I'm just being too conscious...

Left pan 3: "Could it be"
"You have someone you like?"

Right pan 1: "You were worried about how your figure, so I figured that was the case..."

Right pan 3: "So what'll you do?"
"If I"
"Confess to somebody..."
(Alternately, just switch it) (ie. "If I confessed to somebody..." "What would you do?")

Right pan 4: "Let's see..."
"I'd be lonely"

Left pan 1: "I mean, if you get a boyfriend, I can't give my snacks so casually..."

Left pan 2 (LS): Or maybe he's a little...

Left pan 3: "Eat some snacks and take your time to think..."

Right pan 2: "I might just get dumped though..."

Right pan 3: "If that happens, tell me"
"I'll get some snacks ready and wait for you"

Left pan 2: I wonder what Sonobe-kun would do if he knew that I liked him.

Left pan 4: If I get dumped, would he still give me snacks?

Oh, I think you know this, but I just pinpointed what part to correct. I think you know enough moon to know which parts I rephrased.

Yeah should be fine, good edits mate.

Yeah alright. You wanna just keep things like this? Or you want me to take over TLs again?

I think I'm more comfortable with you translating. I only did it today because I figured you might be too busy.

Alright then. Old arrangement it is. And I only took long today since I had problems downloading raws. So if I take too long, you can fill in for me, and I can TL check. That sound good?


Alrighty then. Good work today