Which one do you think it is worse, weird ass character design for the sake of being special snowflake...

Which one do you think it is worse, weird ass character design for the sake of being special snowflake, or bland generic character design for the sake of becoming easier for the audience to project itself into the MC?

It's not either or, both extremes are bad. As with most things the best options tend to lay somewhere in the middle

Weird character design

Who the fuck would dress like this IRL?

Super models

Abbachio would be the only acceptable if it wasn't for this retarded starfish in his head and the lipstick

Special snowflake. I'd rather have an off-the-wall character design than a completely uninspired one I forget the second I see it.

Only now I noticed that Shu has a lock of hair that has a slighty different collor

I want to stick my peen in yugi

Yugi is a billion times better character than Shu.

Yugi looks a lot better with more height.

Bland is worse. Maybe it's because I'm not Japanese or a boy but I can't stand the run-of-the-mill brown/black haired MC trend. They always have the same Kirito bangs too, what's up with that?

Plain char dis can be cute too, so I'll take it.
Weird ass one needs a time to get used to and it usually good for long running shonen shit.
Look at all those people who are bitching about Youjo Senki character design, and all those people who used to be bitching when Shiki was airing.

Arent models supposed to be really tall ?

I rather bland designs than retarded shit like this. I was about to un-drop One Piece before I found out that this piece of shit was suppose to be Luffy's definitive badass power up

But they aren't models, they are mafia trying to blend in as normal citizens

This is pratically the only haircut that men are allowed to have in Japan, if you see a japanese dude that has a different haircut there's 99% of chance that he is a delinquent

Does this go too far?

To be fair weird designs are acceptable if the story takes place in a fantasy world

There's a balance between Yugi-tier and Shuu-tier.

I love Shu's design. His vanilla stripe is cute.

fuck off yugi is GOAT

Don't care as long as boys are drawn as boys and girls are drawn as girls. Anything else is heresy.

So almost everything made since the beginning of the 2000's is heresy

the design should fit within the context of and atmosphere of the work
this is why jojo works and yugi dosent

Depends on the character itself, a great character with a weird design becomes memorable in a good way, a boring character with a boring design, well, at least you can forget about it easier, and the opposite, a shit character with a weird design can easily make me drop a series, meanwhile a great character with a bland design makes you only remember the good stuff about it, it's a matter of perspective really

Depends. In Yugi's case weird is better.
Now that's just fucking gay

>the context of and atmosphere of the work
Have you even read Yugioh.