Anime isn't art and never will be
Anime isn't art and never will be
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Nothing is art
>believing this
This. Video games being treated like art ended up making everything worse for the industry. So all hail trashy bullshit anime, even if I personally despise them.
honestly video games are about the furthest thing from art within the realms of entertainment
As if I fucking care, fried chicken with or without a 'gourmet approval' is still fucking fried chicken and I will enjoy it regardless.
Evangelion and ghibli films are definitely art
No they aren't.
Kill yourself.
It is ironic posting an anime meme and saying its not art. If you are going to troll or shit post get better at it.
about the same artistic level as capeshit
A vague label given by some coot doesn't make a product better or worse unless you're a complete idiot.
Exactly. And anyone who actually likes anime instead of being a poser thinks the same, while being perfectly fine with it.
People seem to fall into one of two camps.
Only the best literature painting and sculptures of all time are art and nothing else is.
Or, nearly everything is art.
What the fuck even fucking is art anymore?
Is art just scupltures and paintings, static shit that you put on a wall or a pedestal and call it "art" even though a good chunk of it is just some fucking picture a guy decided would look better if he used paint or marble to depict it instead of a fucking camera?
Art is just whatever the fuck you want it to be. Anime's art if you want to see it as art, same with vidya, same with pictures, same with towels, food, beer mugs, trains, planes, memes, dreams, shit and literally anything.
The word art is meaningless. Driven into the ground as some bullshit way rich people could justify spending insane amount of money on a picture my left nut could draw given enough paint and time.
If I shit on a canvas it's art
Mononoke Hime is pure kino and therefore Art
>video games
>tv series
not art, purely entertainment with a few outliers
can be art
different type of art
Anime will never get the recognition it deserves.
Yeah.. So?
I'm not sure I agree with you. Your distinctions just seem too arbitrary. I think I lean more towards the everything is art camp than I do the nearly nothing is art one.
Why is Blood Meridian art but some other western novel isn't? Why is a painting art but a really detailed manga page isn't?
ejaculating on anime figures is art
>Art - a diverse range of human activities in creating visual, auditory or performing artifacts, expressing the author's imaginative or technical skill, intended to be appreciated for their beauty or emotional power.
Since anime is expressing the artist's imaginative or technical skill to be viewed for it's emotional power or beauty I guess it is art.
>What is Flip Flappers
Opinion Discarded
Perverted performance art for your own appreciation of how erotic it is then yes, jizzing on your $200 figures is art.
Anime isnt Art.
Anime is Kino.
They're arbitrary all right
And I believe animation in general have yet to achieve what cinema, literature and music did long ago
Even the best of the respective mediums
>tv series
still has arbitrary restrictions put on them based on the media they're in
Just think about what you would consider the peaks of the respective mediums, consider their flaws and put them up against the best of
The peaks (which there are many) of all those could be considered flawless, but you simply can't say the same about the mediums posted earlier.
I honestly enjoy The Wire more than most lauded films. Vidya is an interactive medium and so I think that gives it a huge boost personally.
And either way the discussion isn't "which mediums have had the most time to grow and have creative geniuses take them up" the discussion is "are they art" and I think they are.
70 years ago people felt the way about film that you do about the others, but some of the films from that era are considered artistic masterpieces. The same shit happened with literature.
It seems asinine to say that a medium isn't art until a Shakespeare is born in it, it either has artistic potential or it doesn't.
Everything is art.
It's art if it was made with the intention of making art.
Wow, that's a bold, strong opinion man
Just kidding you piece of shit, who here disagrees with you?
probably Sup Forums-crossposters as they seem to think anything could be considered art
Whoa... That's so deep... Totally gives you a new perspective on things...
Only crossposters who bandwagon seasonal tripe believe this. Because such people don't know the meaning of art, and aren't even able to appreciate it when they see it.
haha posting a picture clearly intended as bait
The music section and video game are honestly embarassing, with VU&N and bach/beethoven being the only acceptable ones. Not gonna bother talking about games as that is self-explanatory
Most others hover between bait and generic entries in respective mediums
again, clearly bait but good lord that picture is bad
>muh video games
You're sad, you pathetic Sup Forums shitter.
Try this: Entertainment is art.
I don't browse Sup Forums, never have, never will
I know bait when I see it though.
I do however browse Sup Forums and that is the purest bait I've ever seen
damn this pic reeks of high school student
depends on the video game
some video games are literally completely drawn in 1800s impressionist style, which OBJECTIVELY QUALIFIES AS ART
>holohoax shit
1/10 made me respond
In Anime: Naruto
In Video Games: Gone home, Minecraft
>The peaks can be considered flawless
Oh wow. Your entire post in one sentence.
Literally the only distinction between 'approved' artforms and other mediums is the amount of time and effort put into them. Lit, painting and sculptures have been around for millenia, and films have been around for almost century (even longer, but let's say some 90 years). Animation's been big in Japan for what, four decades? Vidya's been a thing for even less.
Give it time and, if it survives the industrial period, you'll get your share of masterpieces.
Anime - believe it or not - is a subset of cinema and its best works (though there are not many) stand well next to masterpieces from Bergman and Fellini et al.
>dat pic
Daaamn, almost triggered.
>Anime isn't art and never will be
God bless!
Have you seen what "artists" are up to nowadays?
I rather have those faggots away from my hobbies.
Your favourite animators are artists that went to school for art and produce art that is worked on by voice acting which is an art and then shipped to you.
>tfw anime will never reach this level of artistic merit
>"artists" =/= artists
You know the people I meant, literally the only faggots that take time to debate retarded shit such as something being art or not.
I disagree. I think it's more people who don't want to be associated with modern art. You can see a lot of it in this topic.
anime is beyond art
art is shit anyways
>Affleck's remark, "I'm real when it's useful," at first sight adheres to the postmodern solipsistic and relativistic modes. This is confirmed by Terrio when questioned about his research for Justice League, which included "red- and blueshifts in physics". However, on further inspection, Affleck's comment simultaneously reinspects Husserl's and Wittgenstein's "form of life". This invariably leads to a more pragmatic worldview, as Pierce declares "Consider the practical effects of the objects of your conception. Then, your conception of those effects is the whole of your conception of the object."
Affleck further confirms the pragmatic totality when approaching Miller and Momoa:
>"So you're fast."
>"You can talk to fish."
Reality as it operates in Snyder films, isn't subservient to language, they work in tandem. This leads as back to Eastern philosophy, the Hinduist Guru Mantra becomes another mythopoetical jigsaw piece in the totality of Justice League. As Brody succintly observed, "Even at his most pedestrian or bombastic, Snyder makes a far more engaging film than Christopher Nolan (an executive producer of “Batman v Superman”) ever did—because Nolan presumes to know and to show, whereas Snyder wants to see. Even his slender philosophical world seems like he’s discovering it, not delivering it."
What were you saying, cuck?
>Video games
>No flawless masterpiece
There have been several. And I will post one right now for you.
This. Is. Art.