What is your favorite Gainax?
What is your favorite Gainax?
Kill la Kill
Hanamaru Kindergarten
1999 Gainax
his and her circumstances shit is fucking golden
Princess Maker 2
Nadia; The Secret of Blue Water
The only good Gainax is a dead Gainax.
Wings of hoen-mayonase
Kill la Kill
initial d
Good choices
I love a good tomato slice in my lunch.
From what I've seen, Evangelion > FLCL > TTGL > Kare Kano > Gunbuster > P&S
All of them, with the exception of Gunbuster and P&S, are great and some of the best series the medium has to offer.
My nigger.
Though, did you like Diebuster? I hated it
My man why must you hurt me so?
>with the exception of Gunbuster and P&S
Fucking awful taste
Shit taste.
I did, because I was ok with it not being exactly like Gunbuster, I feel like that wouldn't have gone well. Plus the ending hit me like a ton of fucking bricks.
kill yourself my dude
The ending didn't hit me at all, it felt cheap trying to reuse an emotional moment, down to using the exact same song, instead of trying to make a new one.
None of the "emotional moments" in Diebuster hit me at all, it didn't fit the world where panty shots and out of place humor were commonplace.
It was so disconnected that I won't even acknowledge it as a part of that universe.
Nah, it was a pretty perfect tie in.
>having this much shit taste
Didn't share the same artstyle, characters or feel, only a handful of elements of the original and a very loose connection at the end, that's a perfect tie in to you?
I don't know, P&S got old after the 43th dick joke. What am I not getting from it? I really wanted to love it, but I just couldn't. Please help me understand.
As for Gunbuster, I do like it, but it simply isn't on the level of the other series in terms of character development and character interactions.
Did you miss them talking about Nono's legendary hero the whole time?
I get it user, you're mad that it wasn't exactly like Gunbuster. It's a different style and a different cast with a tie in at the end, not a rehash of Gunbuster.
I was going to respond seriously to the last bit of your post, but then I remembered that you're an Evafag so I saved myself the headache.
I didn't want Gunbuster again, I just wanted them to have the same tone and feel of Gunbuster, not modern anime with stupid MC and random panty shots and wannabe epic moments, just a well rounded story that actually had some emotional connection and stakes.
The best parts of Gunbuster was exactly the emotional moments, because Gunbuster had characters that I cared about, Diebuster could've done that at the very least, but they failed to develop the characters to the point of you caring about them or making them feel like actual characters.
It's just another story of failing to match up to the original.
All early Gainax sans Honneamise, plus FLCL, Abenobashi and Gurren Lagann.
>I didn't want Gunbuster
>I just wanted the same style, feel, tone and type of characters
Like I said, I get it. You wanted more Gunbuster. I love everything Gunbuster did as well, believe me, I just didn't expect Diebuster to be more of that, so I enjoyed the stylish animation, robots and buster beam slice.
1. Space force
2. Pleiades.
3. EVA
no joke.