Thoughts on Saya?
Thoughts on Saya?
I'd use her for chopping vegetables, if you know what I mean.
She is pretty. But not in that getup. I haven't watched the cartoon yet because it hasn't been bluray subbed.
are you a loli or are you legal?
Obligatory Hotaru is better.
Worst girl.
why dosent she exercise?
legal, therefore booooooring
Absolute semen demon
I like coffee, DFC and crazy eyes
Hotaru is far sexier and crazier, I'm lovin' it!
Cute girl.
Show would be better as a harem romance instead of the clusterfuck that it is. Inb4 plebs that liked the show state otherwise like idiots.
Flat chest!
Iron board!
Literally girl next door.
Someone you would introduce to your parents.
shes pretty good
wrong saya though
On the contrary, I found her extremely cute in her school swimsuit. There's just such a perfect air of innocence around her that I find her irresistable. She's just slightly too old to act the way she does, but it works so perfectly and makes her character fall together just right. She's captures perfectly the aesthetic of a kid who hasn't matured into her mbody yet. I'm bad at explaining this but hopefully you get my point here.
she is made for sex
perfect waifu
Not enough Dagashi in her Kashi, if you get what I mean?
Coffee > Snack
Saya is dfc throughout any series.
Was just about to post this.
Worst girl. Also she's fucking ugly. The animators were Saya fags and left out loads of scenes that contradict this from the manga
Delicious flat chest
I kinda like her
I'd like her more if she had Hotaru's eyes.
And if her hair didn't look like a mess
At least she isn't as annoying as Hotaru.
Why did I even watch that show?
I don't even like sweets.
How are we still talking about this side girl in a meme anime a year after it ended?
What a cute boy!
I understand you, man
the best girl.
If she were illegal, my dick would be diamond.
she's unconventionally cute
muh dick!
Makes my penis feel funny.
Property of foreigners
She is shit.
>Property of foreigners
You mad yerrow bois?
She looks retarded
Best girl.
I'm mad she didn't get bleached like hotaru
I like the green one more.
perpetually crosseyed
Director's waifu.
ugly body but cute personality but not as cute as hotaru
Coffee > Sweets
season2 when
>hotaru gives you candy
>Saya offers her love
And some say Hotaru is better.
T&A is nice to fucc but I'll marry and love a DFC.
>not posting the superior version
I like her goofy eyes
She's a qt3.14
The inferior girl
Decent but inferior girl.
>2 girls in show
>still manage to be the worst
Hotaru literally gave me my pit fetish
They drew her head backwards.
Top taste.
no belly button piercing no diamond
>liking body piercings
How can one persom have such shit taste?
Daily reminder
Only good thing about her is loli Saya
Saya seems like the kind of girl that got her ears pierced and coconuts mentioned he liked it in passing so she got a bunch more done.
AKA a cute girl!
saya will win da shikada coconuts!
Perfect in every way
>damage control
She's gay
Kokonatsu is only interested in Hotaru
Everyone wants to fuck Hotaru
>not posting the superior version
Hotaru is a succubus determined to suck the life out of every male in that town. Saya is a brave girl who knows what she's up to and is trying to stop her. She isn't gay!
I wish she was my succubus
Good friend but Hotaru is simply more appealing.
Would titfuck Hotaru while Saya sucks the tip of my dick, though.
I wonder if the new girl wants to fuck Hotaru.
>Would titfuck Hotaru while Saya sucks the tip of my dick, though.
oh gosh
I really like how she kind of has the delinquent look going on, but is actually a swet girl.
I'm am not talking about "rough-exterior soft-interior" bullshit, she is not a delinquent at all.
Hotaru is pure sex, nobody can resist
Her insides are soft, indeed. I can vouch for that
I'd put my cream in her coffee, if you know what I mean.
It shouldn't be possible for a girl to look this sexy while wearing this much clothing.
> liking body piercings
She already has like 200 on each ear, one more across her navel won't hurt. I actually expected her to canonically have one, to be honest.
Shes probably got pierced nipples too.
Worst girl!
Slightly inferior to insane, diabetes Kirino, but both are high quality
guys stop I dont want to lose any cum tonight
>insane diabetes Kirino
Why does she trigger such intense breeding instincts?
Because Hotaru is a god damn 10/10 candy demon
Shitty piercings, the body of a prepubescent boy, and shitty tsundere personality. She's sort of cute though
user, please. I can only take so much Hotaru
I usually hate piercings but her ear rings make me wet in the dick