Reminder that libertarians are the enemy of the European race...

Reminder that libertarians are the enemy of the European race. They are the promulgators of a corrosive Jewish ideology designed to turn European whites into atomistic individuals with no collective racial interests that worship money above everything else.

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They all have the same agenda, don't be fooled. They are all working together for their nutboj goals for a global world nation only consisting of Jews and goyim eradicated from the earth or tormented for their dark occult religion. Anyone who will disobey their new rule will be lied about in the history books and taught to their slaves.


Good man.

(((Their))) endgame is global communism. Libertarians advocate individualism which is the polar opposite. Also, an honest money supply will solve literally every problem in the world.

Thats why theres so much anti AnCap and Anti libertarian shilling on pol because its (((their))) biggest threat

Also, Ayn Rand was a psycho hell bitch. Not libertarian

Go outside, breathe some fresh air ausinon

If libertarianism is so fricking awesome for the NWO, how come its not spammed into our collective consciousness by (((media))). They could have had Ron Paul win in 2012.

>jews don't serve their own interest
>thinks the little peasant jews has any idea what the jewish hierarchy are doing anymore the the german peasants had any idea what the nazi hierarchy were doing

These are good jews in the OP. It just needs to be combined with Hoppean libertarianism. Notice how he was conveniently left out of OP image because he's not Jewish. But he based many of his thoughts on Rothbard and Mises

Rand was Libertarian.

Anyone who has read her works knows that.

It is, when it's convenient.

Libertarian arguments are given for tax cuts, anti national health care and austerity.

Libertarianism is an unworkable economic theory though, so Libertarian voices generally just serve as a rabid and blind pro-corporate propaganda tool

Sup Forums need to call out all alt-righters who are pro-capitalist.

This. Libertarianism is good for us goyim and bad for the kikes, but only if it is ethno-nationalistic libertarianism.

Psychopaths sometimes play the "your crazy card"

>Libertarianism is an unworkable economic theory
Its fucking Austrian economics. It advocates 100% accountability. There is literally NO WAY it can fail when you have a real honest money supply

Libertarianism is not an economic theory.
You have no idea what you are talking about.

Sorry but this type of stuff is embarrasing. Also whats wrong with libertarianism?

What makes government control any different from corporate control? it's still a group of rich wankers bossing you around for their own personal interest rather than the people and nations.

I have no time to answer questions to people who never look into Jewish corruption of conspiracy theories and label you silly without having any experience. So many people throughout history explain Jewish corruption and reveal so much convincing evidence it's hard to trust these bastards. Plus they completely forge history and make up in the mainly Jew owned media to promote anti-opposition to their plots and scheming.

To I have to expose the evil Talmud shit a million times more. Or Trotsky's threats of Women resulting into eating their children of starvation. The Rothshilds, Palestinian genocide?

>their endgame is global communism but all the jews abandoned communism literally decades ago
Don't to full retard with a uk flag again. At least proxy as an American.

Sandy Hook lies, 9/11 lies, war on terror lies, Federal Reserve, Wall Street, Jew Mafia, Jew Media, things, controlled op, demonization of hitler, holocaust lies, Covert Satanic like secret lodges? all that shit a complete autist will only research critically and come up with his own opinion and then realize things start ti add up.

Austrian economics is absolute meme tier economics. It's not even economics. It's just philosophy. And what the Aussie said is right. Libertarianism is used by the elite when it's convienient for them, when they need to destroy white collective interests in the realm of economics.

You don't know what Libertarianism is.

>t. leftypol

It's never be tried, so you are talking about pure theory.

If you (or anyone reading) thinks that the US has ever been a free market, you need to read:

Free Trade Doesn't Work By Ian Fletcher

Economic policy history is not on the side of free market Capitalism.

Honestly, I can actually guarantee you. That you'll abandon Austrian economic theory if you read more outside of Austrian economic theory.

First, the Austrian economics understand of what motivates human behaviour is outdated in behavioural science...

Drive By Daniel Pink

Innovation is due to a symbiotic relationship between the public sector and the market...

The Entrepreneurial State By Marianna Mazzucato

Economic Liberalization is what happens after state management has developed economies. It isn't the cause...

Bad Samartians By Ha Joon Chang

And finally, an examination and exposure of the nature of corporations...

The Corporation By Joel Bakan

I used to be a Libertarian. Austrian economic theory is based theory, economic policy history and behavioural science contradicts what they say.

If you read those 5 books, I can almost guarantee that your belief in Austrian Economic theory will be destroyed. And you'll begin looking into adopting another economic theory... I promise you, your worldview will change.

I challenge you to finish those 5 books, and not abandon your belief in Austrian economic theory.

Corporate control is based on money.

And alternative is a mix of democratic participation, merit, and market forces.

You know what I meant.

Fascism is anti-capitalism.

Name a single fascist who is pro-capitalism.

jews like money, and they hate totalitarian regimes as seen in the second world war.

i see the correlation between jews and libertarianism. nothing wrong with that. socialism and the nationalistic variation of it causes millions of deaths every time.

dump your almost naked girls reading folder?

Not every time.

Thomas Sankara, and Gaddafi were good examples of socialism done well.

Thomas Sankara (Skip to 2:10)...

Also, check out the image attached.


post more reading girls pls

>t cant pay for his own shit


There is literally nothing noble about greed and selfishness.

Nothing sexier than a bookworm girl.

Whoops forgot to attach...


>larping kiddo

Socialism preceded Marx.

And there are forms of socialism that Marxist don't like (eg. Mutualism, Syndicalism, etc).

In fact, many fascists are pro-syndicalism.

Also Feminism preceded Marxism (ie. the vindication of the rights of women by Mary Wollstonecraf).

I'm AnCap but I honestly think guns still need to be banned.

Ancap... would you be interested in reading non ancap anarchist market economic theory?

If so, here's a free book...

good thread lad
you are right on

I want as small a government as possible because (((they))) have the uncanny ability to infiltrate every bureau.