Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V

You thought it was going to be someone interesting, but it was me, Crow!

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Holy shit, Crow is such a faggot.

Why didn't Zarc look like this?

Xth for buy DDD to make reiji get more screentime.

Duel Links was just released.



EU release when?

Yuzu? Yuzu.


why is he a fucking manlet

because all Yuu's are manlets, and Zarc is the original

they're manlets because Zarc divided his height into all of them, so he should be taller if he were to get them all back right?


well I guess that explains why he's so angry

Zarc and Ray seem like 17-18 or maybe 20ish
but Yuya/Yuzu counterparts are 14-15

Zarc and Ray are 18 or less, there's no way they're older even though its an anime so apppearances dont mean shit

Alright then lol well they are still definitely older and more mature.

When will info about the new show drop?

Ray is probably not even a virgin anymore.

Monday, maybe

Been playing it until my battery almost died.
It's just a repainted Tag Force game but with microtransactions, the speed duel format and the sucky vanillas from first gen YGO are everywhere.
The graphics are good and all but that's basically the only improvement over the past YGO games.

>OP not being Kingu
Nigga you done fucked up. It's the King's birthday he should get the OP not fucking BUYBLACKWINGS.

Why are her shorts poofy like that?

EU never ever

Here you go, user that wanted a part 2.

She has weed on her pockets.

Thank you so much. Praise Zarc, because we fans are sure as hell are giving him more love than the staff.

Bless your soul Zarc-user

did they fugg?

Can I get part 1?

Just watched the latest episode with the same enthusiasm I have for my sixth fap for the day. Cant believe how I am still so salty even after months, all I am thinking is how cool would this duel be if I gave a shit about Kaito or Edo. Fuck me.

Will the tcg have to include "Odd-eyes rebellion dragon" and "odd-eyes raging dragon" in cards that state supreme king?

Not at the moment. So far none of the actual Zarc cards confirmed for Maximum Crisis have support for just "Supreme King" cards
They either say "Supreme King Servant" or "Supreme King Gate" or specifically Zarc

Zarc a shit

Honestly I hope that it never gets to that point. Raging and Rebellion already have a fuckton of text on them. Adding "This card is always treated as a 'Supreme King' card" would be a little much.

If there's Supreme King support, it would have to go both ways, like with Darklords. So Raging/Rebellion would get
>(This card is always treated as a "Supreme King" card.)
and the support would be for
>a "Supreme King" card, or "Odd-Eyes Raging Dragon" or "Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon"

how about they just reprint it in the next mega tins with their titles (Supreme King Black/Violent Dragon), if they can do it for red-eyes b. chick and frog the jam they could do it for the dragons

It took them over a decade and a half of writing "Except 'Frog the Jam'" to finally change his fucking name.








To the one user who asked if i was in jail or not, the hell is the matter with you?


To the one user who asked if i was in jail or not, the hell is the matter with you?

To be fair. Some anons sayed that a few of them actually believed that they were in jail.
Which user are you by the way?

More Kaito when?

It was already posted

the only user who is in jail is yamero fag, pedo


Those three bags are big

What will be fans reaction if years later, Crow becomes involved in the next anniversary series?

Why is he scratching the top of her sizeable mammaries? Additionally, the contortions in the fabric of his lower garments around his crotch area seems rather noticeable. Does this mean that he is a well-endowed gentleman, or that he is stimulated by his proximity towards the other party, the scent of her skin, the jiggle of her breasts, the smell of her cunt. Or both. This then begs the question: Did they engage in mutually pleasureable intercourse?

I'm the fag who wanted Dennisfag to be carded a year ago. Been preoccupied with life to really shitpost on Sup Forumsrc-v with the rest of you. That and it has gotten very depressing reading these threads for the last five months.

Someone plz put best boy out of his misery and get to YGO6 already.

Incest wincest

Ah I see. I also got real life bussiness to do but thank God I still manage to find time to lurk a little bit and post some times.


I wonder. How many episodes and what type of development the Tyler Twins couls have gone to actually change, befriend and be acceptes by Yuya and make at least most the XYZ Dimension accept them that they changed for good?

user, thank you so much for posting the superior Kaito. Then again, almost any Kaito is superior to Kaito Tenjo.

Bloody murder?

You're welcome! A vocaloid fag? That makes me happy!

Why does Gargoyle Zarc look like Yuya?

Was this even explained cause on the original dimension Zarc had Silver and Green hair and a Cowboy get up.


Yusei saves the day when?

Ok, memes aside, no it was not explained. But with how ARC-V has been as of late (All but abandoned? Even that?), and a tweet from from one of the animators () most likely referring to ARC-V, the term "last-minute design" most likely applies to the gargoyle. Heck, cowboy Zarc's face being obscured might have been unintentional as well, but with him it's like, "What? You guys can't decide on his eye color?"

He literally said Zarc-Yuya is his true form.

Duskutopiaguy and Dreamguy confirmed.

Then what was this?

That makes no sense though, since he didn't look like that beforehand and Yuya did not exist back then.
He probably meant that the reassembled Zarc is Yuya's true form.
Zarc probably took on Yuya's likeness because he took his body as a vessel.
If Yuri or the others won out, then Zarc would look like them.
Personally think that he should've turned back into a cowboy.

Cowboy Zarc.

Zarc-Yuya is Zarc's true form as Yuya is the embodiment of Zarc. All the other Yus are just counterparts. Yuya is the one who created Pendulum Summoning, which was made by Astrograph and Chronograph Magician who are the original forms of Stargazer and Timegazer Magician respectively. Yuya is also the one who has Zarc's main soul inside of him while the others just have pieces of his soul inside of them, which is why whenever they get connected, they get stronger.

This also explains why Yuya is the only one who takes on Zarc's will, or Berserk as we like to call it while the other Yus only ever responded when their respective dragons were in contact with each other.

And going off of this, it is also why Yuya is able to talk or interact with his monsters so well, because Zarc was said to be able to hear the voices of monsters. Now we know how Yuya was able to talk with Tuning Magician, or unlock new monsters like Enlightenment Paladin, Rune-Eyes, etc. etc.

And since Yuya was the last surviving Yu, it was obvious he would be the one to take form when demonic persona was created.

We probably wont see Cowboy until evil Zarc is defeated.

Adding to this, Cowboy Zarc's ace monster was Odd-Eyes Dragon. Yuya's ace monster was Odd-Eyes Dragon until it evolved into Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon.

Yuya is Zarc's true reincarnation

So like, will Zarc be defeated when Reiji finds a way to bring back Yuya and Yuya uses Chronograph Magician to summon his own Zarc ?

Amon: "I activate my Trap Cards!"
Manjoume: "How can you do that?"
Amon (Sarcastically): "I call out their names dramatically and they lift up, how long have you been playing this game?"

Remember what happened to blackwing and crow 's screentime?

Tell me about Jack.
How did he become the king?

Now that I look at that design, I'm seeing a lot of changes from that one to gargoyle-Zarc.
His wings are off, the body silhouette isn't deformed, no beat-ears, and there aren't spikes pointing out.
Maybe they changed the original design because it looked too much like Vector or something like that?

>Red eyes
Oh c'mon it was obvious from the start. The best shot at seeing Zarc in his original appearance is when the Yuu's separate from him.


Qt tomato

That's a nice tomato you got there .

Tyler Twins vs Zarc when?

Nice blog.


Never, they're do busy being irrelevant in the soup kitchen. Same as discount Chronos.

No release for US or Mexico yet?

>not available for my country
Well shit...

Just download it crom Qooapp. I did that and works perfect. It even updates itself

Ha nice fucking meme we never get shit.


It's been on the North American IOS and Android store since last night

I've been kicking newbie asses since morning with this card. Lucky me

Predictions for what deck yusaku will use?

I'm hoping he uses wyrms, they need more love plus it would look good with the CGI

bcuz yuya soul still resides in zarc

>I'm hoping he uses wyrms
Don't be silly. Yusaku is the MC and like all Mc's he will use new cards. His deck os the ultimate shilling machine

Rate my deck

Wyrm is a monster type, not an archetype.

Don't expect wyrms simply because they won't sell. They're dragon knock-offs, and at that point they may as well just shill dragons because more people want them.

>Yomi Ship

Honestly, I wish Konami would put their maximum shill powers to good use more often. Yuzu was at her best when Konami was trying to shill the shit out of her to get the female audience, then they stopped and she became your average shitty female lead.

Besides, the point of shilling is to get people to buy product they aren't already buying. People are going to buy badass dragons whether you tell them to or not.

Have you seen Wyrms lately? True Kings are pretty good.

Can't wait to see what kind of bullshit they use to make Sawatai's broken duel disk work again.

Option 1: Crow fixes Sawatari's duel disk.
Option 1.5: Crow's revival also miraculously fixes said duel disk.
Option 2: Gongenzaka, or Shun or Sora, lends his duel disk to Sawatari.
Option 3: Both Sawatari and Crow use the same disk and go at it Tag Force style.

Or bring back their infamous cash cows no matter how dumb it is.

Yuzu's as well as the other original characters treatment after Standard was borderline laziness as a whole.