
Didn't we do this yesterday?
Bump anyway.

Other urls found in this thread:




Right on, destroy them all. Bump.

Is that A pitbull?

no you retard look at its size in relation to the tire

>this man is right

BLM is actually a deep state divide and conquer tactic. Remember, when the police just gunned down that white homeless man with assault rifles for camping in the woods? The libertarian right and even people like Alex Jones were all up in arms about it, but since the inception of BLM, even Alex Jones has become supportive of the police state and everybody who speaks out against the militarization of police gets labeled as a lefty who wants to see white women get raped and killed by thugs.

Meanwhile the local police department buys 2 more tanks just for the lulz and shoots your dog/family members in a no knock raid at 3 AM, because you chose to smoke a joint and the governent isn't ok with that.

If they were niggers they deserved to be shot.

Could be a young pit

>Remember, when the police just gunned down that white homeless man with assault rifles for camping in the woods?
>BLM is actually a deep state divide and conquer tactic
whether it is deep state or it is soros (who factually provably does fund them) or whether it grew organically the effect it had was taking a right-wing cause of ending the police state because police state = big government and right wing is supposed to = small government, and totally flipping the positions within the space of a couple of years.
it used to be every right-wing website had posts about police brutality and all of that horrible shit that was going down. then the BLM came along and started screaming "this is whypeepo doing it to black people!" and naturally all of the whites had a reaction because we all know racially charged hate-rhetoric when we see it.

it didn't help that almost all of the causes BLM took up ended up being false-causes (eg "hands up dont shoot, the most famous of all of them, was a total fucking left-wing myth and it was used to guilt and shame white people and justify violent riots for over a year)

so the right-wing made a terrible mistake and cucked hard to the big cock of the police state. it aint right man. people gotta wake up. the majority of the people shot unfairly by police are actually white. god damn niggers usually deserve it cuz they're violent and criminal. but white people get gunned down for no fucking reason and hte media stays silent.

none of the people i mentioned were niggers. they were white people and weren't doing anything that warranted them being shot.

in the case of waco it was like 70 almost exclusively white people that were burnt to death by the fucking government. in the case of ruby ridge it was US marshalls hiding in the woods, stalking some guys cabin and his 14 year old son ran out thinking they were intruders and because they didn't identify themselves and were moving around all shifty a gunfight started, killing the kid and leading to a standoff. at some point during hte standoff the guys unarmed innocent wife got fucking SNIPED by a US Marshall while she was simple standing there holding her baby. it was fucking disgusting and they were very white.

same with kelly thomas and james boyd. very white. i posted the james boyd video here if you want to see and here's the kelly thomas video which IMO is far worse and far more disturbing

in fact not only were they white, but the US marshall that sniped vickie weaver was asian and he was later involved in the waco incident too

it's true, I was there when it happen
impeach trump now

>bootlickers will unironically defend this
When will they realize that just because the police mainly target niggers that doesn't mean they aren't just a gang of degenerate thugs who will eventually turn on the whites when there are too few blacks to satisfy their bloodlust?


Imagine how fucked up the shit in the 1st vid is.

You are a homeless person just sitting out in your tent trying to sit out the cold night, when 4 cops in military gear show up and shoot you (partially in the back it seems) for doing nothing more than trying to survive.

I have a simple solution to the whole police vioence epidemic, which is to hold the police to the same, or an even higher, self defense standard, that we hold normal citizens to.

We do the same thing in my country and it works great, since you can use force (permitted lethality depending on availability rather than proportionality) in defense of your or a third persons life, liberty or property.

Same goes for the police, since we see the use of violence by police as a principle subcategory of self defense, which in turn is a fundamental legal principle rather than just an exception to the concept of murder, like in the US legal system.

To a certain extent we have even stricter standards for police, since, in contrast to private citizens, they are not allowed to use force out of fear, because they are supposed to be trained to be able to asses a situation rationally, even under extreme conditions.

Thanks Janet Reno!

Everyone here hates BLM but it's unnerving how many anons support the police because they go against BLM. Cops are scum.

That's the funniest fucking headline I've read in a long time

true. Before BLM came along there was a growing movement against police-niggerdom

what you say mostly makes sense to me but unfortunately you've got to uncuck the right-wing from their newfound love of big government and authoritarianism. it didn't used to be that way. actually a long time ago in this country it even used to be the liberals who wanted to police the inner cities MORE to try and keep order and keep gang and drug crime down.

you've got to get the right-wingers back to distrusting the police and IMO they're not going to do it as long as this "police are racist because all white people are racist and attack black people and you are all a part of white institutional oppression blah blah blah" untrue crap is going around.

until groups like BLM can accept being "all lives matter" they're gonna keep stoking the fires of authoritarianism here. they created this whole issue by racializing support for police. it wasn't that way up until around 2014 when michael brown and BLM became a thing. it was actually a fairly bipartisan issue in the early 2010s

yeah and it was bi-partisan so something WOULD have happened, eventually. it was like the one and only bipartisan issue then BLM came in and said "it's actually white people against black people" and naturally all of the bipartisan support fell apart overnight.

even someone like me, when i first heard about "black lives matter" i supported them and i'm very racist. LOTS of right-wingers supported them at first and i even went to a rally. but then it became VERY clear VERY fast what they were REALLY about and it wasn't about making anything better, or holding police accountable even, it was just about rage and violence and hatred and their racially divisive narrative. whatever.


Yeah, but try bringing that up in political discussion with right wingers (even in supposedly red pilled places like Sup Forums) and you will immediately get slanderd as muh shill or muh blm.

Remember the reaction of the NRA to the Philando Castille shooting? A mere four years ago this would have riled up the right like nothing else, in fact it still would have, hadn't the guy been blacked and BLM in existence.

The left and other big government proponents manage to successfully block any progress towards smaller government by dividing society along racial lines.

Police state:
>Its all about race, muh ebil white pypo shooting innocent blacks (plx ignore ruby ridge, waco etc.).

Government overregulation:
>The right just wants to exploit poor blacks even more than in the days of slavery. In addition, they also want to poison them with fracking chemicals and kill them with unsafe products/factories in the middle of the ghetto (plx ignore zoning and licensing laws, that prevent all poor people, not just black, from opening small businesses and lifting themselves up by their bootstraps)

The war on drugs:
>Kek i think you know about that one.

>Yeah, but try bringing that up in political discussion with right wingers (even in supposedly red pilled places like Sup Forums) and you will immediately get slanderd as muh shill or muh blm.
that's because for the past 3 years we've been shouted at and sold this false narrative of police brutality being due to "Racism" and the implication is that we're all "racist and somehow morally decrepit" because of these young black people with guns and violent pasts being shot by police in self-defense.

when i hear someone talking about this issue and i think they're coming at me from that point of view, i have the same reaction because they're a cancer that's even worse than police brutality.

until the left straightens itself out here the right wont. the right is wrong but i can't blame them because the left is even more wrong. they ruin fucking everything with their faggotry, aggression, indignity and racial rhetoric.
>philando castille
philando castille wasn't a viable case of police brutality though. that was BLM chimpout and liberal virtue signalling. i see where this is going. you're one of "those people" and you can fuck off because from my perspective faggots like you made this problem for the rest of us. throw yourself off a bridge and make the world a better place please

In 20-30 years automation will have killed the labor market in the west. Mean unemployment rate will be around 20% and labor participation rate will be at 50%.

Increased automation will increase the requirement on cognitive ability and conscientiousness, this will permanently remove people from the labor market. Cities like Detroit will become more plentiful.

Capable people, ie with IQ over 120 and high work ethics will be welcomed to countries like Poland, Hungary, Czech republic, maybe Japan, Singapore etc.

This will put pressure on Western nations to keep taxes low. Segregation will increase. Riots among the immigrated barbarians will become a daily occurrence in small nations that have 10% or more immigrants from MENA.

Police will work with the military to clear up the ghettos in a form of general martial law with segregated areas being safe. Nations who don't adopt hardball strategies will see their intelligentia leave en masse to safe countries.

Some nations like Sweden, Netherlands, France and Germany risk annihilation from within followed by a war since their army equipment will fall ionto the hands of mongrels who pose a threat to neighbors.

Since no country can afford to take care of the cognitively disabled barbarians making up the majority of the population in the problem areas, the wars will have huge civilian casualties.

Mass deportations will begin earlier, within 10-15 years.

The European nations who survive will be very prosperous.

In the US, race wars will begin within 25 years unless the Hispanic population shrinks. The statistics are bad enough as they are, imagine what happens when unemployment goes up by 3x. Virtually no blacks will work, few hispanics will and the gvmt has no money to hand out welfare checks.

After this there will be a decade of joy and prosperity like we have never seen before. After that the genetically enhanced humans, most likely originating from China will take over followed by machines take over.

This is why liberals want only the cops to have guns.

Each one dreams that they will be the Chief of their police state, but the majority are going to be the dogs instead.

Wrong thread

Why would they tell him to cut its head off?

fucking "liberals" are so powerhungry. you know the whole reason the left is obsessed with "muh hierarchy" is because its all they think about, right? all they think about is their relative position in society and how many people they're able to exert control over.
contrast that to right-wingers who don't have a problem with hierarchy in society because we literally dont EVER think about it. we only think about being independent and strong and personally autonomous. we don't wake up in the morning and say "how can we increase our ability to control people today", we only say "how can we decrease other peoples ability to control us today"

one of these sentiments is noble. the other one is sick. the political left is the sick one

Maybe it had rabies...

incompetent nog cop

Truth .. I've been thinking this for awhile now

The Philando Castille one is actually kinda complicated, the cop in the video clearly tells him to get his ID and he informs im, as required by state law, that he ha is carrying gun. As he reaches for his ID, which is most likely located somwhere near his waist (just like the gun), the officer clearly panics and opens fire. But I am actually ok with the verdict itself, since there was actually an indictment followed by a full trial followed by acquittal of the officer. This is ok imho, since the threshold for the burden of proof is extremely high in cases like this and courts should always err on the side of the accused, even if he is a police officer. I wish however, that the same standards were applied to private citizens as well. Imagine a private citizen involved in a shooting like this. I can guarantee you, that he wouldn't get away like that.

What i found strange was the complete silence of the right (especially the NRA) concerning the case, which was at a time where the police dashcam video hadn't been released yet, when we knew the following things:

>Castille was a law abiding gun owner, who had been stopped by the police over 52 times and never showed any hostility or violent bahviour towards them.

>He was carrying his gun legally.

In essence all we knew was, that a law abiding gun owner had been shot by police, while legally carrying a firearm. The NRA could have at least issued a statement, like it has done so many times in the past, declaring that they stand with gun owners and that they denounce increased suspicion and profiling of people for merely exercising their constitutional rights.

If said incident had occurred a few years prior, before the inception of BLM, the rights reaction would surely have been different.

America is the whore of babylon and the police/military are her pimps.

"If you want to fight evil, you'd better fight against the U.S. Government, because they allow it, they protect it, they subsidize it, they ARE it - the most evil thing that's ever existed."

Hey, at least your cops aren't cucks like those stupid yuropoors right?

Never knew about this, fucking psycho cops, we seriously need a watch dog organization that is not associated with niggers to keep these low-IQ fuck wads under control. State enforcer union cucks.

His dog bit a neighbour and the police shot it. Then they had to test the creature for rabies hence the head had to be removed for testing.

Now, if YOUR dog bit someone and got put down for it, why the fuck should the POLICE be tasked with the GRUESOME task of removing the head?
Sick and tired of cunts who don't train their dogs properly, let them bit people then act like victims.

dude fuck off i don't need to hear this narrative "ooooooooh the NRA is racist. they don't care about philando castille because he's black!" like seriosuly this is the sort of shit that caused the problem in the first place just stfu. throw yourself off a bridge please. the world will be a better place

people like you and your implications of institutional injustice based on race are literally making it so that people CANT fucking speak up and speak out against something they think is wrong. just fucking kill yourself you are the cancer of earth

Are you an idiot? Why do they need the head you fucking twat? Just take the whole dog or take a sample.. what kind of voodoo shit is beheading dogs?

As a fascist, this webm makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Absolutely fucking BASED policemen
SUBHANALLAH the dirty kuffar dogs deserved it
Only الله knows how many poor kitties have been torn apart thanks to these demonic dog breeds and their nigger owners

wew lad police state life

>Rabies is a disease that affects the nervous tissues, meaning that it's not found in blood, feces or urine. As you can probably imagine, this makes it quite difficult to test animals for the virus. To complicate matters further, potential testing outlets, such as saliva, don't yield results as quickly or as accurately as brain matter. Therefore, an animal's head must be removed, post-mortem, in order to gauge its infection status accurately.
Do your research before crying MUH FEELINGS like a fucking Tumblrina.
His dog, his obligation to behead it.
The alternative would be to have veterinarians on call 24/7 to attend these incidents and do the beheading. I don't think taxpayers would want that, and it's not part of the Sheriff's job description either so fuck you leafshit.

You have to remove the dog’s brain/brain stem/spinal fluid in large quantities for rabies testing. That’s the only place in the body the disease settles in other than inconclusive reproductive wastes that make it into the mouth/salivary glands.

Fucking leaves I swear, rake when?

Eat shit, gov welfare nigger

What's wrong, libertardian? Triggered?

power tripping cop that thinks (knows) he will get away with it because of psyops like BLM creating a security blanket of people willing to bail him out over racism

>"wuz", not "is"

The fact that you couldn't survive without government is what's wrong

Calm the fuck down there G-Man. I know you have to up the quota for people you can entrap as white nationalist but damn, try to be a little less obvious about it.

I like the cops that will box with you desu.

I could do just fine. But entitled fucks like you need to be taught their place.

>But entitled fucks like you need to be taught their place.

Sounds like fun.

> because you chose to smoke a joint and the governent isn't ok with that.

I know right and how dare they disincentives someone. Everyone knows that we should be able to break a law just because we want to and suffer zero consequences for it.

Grow the fuck up! What are you a commie or just an underdeveloped adolescent?

Aaah yes, the welfare nigger that depends on gov assistance "could do just fine"

while ruby-ridge types are the "entitled fucks"

Grow a brain, nigger

here comes another "libertarianism doesn't work!" guys who has no concept of libertarianism, doesn't understand how it works, and loves throwing buzzfeed and facecrook memes on Sup Forums.
while you're checking it out, has your "feed" mentioned when the new marvel movie is coming out?


doesn't this comic prove that i am right when i say ending the police state used to be the right-wing position only a few short years ago? and that BLM fucked it all up for the rest of us by racializing the issue and making whites feel like they couldn't speak out against police tyranny without being perceived as admitting "police is racist" or some shit?

the irony is police aren't racist. they arrest more blacks because of the higher crime rates. not rocket science. they're equal opportunity brutalizers and tyrants. that's why we need to wake up and keep them in check
wut? wut are you even trying to say?

The cops should have taken the whole body of the dog to Animal Control for testing. They know how to remove a dog's head to check for rabies, a cop trying to do it is likely to destroy the evidence, let alone the owner.

This was a power tripping cop that only cared what a cunt was telling him to do in the hopes of getting his dick wet.

be happy you dont live in Canada. the police would force you to make love to your dead dog

>entitled to not being beaten up and shot by the police
The absolute state of americucks.

> ending the police state used to be the right-wing position only a few short years ago?

It still is. If you're being told otherwise, you're listening to the same fake news that claims Democrats are no longer pro-slavery (they just call their slaves "undocumented immigrants" now).


My only problem is when they pick fights and get butthurt when you fight back.

You know it, brah.

I'm white, son. And I work for a living. Also,I don't fap to 2D girls in my basement all day like you do.

>text fills panel

Way to prove yet again that liberals can't meme.

Nice job dipshit, you support a police state in a country that hates us. How about waiting until a fascist state actually takes power before advocating for these policies

Real cucks hide behind meme flags, son.

Remember the LA riots.
Remember the ferguson riots.
Police literally left the street for nigs.

This should be the fate off all pitbulls and their owners.

You're just a state nigger slave.. Keep sucking Obama's dick, moron

>in the case of waco it was like 70 almost exclusively white people that were burnt to death by the fucking government.
Bitch please, that was an accident. Did they use flammable CS insertion tanks, sure they did. But the Dividians also had Gasoline, propane and white gas all over the place in there like it was a fucking camp out.

Ruby ridge is another BS fairytale. Yep his sone got shot and yep they were sneaking around. But he also could have, you know, surrendered instead of trying to out gun the fuck federal government like a moron; resulting in his wife's death on top of his son and going to jail anyway. Also while it won't bring anyone back to life they certainly did get a massive cash payout that they weren't to proud to take. Bonus point they didn't "Snipe here holding her baby", they shot through a door that they didn't know she was standing behind trying to hit tweedle dumb.

The moral of the story is "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes". If you're going to have the balls to try and fight them you better have the accountability to own up to the possibility of getting what you deserve.

Side note, this is clearly a setup just like Randy Weaver. Try to get someone to play along so they can show up and shake you down. Don't fall for it Anons.

Not the sane leaf but i am still confused. I understand that brain matter is the only way to test for rabies. I understand the head must be removed post mortem to be tested. Why must the head be removed at the scene? Why can't the entire body be brought to a professional to be tested? Does rabies have to be tested for immediately? What kind of time line do they have to test for rabies?

....sick time payouts? that's an oddly specific thing to be mad about

I advocate fascism in MY country. I don't know what the fuck you're on about with this "country that hates us" bullshit.

Modern Americans have demonstrated that they can't handle the freedoms they were born with. So, it's time to corral them like the sheeple they are. Let them learn the old adage of "you don't know what have until it's gone".

just the tip of the iceberg

it also looks like its the only thing they can be mad about

>Ruby Ridge
Yeah he's my fucking sheriff now

You're putting the cart before the horse. >We haven't taken power yet.
>The government wants to stay in power
>advocating fascist policies right now only strengthens the people who want to keep us out of power

If you want to live in a jew dictatorship, feel free. Just do it somewhere else

Thank you for saying what might be one of only a handful of worthwhile statements in this entire bread.
If you can't control your animal, even if it's an accident, that is not anyones responsibility or fault but your own. Can't deal with the responsibility then don't fucking have the animal.

>defending the sniping of an unarmed woman holding her baby by US marshalls and twisting the rest of the story to make it seem like 14 year old Samuel Weaver somehow deserved to be pumped full of lead by US Marshalls that failed to properly identify themselves, leading him to think they were home intruders.
>claiming Waco was "an accident"
>The moral of the story is "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes". If you're going to have the balls to try and fight them you better have the accountability to own up to the possibility of getting what you deserve.
people who say things like this are universally repressed homosexuals who love having the big government cock up their ass. owning them. controlling them. and telling them what they can and cannot do.

good post. People are getting it. even on plebbit I have seen righties start to speak openly that the cops aren't the good guys

You're truly a hypnotized slave

KYS, nigger

Police are low iq order followers, basically niggers under control

Yep I love that government cock that has yet to do anything to me what so ever because I don't go around doing stupid shit I know will illicit a hostile response.

>Oh hey kids lets poke this fucking bear with a sharp stick.
>Oh shit that bear mauled my children, why didn't the government do something to protect us.

I love dumb fucks like you, so entertaining to watch.

even i defend the cops on plebbit and im a right wing libertarian, anti-government, tax-protester type. the reason is because to the left this is strictly a racial issue. the left LOVES big government and would never for one second think about taking more power away from them. they use this narrative of "police brutality is actually racial oppression" to forward their anti-white agenda
AND the ultimate proof of it is when a white kid is shot by police they do nothing but make excuses "he deserved it" and shit like that. the shooting of dylan noble was no different than many of the shootings of black people by police that the left wigged out about, but when it came to dylan noble they all said "well he deserved it, truly". reddit had a huge thread about it and they were all against the poor 19 year old kid that got shot cuz he was white and it didn't fit the narrative. and there are other cases too, even more disgusting, like the poor 17 year old kid that got pulled over and then the cop randomly fired 6 bullets into him for no reason and claimed his "gun malfunctioned". lefties say "well, he deserved it"

so yeah, when a piece of shit lefty pushing their BLM narrative says this? you're damn right i rise up and defend the police and the police state too. and that's what many on the right do. we do it because as horrible as the police are the narrative the left is pushing is something of an even deeper evil, something even more insidious.

i wish it weren't so because i NEVER want to defend the police or the government but that's the position they put the entire right-wing of the political spectrum into. and its to the point now where when i see a nigger get shot im like "yeah, well, we wanted to fix it but now you only want to whine about racism like always" so i don't even give a shit

Cops are just guys doing a job, employed by their city.

People romanticize the archetype, same with doctors. They're just people wearing different hats.

Link in the news story requires a Facebook account.
I'm not on Facebook, and I will never join that POS site.
Here's the YouTube link.

>Yep I love that government cock
ok then, i guess we have a mutual understanding

Niggers like you are the cancer killing this site

You love that government cock, thanks for admitting it- you faggot shit-eater retard

Sure sure, I bet you say that to all the people that don't instantly buy into every nut job conspiracy you peddle. For your next trick tell me about floride and chemtrails. GMO's are a secret plot everyone look out.

Fuck off and take your pills.

And loser jew shills trying to stir up shit to divide and disorganize are a plague on all sites. Do the world a favor and just kys.

>For your next trick tell me about floride and chemtrails

Neither one of those are conspiracies, though. They're openly acknowledged by the government.

and there are people like this guy who genuinely unironically defend this. no surprise why they make comments like this one here openly stating that they "love government cock up their ass"

>Ruby Ridge, Waco. People found not guilty, acquitted of charges
>Government indited

Sounds like you're the nut job, you nigger shit-eater faggot retard

Keep sucking that government cock, you communist loser

HAHAH true. He's a welfare communist that loves the state's penis in his asshole

It would be nice if the feds came to his house, shot his family and burned his house down

The answer is simple- you can want pigs and niggers shoved in the same gas chamber. The pigs certainly don't protect you from niggers, it's your job to protect yourself. But yeah, I've been thinking this for a while, that the BLM thing and a lot that the communist left has done over the past few years is a government op. But how do we subvert it?

why do we need so much police i wonder....

Get a new hobby, maybe you should try directly confronting these government fascists you speak of. I would love to see your corpse being pulled from the smoking ruins of your poorly built compound.

Fucking schizophrenic autists can't function in the real world with the rest of us so they have to run around making up boogie men and fairytales. Nobody is out to get us, there is no grand conspiracy and you just need some help.