Okay, I will try and report back in another thread
Thomas Sanders
>Not a single person has posted a list Looks like people have finally caught on, OP.
Jack Cook
>Already rating the season It has been only like 2 weeks since the new season started.
Aiden Perry
It's always like this. He'll stop spamming that later on.
Carson Price
>ErectionalDisfuncitonLife What's that?
Blake Sanders
Wish I knew too.
Tyler Roberts
Jacob Walker
elDLIVE maybe?
Jackson Hernandez
This happens literally every season, why the fuck does it take so long for people to realize it's a shitty bait thread every time?
Nicholas Garcia
>bait Just because your taste is so shit you disagree with OP ranking, and you realize your taste is shit so are ashamed to post own list does not mean this thread is a bait.
Jason Phillips
Can you at least watch Onihei so people would know it exists?
Jonathan Jones
Hand Shakers. I found the "hey look it's CG!" a little too jarring, it's not 1995 any more.
Jayden Cooper
Oh man Demi-Chan was great.
Justin Stewart
That it was, and it`ll be even better in next episodes. Manga is great.
I hope Centaur no Nayanami will be adapted one day as well.
Jason Morales
Leo Scott
>dropped LWA >godlike taste
Jeremiah Robinson
>dropping LWA and Handshakers
Owen Gray
This season is absolute dog shit.
Mason Smith
What do you mean? We have Hand Shakers.
Carter Diaz
Being retarded Sup Forums manime fag must be suffering
Luke Mitchell
I'm not one to use such terms but this is a perfect description of anyone who thinks this season is bad. They'll all come crawling back in spring, in the meantime I'll enjoy these good few months.
Juan Moore
Would this show even have threads if it wasn't for the studio adapting it?
David Lopez
I assume you wanted to post in Maid Dragon thread, and as for your question: yes, it would.
COOL has a small but faithfull fanbase, and its not the first of his works being adapted into anime - likely not the last too. And those shows had threads on Sup Forums too.
Ryan Nguyen
As always, I at least tried to watch every single anime from the season, aside from sequels to shows I haven't seen. The only ones I didn't drop (yet) are:
ACCA Chain Chronicle Demi-chan Gintama Koro-sensei Quest! Little Witch Academia Onihei Rakugo Zestiria + 3-gatsu and Kubikiri Cycle
Overall, not bad, but not great either.
Angel Robinson
>Chain Chronicle How interesting is to watch anime of mobage you have no clue about? Bahamut worked since its pretty much original. I am looking forward to Granblue, since play the game and love the characters.
Chain however is pretty unknown, so i imagine as dull to unfamilar viewer as Granblue will be for those who dont know it.
Elijah Miller
LWA is normalfag anime tier, that's why you have shit taste.
Alexander Sanders
Well, it does seem rather generic, but at least it has good art and animation. And slightly less cliches than most anime from the last few seasons. Though, to be fair, this is one of the shows I may still drop, depending on the next episode.
Ryder Edwards
>God tier
>Good tier: Chain Chronicle Onihei Blue exorcist Witch academia Zestiria
>Ok tier: Demi-chan Masamune Youko Senki
>Meh tier: Seiren
>Bad but still enjoyable tier Eldive
Hand Shakers
Cameron Nguyen
>except for random chick appearing from nowhere in OP webm)
And all the guys who just disappear or appear in the school scenes, and the tits jiggling not when she falls but when she is on the floor without moving
It is not worth watching? Even i do so only out of obligation to be able to give the only objective and correct rating of shows airing.
Oliver Phillips
Good: Rakugo S2 - Probable AOTS Gabriel Dropout - Satania best girl.
Above Average: LWA - Didn't like the first two LWA but enjoyed this episode,hope it stays that way.
Average: ACCA: 13-ku Kansatsu-ka - Boring first episode,slow burner will probably be solid just going to take a while to pick up knowing Natsume Ono's other anime. Onihei - Alright first episode but nothing impressionable.
Below average or worse: Masamune-kun no Revenge - Okay first episode,still nothing special though and certain to go to shit after what I've read from spoilers.
John Ramirez
Worth Watching: -Demi-chan -Seiren -Fuuka -LWA
Evan Wilson
Maid Dragon just confirmed God tier.
Parker Jones
Justin Hill
If you are not watching livestream, just wait a hour or so for HR to find out.
Julian Robinson
Maid Dragon just confirmed shit tier.
Joshua Ross
i dropped that animal show because i was expecting cute animal girls but instead I got bad animation, bad voicing and a tired-sounding zookeeper who told me some fun facts about savannah cat.
Kayden King
When I first read the lame, generic-sounding premise for this original anime series, I certainly wasn't expecting it to be the most visually ambitious production of the new season. But that's exactly what we get. The first episode features a stunningly full degree of character animation, with both foreground and background shots of crowd scenes animated in great and exacting detail and movement everywhere you look; even when characters are talking from off-screen, instead of still or panning shots (one of the most common animation shortcuts in anime!) you still see crowds moving around in a natural fashion. Furthermore, the always-active camera zooms around and through the action to promote a vastly deeper 3D effect than anime is normally capable of, and various creative camera angles and distorted lenses are used for visual effect. Character designs are rich and detailed, too, even if they do carry over fairly common anime design elements and have a sort of gloss to them. The CG effects with chains and gears may be a little to glaring for the tastes of some, but I allow extra consideration for them since they are manifestations of otherworldly super-powers
Jace Adams
For once, ANN is right.
Nolan Barnes
I love the contrast between Handshakers and ACCA. ACAA is truly beautiful and dignified while Handshakers is a big fat mess that makes me nauseous.
Brandon Diaz
>Great LWA Demi-chan
>Meh Masamune
>Garbage Seiren
Daniel Cooper
Hand shakers is visually stunning.
Nicholas Barnes
About as stunning as a flashbang.
Nathan Wood
What the fuck is this supposed to be
Justin Sanders
Only beutiful about ACCA are character designs. The visuals and animation are poor.
Luke Kelly
can we all agree that Acca has the best OP in this season by FAR?
Remember the recent hubbub about banning daily threads? Good times.
Jaxson Harris
can we at least agree that Gabriel Dropout looks like the surprise of the season?
Oliver Long
Looks pretty much like average Dogakobo
Ayden Diaz
Those yaoi hands
Matthew Nelson
doesn't seem too unrealistic for me
Brandon Scott
Am i watching cute girls yuri adventures or lovecraftian horror anime?
Elijah Lewis
>that webm
Forced animation
Chase Bell
Cute dragon girls getting rid of humanity
Jace Cox
Anthony Perez
Poor /u/. Its evident they`ll be lured in by all the bait KyoAni created again.
Hudson Carter
KyoAni knows their fans
Blake Cox
>Top tier: Demi-chan Maid dragon LWA
>Great tier: Gabriel Masamune Miname
Alright tier: Urara ACCA Seiren
Meh: Akiba's
Dropped: Fuuka Youjou
waiting on subs: Konosuba
Justin Nelson
Swap Urara and Demi and you are closer.
Henry Foster
Good taste
You are joking?
Brandon Sanders
What anime
Hudson Morgan
Yggdrasil: Saga of the Ragnarok
Daniel Collins
this one
Isaac Butler
Maybe the second episode will make it up but nothing about the first of urara was anything other than average
James Nguyen
I watched the first episode of urara and it wasn't like really bad or anything but I'm kind of confused what the demographic is? It seems like cute girls doing cute things + mild ecchi but it also seems like it's too slow even for that, like it's literally for little kids.
Isaiah Jones
Its Manga Time Kirara, so same demographi as KinMoza, GochiUsa, YuriYuri, Yuyushiki etc. - females with tendency to yuri bait
That said Urara is more fun than their usual garbage, though nowhere near YuruYuri tier.
Daniel Richardson
You have the best taste in the fucking website
Brayden Hill
While the previous season seemed to go full yuri and fujopandering, this season is full of typical otakupandering. I think it's only fair.
Joseph Williams
is there a long enough shot of them in their dragon forms to make a webm?
Henry Bell
Idk about you guys but I'm feeling this show duud
Jose Powell
One Room is pretty good. Good competitor for Seiren.