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Proof! He's Hitler! We have him now!

I don't want communism.


I only just read it nice kek berlin wall XD

it is a real occupy wall street thing or a troll ?


The Berlin Wall was made by the Soviet Russians not the nazis

Why you think that communism is better than nazism?! show your flag you stupid cuck!!!


Fucking loser

Show flag

That's the joke

I bet its a leaf

Is that Liberty Prime?


no l

Fake news, real Jews.

You know it
>Democaracy is non-nogotiable

Give me a clue

Mr Hitler, pull this wall down!
- Teddy Roosevelt, 1944


Hmmm.. East or west ?

Fuc yee


Who would win communism or one thic boi

"Communism is the very definition of failure."

Oh shit

Fallout is pretty based for a modern game
>1950s white america
>anti communism


Finally he did it. Glad to see he's proud of who he is.


Communist is a motherfucker. Communist is a hypocrite. Communist lies always. Always bullshit. Ruling communist always rotate everything from legs to the head, all history all news. And covers them with iron curtains and censure. Communist compares those who’s not in secta and against it with devils and fascists. Communist make a threads on Russian chans sitting in New Zealand. Cuz communist don’t like to live in North Korea or Cuba. But he’s always supports their politics and ideology if you ask him about. Communist from KGB names himself liberal if politics changed but inside will remain communist. By other words – motherfucker. How to understand that communist lies? If it openth a mouth. If you talk to communist don’t trust anything it tell ya. Better smash it’s face. Communis is dangerous. Communist is hollow and unashamed. Communis will always cover it’s own true ugly identity with high minded words. It lies always not fealing uncomfortable, sometimes even not understanding it’s lies. Because the lies it’s nature. It grown in lies. And this is it’s most intimate secret, that it will never recognize itself.

too late for flattery, he didn't build wall, he bombed nat soc Syria and din't sanction China

> Trump is like Darth Vader in Star Wars
> Trump is like Voldemort in Harry Potter
> Trump is like Hilter in the Holocaust

Is anyone else tired of all these liberals likening Trump to characters in fiction?

How did you figure this one out???????

Surprised I support Trump, but I enjoy watching him make leftists heads explode.

>"Deep cherokee roots".

She looks hella white to me.

If only you knew how deep the rabbit hole went.

obvious bait thread but whatever

i hate hitler but in contrast to trump at least i could take him seriously as a politician


Communists built the Berlin wall haha

Which is amazing considering construction of the Berlin wall didn't happen until 16 years after Hitler's death.

Wait, what?! What "Berlin wall" did Hitler build? And while we're at this stupid comparison, since when did Trump announce his plans to put anti-personnel mines and snipers on his wall?

Christ, there is so much wrong with that comparison...

He's not Hitler, if anything he's Mussolini

Liberals having a chimp out scare the normies.



At least Hitler stood for something.

>Hitler had his Berlin Wall