Bitcoin crash on Sunday.
I hope you sad fucks already know why. Do you have yoir food supplies ready?
Bitcoin crash on Sunday
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Yes, and it's because of tether. I moved all my BTC off of exchanges so I can start selling on localbitcoin as soon as it starts to tank.
I did google, but whats going to happen on sunday with bitcoin and tether?
no need for i have actual money
But with the current interest rates you're losing money because of inflation.
Stock market will allow you to buy contracts on BTC. All small BTC owners will get BTFO'd hard by professional trading algorithms. It's over.
Should I convert to ETH or something?
>Stock market will allow you to buy contracts on BTC.
What does this mean, is it like smart money or something?
Nah, once they short BTC all cryptos will get BTFO and then fucking Venesuela will try to hack the market and convert their new shit crypto into dollars.
Well, I only had $40 in it. Might as well cash out my $400 now.
They will bet on BTC going up or down in near future with real money. They will fuck up so many boomer investors that the market will explode. Fun fact, stock markets and banks can make money on price drops and pay 0 comission fees.
Surely the price of BTC will only go up due to more people buying BTC. And when the cBoe markets start accepting bitcoin its only going to normalize it for other people therefore increasing the popularity and amount of people investing in bitcoin, so its only going to go up right?
Nope. The banks and stock markets want to steal all the money they can and destroy cryptos because they fuck up with their business model.
Will Zcash be the victor or something?
With this news out surely the price should already be crashing.
I might buy in just a little once it crashes. How hard do you think it will crash?
fucking idiot yuropoors
>The banks and stock markets want to steal all the money
you're naive. the banks can print money themselves.
checked. good thing I haven't bought in. I'm buying in after it drops to $2k
How though.
>Bitcoin crash on Sunday.
We can only hope. The FOMO is so strong people have been ignoring bad news about bitcoin.
Hey cunt, fuck you. Then only thing that can stop bitcoin dead is an EMP or CME event. So the food prep idea is pretty good. On the other hand water is the most important prep for out living everyone (and gunz).
>Stock market will allow you to buy contracts on BTC.
I thought that wasn't supposed to happen till like Dec 18th? I wouldn't expect a crash from that. I would expect insane FOMO.
>They will bet on BTC going up or down
We already have margin trading on some exchanges like GDAX.
A company called Tether creates their own currency. Investors buy into Tether. Tether takes the money, buys BitCoins, and holds them. Basically, investors with deep wallets are making large purchases of BitCoins through Tether. Because of that, BitCoin’s price is artificially inflated.
If there is a sudden panic and people lose faith in Tether, then the price of BitCoin will plummet because buying pressure will disappear.
EMP of the entire planet would be necessary. Highly unlikely and we would have far bigger problems than bitcoin in that scenario. If I wanted to take down bitcoin I would DDOS the hard coded nodes that allow the network to self organize.
This is a good read about Tether and the possible fraudulent activity (ponzi scheme-esque) and its effects on BitCoin.
We saw a small dip when Teather got robbed. It didn't last very long. I don't think people realize how cancerous Teather really is.
>Stock market will allow you to buy contracts on BTC
making it worthless as it has no practical value or backing. Some jackass will wake up one day and realize that nobody wants bitcoin anymore, then those that have it will go bankrupt.
>now at 11,722
How fucking mad are bitcoiners right now
>making it worthless as it has no practical value or backing.
A bank in my pocket has no value? You don't have a clue how bitcoin works do you?
This is the key problem from the article:
>Tether Limited is likely issuing bogus Tethers, which is equivalent to 1 USD, which can then be used to buy Bitcoin.
Its like before the Great Depression when banks were giving out investment loans and artificially pumping up the economy by creating money out of thin air. Eventually it collapsed and everyone went broke.
>Bitcoin crash on Sunday
tries to manufacture crash, bait 1/10
Not nearly as mad as no coiners.
you fags should start investing in CryptoKitties before it's too late I think I will get some next week
Is it time to sell my rare Pepes?
the art is just shit
Also a big question if the money is really in the accounts that tether claims
This is fucking crucial goys. READ THIS
Buy Link faggots
It was free for me...
ITT: /biz/ attempts to FUD
BTC will skyrocket you faggots. Normies are going to get in and pump it up to 25k within 6 months. Then there will be a "catastrophic crash" down to 19k or so before we begin the steady climb to 100k
So basically convert to eth.
>fiat BTFO crypto
so this is how you tame a crypto these days? I thought it was supposed to replace fiat not get controlled by its buying / selling pressure.
I hope it plummets. Going to be hilarious watching the rage.
Yes, considering everyone has to take Tether’s word for it, there is no oversight, and there have been no audits, there is a high possibility that fraud could be taking place.
For those not following along, this is what COULD BE happening:
Tether is pegged at 1:1, Tether per USD.
Lets say I take my $10,000 and I buy 10,000 Tether. Tether then takes that and buys BTC.
But what if instead of Tether being honest about having only 10,000 Tether to play with, they say they have 100,000 Tether and they buy $100,000 of BTC off the market while making people believe that 1 Tether is indeed worth 1 USD.
Then they would be duping the BTC market and artificially causing high demand and inflation.
>Then they would be duping the BTC market and artificially causing high demand and inflation.
Basically they would be scamming retards into selling their BTC for worthless shitcoins
Best withdraw my $79
They could use this to manipulate the market and take advantage of suckers on both sides of the transactions
See ya at 100k fag
fucking 'language' is nails on a chalkboard
no they use syrup as currency.
Stop shilling. Bitcoin will never die. It can't die by definition of its implementation. It's here forever. And if it falls, it will only come back stronger.
>And if it falls, it will only come back stronger.
Curious to know what makes you think that
Says the memeflag shill
bitcoin will never die because of ether?
You forgot the part about Tether refusing to be formally audited, and how their disclaimer states that they do not have to ever redeem your Tethers for money.
>You forgot the part about Tether refusing to be formally audited, and how their disclaimer states that they do not have to ever redeem your Tethers for money.
oh hahahahaha.
Is it located in Eastern Europe?
still goes down in value pretty quick if you eat it
Anyone who thought they wouldn't figure out how to utterly destroy crypto is a complete moron
You can already short crypto on plus500
Who cares if it's going to be commoditized for fiat currency leverage
>Anyone who thought they wouldn't figure out how to utterly destroy crypto is a complete moron
This. Governments will deal a heavy blow to crypto in 2018. BTC will survive tho