/sig - Self Improvement General - Find a good girlfriend edition

Hello Sup Forumstards - I've been trying to turn my life around in accordance with /sig. I'm stuck on the point where I need to find a nice girfriend. Where and how do I find one?

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Unironically Tinder.

the way most people get a wife. Matchmaking by friends and family

But I live by myself and all of my friends are just as useless as I am, we all work 9-5 day jobs, I'm trying to break out of this shitty circle.

I am wondering this as well. I've been on a new diet for two weeks to lose weight (no sodas or fast food), I'm going to the gym today. I'm getting contact lenses instead of glasses in a few days. I'm hoping putting some effort into changing myself will help me get a girl. Being a 21 y/o virgin sucks.

I have no luck on Tinder, I literally only get matches from 500lb girls, the rest ignore me even with super likes.

Tinder or any other autistic app.

I know she's swedish, but she's pretty swarthy.
Was Ben Franklin right?

How can I improve my willpower ?
A lots of problems with european youth is that they lack will power to do great thing and resort to a life of hedonistic shit until they are so depressed they KYS or become TRAPS
How do you TRAIN willpower in a reliable way so you can improve yourself and your life to achieve greatness and makes your ancestor proud ?
Help me Sup Forums !

Get better pictures. Have a friend with a DSLR or newer iphone take some candid pictures.

Should I use filters or does that make me look faggoty? Sluts on Tinder sure love using them. Not talking dog ears and crap but just color corrections.

back when i used the apps i got 10 times more messages by having a dog with me in my picture lol.

>sluts love them
Probably shouldn’t use them to not attract the wrong people

You shut your whore mouth. Alicia is my dream girl

She is dark as fuck though.

No filter unless you're really ugly

Is this a common look in Sweden or is she rare? FYI I do like slight darker medierranean looking girls.

so what you fucking retard.

Our aim isn't to make our skin as light as possible, our aim is to continue the supremacy of those of native european stock.
If there was a button which would mean that Europe and the anglosphere would retain their supermacy and autonomy lead by europeans for the sake of native europeans for another 400 years , but henceforth our skin would all suddenly become the same shade as a Maltese, we should obviously press that button.

In church.

unless you look like this dont bother.

I'm not sure why I even try to get a gf. I'm an Asian, and everyone from the media to Sup Forums shits on us for being unattractive.

Sven is right

I have a very good girlfriend. In the past I had problems with getting it on due to a lot of porn. I stopped porn and in the past 3-4 months sex was very good. But sometimes, every 2-3 weeks, I can't get it up. I don't know if I have testosterone issues, or if we need to spice things up in the bed. But it is bugging me. Any help?

21 y/o virgin? Christ. You don't need to look better, you just need to be more confident. Trust me. I'm 6'3 and I weigh 240lbs. I'm not super attractive but I'm not terribly ugly but even when I'm not feeling particularly confident I can fake it well enough. Women gravitate toward a man who seems like he's a step up. Be that guy. Doesn't matter how you look.


focus on yourself. gym, find a hobby, and just be happy. if you build it they will come.

Start going to church lad. The correlation between Europe's downfall and their lack of God is not surprising

get some Maca pills. I use them to have more energy on average but they also make you horny. Only side effect so far is, that I am sometimes a bit hyper active.

Щe ce пpocepeш oт тaя бoзa

I'd say it's rare.

100% unmitigated bullshit

how can we even compete?

So happy Alicia moved in my neighbourhood. We now take the bus together but I'm too beta to say hi.

Top 3 girls on Tinder!

Candidate 1
> White
> speaks 4 languages
> equestrian
> Christian

says that fatass without a girlfriend

Top 3 girls on Tinder!

Candidate 2
> Hispanic
> pursuing PhD in Botany
> concert flutist
> feminist

get a trad hobby.

you're a canuck, ever watch womens curling? get into curling. hiking/ outdoors shit.

you are bound to find tons of qts in curling.

Trad grils - Weddings, church, bible study, cooking classes, farmers markets, dog parks

Classy grils - the symphony or opera, the library or bookstoore, tiffanys, AA/NA meetings

>I literally only get matches from 500lb girls
>not smashing the blubber puspus on the daily
women can smell a limpwrist that doesn't get tail from miles away and even through firewalls
start pounding anyone willing and then automatically move up to qt3.14 sloots

Btw as far as i kno most bulgarian foods are pretty good. I had much when i visited Sofia. Ok try see if you can get those male vitamin tablets in the supermarket. Ones with Zinc. Zinc is good for testosterone l. Apparently ginger too

forgot pic

Top 3 girls on Tinder!

Candidate 3
> Norwegian, bilingual in English and Norwegian
> loved animals
> photographer
> Atheist

How do I get to talk to a girl alone when we are in a group? How do I get other people to leave us alone so I can ask her out, I don't want to do it in front of other people. I'm thinking about getting a wingman to help me out, but I'm not sure how that will work.

I want to improve myself, but I have skin cancer at 19. I regret all those times outdoors when I didn't wear sunscreen as a young teenager. Think I might kill myself, but I really don't want to.

Anyway hope you're having a better time than me bros

they can curl my dick

Not sure what your diet is, but try zinc supplements. You need zinc for everything, including testosterone.

Thanks Ahmed.

Hm. Good advice. I've tried it but I have major confidence issues. I just got dumped by my super qt girlfriend a month ago. We made out and got close but never fucked. I thought I could easily get another girl after her but have had no luck.

probably blacked.com or horsefucker
will age very badly + feminist

srsly top3??


That's just a fancy word for crazy horse girl.

How can you say that about the Hispanic woman? She's your own race

>Doesn't have kids but wants them.
I need to impregnate this girl right fucking now.


Teko naudoti TInder Lietuvoje?

Maybe I should do this. I know one chubby girl I could definitely smash with ease, another ex of mine. I would have thought girls judge you based on things like that, but I guess it's worse being a complete virign

Just a little protip from a norwegian;

Norwegian chicks become exchange students for one of two reasons,
1: They are fucking mental and suicidal and think that running away from their immediate enviroment will magically make them better
2; they took all the dick they could get back home, and went out looking for more stranger dick.

Curse of the cold north, I'm afraid. Our women are generally nice to look at, but they are mental to a man.

You're gonna make it bro you're not alone

You just gotta take it one barfly at a time. Shit, fuck a fat girl at closing time...I've done that plenty. Anything to shake the dust off.

Thanks, will try.

Fine. How about this one?

> Irish-White, europeaboo
> Bachelors of European Studies, emphasis on Medieval Europe
> Speaks English, and some olde Englishe, French, Irish, Latin, Spanish
> wants to try jousting, herding sheep, making mead
> equestrian

damn that is a great one.
>wants to joust

muh dick joust

look for the more shy one

post your stats

pls Bjorn, that is ikke nice. She is your fellow nordmann

Seriously though, never realized finding the right girl would be this difficult.

>Falling for the relationship meme
You stupid assholes.

Found me a job, been working for a year already. I think im doing fine. I think ive made one good friend from that job, but still no action with girls. Any advice?

>online dating

i remember when people laughed about the very concept.

I'm 29 and money and job are not a problem. I make upwards of $200K /year.

All things are gained through practice. Start small, pick an unpleasant task that you force yourself to do each day; fasting is also a decent way to start as it's a way to build willpower by not-doing as opposed to doing.

>lots of money
You'd be like a big, juicy steak to some of the women I've known. Check out Corey Wayne's material.

Where do I bump into these girls?

drugs and shitty and dodgy places.

>I'm stuck on the point where I need to find a nice girfriend.

I decided that I'm more suited towards foreign women. Not your typical slav girl, but more into norway, finland, southern europe. Maybe even South America for me as a last resort.

So what's the plan - how do you hope to meet these women?

Do you make 200k through a job?

No, I'm talking about girls to avoid, leeches who move from lonely guy to lonely guy. The guy I mentioned will teach you how to get women without letting them take over your finances and entire life.

be me
> maybe I'll try OKC for finding a wife, I'm serious and want to try it out.
> Answer about 40 questions honestly and genuinely
> be 30 YO
>Well over a hundred matches mid 90's or above
>This is going to be a cake walk, just take my pic
> send out 10 messages
>1 reply

I'm a decent looking guy, have a decently bright future and these desperate women seriously looking for a man won't even respond to a simple message from someone that is a mid-90's match....

just keep at it I guess.


>get a full time job
>save up and work on myself til I'm ready
>board a trip to Brazil or Colombia and visit their clubs


don't flaunt your money, just start going to church regularly. go to different ones til you find one with lots of young couples. start hanging out with the guys, even, and eventually they'll hook you up with other single women.

hell, many churches even have young singles groups just for this purpose. honestly, it's in the church's best interest to have couples producing children, so they're practically a matchmaking service as a secondary function. catholic is a good starting point depending on where you live.

Read this article. It speaks to our shared situation.


What kind of job is that??

I posted the wrong article.this one is more relevant but both are great.


Please let me live with you, I'm a great roommate

Yeah the person who wrote that first article really swallowed the black pill. But thanks for sharing.

If you can hook me up with a reasonable girl - hell I'll pay your 1 year's rent. Not even joking.

You don't find a good girlfriend you make one. Preferably from something other than second hand pile of rotten shit.
You approach girls on the street and fuck them until you find a virgin with qualities you need in your wife. Then you stop fucking around but maintain illusion than you can at any moment if she gives you the attitude. No women ever leave you.

Try /r9k/, not even joking

>Find a good girlfriend edition
anyone can help me on qt chink girl issues?

Ivan - this isn't Russia. You can't simply approach girls out of the blue on the street unless maybe you're Brad Pitt himself.

Her tight pink pussy will get absolutely destroyed by BBC.

Yeah I'm from an area in the US where we all pretty much look like our ancestry (Swedish) and she's way darker, in terms of skin, eyes, and hair than any of my neighbors.

Hey lads, I was wondering if any of you guys had some tips for getting into a trade? I like the idea of tradesman work, especially mechanics being an /o/ fag.
I messed up my college situation for now, basically I'm trying to work full time and go to college at 19yrs old. I really fucking hate college and I didn't want to get into debt with those kikes and a few up my life of my major didn't pan out. Because I hate it and didn't have much time for class with mandatory overtime I failed 2 classes and now my scholarships are fucked.
I don't even know what I want to major in to begin with, so I want to be a tradesmen, may not !and as much as my IT major friends but at least I'll do something I like and won't owe anyone much of anything

>You can't simply approach girls out of the blue on the street
You absolutely can. I did it all the time in Leafland. You're just being a pussy

Sure you can. And it does't matter how you look. You just have to not give a fuck. I have an ugly friend who fucked more women than my Chad friend simply because Chad jumped from one relationships to the next when that ugly cunt shotgun approach dozens of women each and every day. As with everything else in life, if you don't have the looks you just have to work harder, that's all.

Just go to the bookstore, church or one of those fancy grocery stores. Walk up to random girls and hit on them. Shouldn't be too difficult to find a nice girl there.

Looks are about 80% of the battle here when you walk up to a random girl. The better you look and the fitter you are the higher your success rate will be, I know this from personal experience. If you make $200k a year it should be incredibly easy to buy hair restoration products, weight loss practices, plastic surgery, gym membership, teeth whitener, clothes, skin care, and so on.

Honestly it's surprising you're having trouble finding a woman when you are so successful

I think a trade school is a pretty accepted route for really any sort of hands-on work now. That and probably personal experience/interest.

That faggot leaf is larping. If he was that rich, he wouldn't be asking poorfags on how to pick up girls

I've looked into those a bit, but honestly there's not much out there online and I haven't had time to go in and ask about them.
What kind of tuition would I be paying for a school like that? I read it's usually around 5k to pay for trade school but is that accurate?

3, she's the only one that isn't trying to be a fucking doctor or save the planet

Best looking one too

>serious computer nerd
>want to start a family and have at least 3-4 kids
>can't get any girl to go on a second date with me
>fucking around with MILFs in the mean time

It shouldn't be this hard, what the fuck?