/ptg/ President Trump General - Money Well Spend? Edition


>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

>Joe is Joe Christmas Songs pastebin.com/0znNg4MM

DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>Pres Trump speech in Salt Lake City UT 12/4/17
>IntSec Zinke in SLC 12/4/17
>Pres Trump meets w/mormon leaders 12/4/17
>Pres Trump tours LDS grocery store 12/4/17
>Pres Trump arriving in SLC 12/4/17
>Pres Trump departs DC for Salt Lake City UT 12/4/17
>Pres Trump comments before leaving for UT 12/4/17
>US Naval Inst Defense Forum 2017 12/4/17
>Pres Trump Weekly Address #42 (Rosa Parks) 12/2/17
>NSA HR McMaster on FoxNewsSun 12/3/17
>This Week @State 12/3/17
>Jared Kushner @Saban Forum discussing jewishness of jews 12/3/17
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis Presser on ME 12/3/17
>CIA Dir Pompeo interview @Reagan Def Forum 12/2/17
>CIA Dir Pompeo/Fmr Dir Pineta Panel @Reagan Def Forum 12/2/17
>Natl Sec Adv McMaster on NoKo @Reagan Def Forum 12/2/17
>Pres Trump Speech in Wall Street Fundraiser (gets cut off) 12/2/17

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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the people will trump you, Ronald plump. #krassensteinfiles release are imminent.

Aww, what a pity.



He has that Spencer head shape. Would be funny if some elongated head memes were made.

What's the percentage of based negros?
Less than a single percentage point?

Tweeting imminent!

So I guess nothing is out of bounds?

Can i get a quick rundown on the Krassenstein brothers?

why wont trump do thing today? come on, DO THING

>I assure you the president himself is not under investigation; only his finances, past and present business dealings, known associates, actions as a candidate, president-elect and president, and all members of his family and extended family. But the president himself is not being investigated.
>Trump had a minor role, both within the Trump presidency, as well as within the Trump organisation

still need a new baker polandfren?

> all that money wasted for NOTHING
> not a single thing found even with incredibly biased investigators that are just waiting for a chance to inflate even the most minuscule of things

Reminder: a decision on the AIDSmarriage cake isn't coming anytime soon.
I've seen a few people suggesting so

Why deutsch bank, why not his domestic accounts?

Two kikes who live off welfare to "stop Drumpf"

FBI Director Christopher Wray sent out an email to staff on Monday morning. He wrote: “We find ourselves under the microscope each and every day -- and rightfully so.“

“We do hard work for a living. We are entrusted with protecting the American people and upholding the Constitution and laws of the United States.”

“Because of the importance of our mission, we are also entrusted with great power, and we should expect -- and welcome -- people asking tough questions about how we use that power. That goes with this job and always has.”

“Please continue to keep focused on our critical mission with fidelity, bravery, and integrity. The American people rightly expect this from us.” Wray then signed off with what he called one of his “favorite work ethic maxims” -- “Keep calm and tackle hard.”

shoot'em up lads sourceforge.net/projects/loic/

It's OK I know English is hard.
Thank you for baking.

>russia collusion
>looking for finance crimes
It's all so tiring.

The private "Trump" server was for Jared and Ivanka and their aides if I remember correctly.


tl;dr: total number of “”””Obama-tier deportations”””” (include turned away from the border) down from FY16 (get ready for this shill angle) but the number of actual deportations (people that were living in the US and got removed, internal removals) rose 37% under Trump

> ICE said “interior removals” — people deported after being arrested away from the border — jumped 25 percent to 81,603 from 65,332 the previous year.
> They rose 37 percent since Trump’s inauguration compared to the same period a year earlier.


> Immigration and Customs Enforcement, whose officers pick up people for deportation away from the border, made 143,470 arrests, an increase of 25 percent from 114,434 a year earlier. After Trump took office, ICE arrests surged 40 percent from the same period a year earlier.

For the total number of FY17, who from October 2016 to January 2017 were still under Obama (giving Trump 8 of the 12 months available)

> ICE said that deportations totaled 226,119, a decline of 6 percent from the previous year, but that number masks a seismic shift away from the border.
> ICE often takes custody of people at the border before deporting them; the sharp drop in Border Patrol arrests means fewer people to remove.

It’s promising to be massively better on FY18 with the new budget buffing up the funding for CBP and ICE, the hiring surge and the wall. This 37% higher internal removal is because of change in ICE priorities alone.

Source: archive.is/SzbMS (latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-border-arrest-20171205-story.html)

Can't tweet from prison.

How is that gramnatically incorrect?

>SALT removal will hurt only Democratic shitholes

0.0001% of negros are "based"

They should be glad, they get to pay their fair share just like they want!


"spent" is the past tense of spend.

>OK, I

It still follows rules.


True. If I were a politician (or anyone with influence) I would have my communications on lockdown and eliminate all paper trails. Even if you're a good guy the media and your enemies are always going to spin something they find into dirt.

I've never understood why conspirators don't just send letters via a 3rd party to each other. Burn them after.

Protip: because they've already spent all year scouring those records and found fucking zilch

oh nvm, it's "Spent", first time I saw it written like that

Stop advertising your shitty blog

Candidate Trump could have as many private servers as he wanted, the requirement of conducting all official business email through the federal government server is for public officials.

Do you think this will help demographics at all porto bro?

Ur so adorable polandbro dont change

interception probably


MSNBC really is the leftist equivalent of InfoWars.

Even normies must be getting tired of it

this particular bank supposedly loaned Trump $300m and they want to know why

Looks like a kike fag. Has a Miloesque look to him.



Russia laundered through this bank, Trump used this bank. Somehow the above circumstances mean something

Oh no that sucks.

Funny thing how you stop using your first language and you have to use another language on daily bases, you start making small grammatical mistakes with the first language

>when you wanted the rich to pay more
>when you found out you were rich

>implying Milo is Jewish

Even if it did, what year was this? I'm supposing not even within the 2000's.

Reminder that the ONLY people who this will affect live in high tax blue states. When some shill complains about the GOP Reps and Senators in blue states they are missing the point. Those people aren't real conservatives. They would never have gotten elected without cucking to the left. Also the districts they are elected in (northern Cali etc) are solid R for the most part.

No love's lost. Removing SALT *should* force Cali and NY to cut state taxes or their economies will implode.

They want to know why a bank loaned money to a guy with billion dollars businesses?

lol they have no choice but to sit there and take it
it's a huge tax on the rich

Jizzmopmpf is going to prison for obstruction of justice

Prep for the perp walk drumshits

You fell for it

MSM trick #45... repeat old news as if it is new news in order to generate a negative news cycle.

Yes. Actually closing the border and removing illegals is the only thing needed to restore America ethnic balance given that Hispanic birth rate dropped hard and will drop even more with the end of chain migration (killing th concept of anchor baby) meaning the only thing resulting the proportion of whites in America is migration.

Deport the ones already in, prevent more from entering and the hemorrhage stops. Then incentivize whites to have babies and America is a white baby boom away of prosperity.

These retards are actually going to destroy each other for this, use it to your advantage!

“It’s ‘not reflective of who I am’ — it’s that kind of response to this stuff that pisses me off,” Oliver said. “It is reflective of who you were. If you’ve given no evidence to show it didn’t [happen] then there was a period of time for a while when you were a creeper around women. It feels like a cop-out to say ‘it wasn’t me.’ Do you understand how that feels like a dismissal?”
>“Do you believe this stuff you read?” Hoffman asked.
“Yes,” Oliver replied. “Because there’s no point in [an accuser] lying.”
>“Well, there’s a point in her not bringing it up for 40 years,” Hoffman said.
“Oh Dustin,” Oliver said disapprovingly, putting his head in his hand.
>“[And] what difference is all this going to make?…This conversation doesn’t do any good. We have a platform here. How are we moving [the issue] forward?”
Oliver, though, said he felt it was imperative to talk about it. “This isn’t fun for me,” the TV personality noted. “[But] there’s an elephant in the room because, this particular incident, a conversation has not been had.” He noting that the film they were gathering to discuss, “Wag The Dog,” dealt with sexual misconduct by a powerful man.
The conversation grew increasingly angry as it wore on. When Hoffman began talking about his long career, Oliver interjected with “Oh Jesus.”
>“So now I can’t even finish a sentence?” Hoffman asked.
"The easy way is not to bring anything up. Unfortunately that leaves me at home later at night hating myself. No one stands up to powerful men.’”
>“Am I the powerful man?” Hoffman asked.
>The actor asked why the questioner wouldn’t hear his side. “Keep a kind of open mind if you can, John.”
“I’m trying,” Oliver said.
>“Well I’m trying harder than you are,” Hoffman shot back.

Tensions did not cool throughout the session.

Did somebody say "milo"?

Holy fuck that widow's peak just won't quit

Gee, wonder why Melania takes so much unwarranted heat.

What's with all these fucking leaks. So transparent they are distractions. Meanwhile the travel ban is in FULL EFFECT and Tax Reform is inevitable.


This investigation was never anything but an insane witch hunt

Well, good thing I come here and keep my english sharp, then. Not like I can talk in english with anybody around here

Total bullshit that internal email was leaked to the NYT. Wray should fire whoever did it to instill discipline (Sessions had to do the same at DOJ)

Technically every bank has been laundered through by every country ever.

haha funny how so many wacky theories gets debunked around the same time. no reason to keep on talking about russia or lori any more since they're both confirmed fake news now

This puts a smile on my face !

>tfw going to China is expensive as fuck


Why isn’t Sessions DOJ sending LA money for community policing? Oh, wait ...

Anyone get a pdf of Lewandowski's book yet? Should be out today.

I haven't been keeping up with American stuff lately, did anything happen after the Flynn thing ?

I see people everywhere being sure that Trump will be impeached sooner or later

It's wonderful to see this news. Nothing but good tidings for the removal of the illegal aliens back to where they belong.


Nice try Joe.

fuck off you cant be a meme right now.

Russia is not going away

Not until 45 goes away

Still not a meme.

> Liberal strongholds hit hard
Good stuff

shills sliding so hard. very high energy! keep it up. earn those soros shekels losers.

This is a equivalent of firing .22lr against a tank. They have less than nothing and are just grasping at straws that are not there.


>Dying media organization says man with a lot of money and clean records still hasnt turned over his taxes, which he has for the 90th time this year

Apparently what little I've learnt about business is taht theres something called "good debt". its where you take out a loan so that you can make additional investments. These investments should make you more money than the interest on the loans. Maybe the billionaire was wanting loans to have more liquidity? Maybe he saw an opportunity to get some good debt.

Get the wall, 10-15k more ICE agents, no Sanctuary Cities and Kate's Law (harsher penalties) and you'll see those numbers triple.

When will this Mueller cuck get fired? He has nothing to show for and now he's just pokinng his good goy nose around stuff hoping to find whatever? Fuck this shit. Fire Mueller already.

Dems money will go extinct by 2020

How does PA fare?



>implying John Oliver isn't a crypto jude
Such a naive goy

These are the same people who said Trump would never get enough delegates to clinch the nomination.

>Trump hitting a hot streak moving into the New Year


effective immediately...like, today!!!

Fuck lads, ALL of the Fox streams got axed on YouTube. Anyone got that old non-YT link?

remember when AJ thought Trump was going to lose?

Will be funny when mueller resorts to shilling about how chinese and russians own condos in trump tower

Am I a meme now? Check it out, am I cool or what?