Can't Recognize their Humor Lmao

"Context also matters. One reason female comics often seem to run afoul of Facebook’s guidelines is that the company’s content moderators fail to recognize the humor in their posts."

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that's what they get

lefties getting a taste of their own censorship hammer. i really hope this wakes them up to the importance of free speech and why they shouldn't celebrate when conservative voices get the axe. something tells me it won't though

The sacred monsters of feminism (Dworkin et all) frequently advocated for either gender based caste systems with women at the top or the out right elimination of men. So yeah, excuse me if I kindly ask you to shut the fuck up.

>absolutely silencing women
It's like they didn't realize that "cyber harassment" is a two way street
women are fucking retarded

but women calling men scum is sexy!

>content moderators fail to recognize the humor in their posts


Also ~50% of sexist shit thrown at females is from other females.

The feminist campaign, 'Reclaim The Internet' commissioned Demos to research online misogyny. The results were that the biggest offenders of online misogyny were other women! That messed up the feminist narrative!


This is why Reddit loves net neutrality. Facebook can do this with it, but once it's gone and they do this shit... it'll be viewed as a political site and you'll have to pay to access facebook

>i really hope this wakes them up to the importance of free speech
You highly underestimate their doublethinking skills.

> Study Finds Women Are Behind 50% Of All Misogynistic Tweets
>…this morning that half of the authors of what we'd class misogynistic tweets are actually penned by women. Theinvestigationwas carried out by think tank Demos and coincides with the launch ofReclaim The Internet, a political consultation about the worrying levels of misogyny on social media and online.

>> women
>> humor
Pick one

im not, i know they probably won't wake up. a reasonable person would but then again a reasonable person wouldn't be a leftoid

>Implying to have autism and did not recognize the irony of the post


>It's just a joke bro
>Chill bro

Wow, just wow

The anti males actually believe that their aggression toward traditional white males is righteous, thus exempt from censorship. Remember the operating principle for these people is White Man = Bad, Everyone Else = Good.

You're a special kind of stupid, aren't you?

Zuckerberg's humanity classes are paying off, huh?

This should also not happen, desu.

It isn't that he wasn't human. It was that he was more than human.

>The results were that the biggest offenders of online misogyny were other women! That messed up the feminist narrative!
I thought it was common knowledge that females talk shit behind eachothers back all the time

>it's humourus

Uhm excuse me sweetie your joke contributes to a culture of violence

fug my pic

More like 80%

There has to be a more precise term for it, but liberalism the past few years have exemplified the inability to understand that actions they commit and normalize will be used against them. It's a kind of solipsism almost:
>Let's dox people we disagree with
>omfg I literally cant why are liberals being doxxed

>Let's find some old faux-pas comment of a right winger or fucking white male and crucify them for it.
>omg I literally could not foresee people I like getting fucked by having old faux pas comments they made years ago come back to bite them in the ass.

>Let's ban wrongthink and wrongspeak

Facebook just doesn't get female comedians

Roasties btfo