Is this what happens when MRA/MGTOWs go out in public?

Is this what happens when MRA/MGTOWs go out in public?

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need more sperg videos like this

unironically, there exist these types in Sup Forums, but i'd like to think it's the minority

>implying MRAs can afford to go out and eat anything but microwave ramen

Sargoy of Mossad trying to disguise himself by shaving his beard?
No wait never mind, all (((MRA))) and (((MGTOW))) freaks look the same.

this is what happens when canadians go out in public.

Could only get through a minute

>Canadians are autistic
Nothing to see here.

There is seriously a bunch of these MGTOW, R9K, incel, MRA losers on here lately. We need to destroy them.

They all look like this fat ugly soyboy and act passive aggressively like in the video and then wonder why no woman wants to fuck them or stay with them long term.

>all that divorce rape and alimony won't happen to me!

women are so entitled and rude fuck em

>all the divorce rape and alimony happens to everyone 100% of the time guaranteed
Fuck off soy boy, you've never even had a long term relationship and sit around on the internet worrying about getting divorced.

this is me bitches. start some shit

Yeah that was painful.

>Thats actually from a theme restaurant where the waiters are paid to be rude to you

thrillist .com/eat/nation/restaurants-who-are-dicks-wieners-circle-dicks-last-resort

Not an argument cuck

it's because they get banned on reddit and come here. There's a reason they went to reddit and not Sup Forums in the first place.

The black guy should have just hit him. A solid punch right in his fat gut would leave him reeling on the floor. pol irl

What a faggot this guy is.

No chicken sandwiches? Muh feminism. Lol

You're retarded. It's a themed restaurant where they're paid to treat you that way to get you to laugh.

Can we get a cringe thread going? Im bored as shit right now

Holy shit those white knights. What would you do to those white knights irl Sup Forums
>Don't look back here for help buddy
>OMG did you just say get on your knees, you can't say that dude

And they're here too wtf. Fuck off already

Ok, guess not assholes

How was literally one single post you quoted white knighting?

I don't think this is as much to do with mens rights as it is to do with the fact that he has autism. You don't sit inside all the time and then have sudden outbursts in a public space at someone working at McDonalds...

t. guy in the video

Don't kid yourself, Nigel. You know your wife will never leave you only if you prep the bull when she asks.

>never had a relationship
>worries about getting divorced to his imaginary wife when he can't even get a gf
Kill yourself you fucking loser.
>le not being a butthurt fucking loser is white knight
Fuck off you filthy neckbeard.

Fucking leafs.

Fucking ontarians.

>I don't think this is as much to do with mens rights as it is to do with the fact that he has autism
what's the difference
