How do Sup Forumslacks deal with the fact that the vast majority of their views align perfectly with the views of...

How do Sup Forumslacks deal with the fact that the vast majority of their views align perfectly with the views of Islamic extremists? Only difference is they actually do what you guys wish you could.

I don't because it's not true. How do you guys deal with the fact that you're a bunch of limp wristed fags who support blacks and Muslims whilst not wanting to live around blacks and Muslims


I don’t support Muslims. I’m just trying to point out the hypocrisy of Sup Forums. You hate blacks? Don’t you see what’s going on in Libya? You hate gays? We all know what happens to gay people in muzzie countries. You want women under control? Need I say more?

There's more to islam than killing fags and oppressing women. Muslims want all non muslims to either convert, be killed, or be sold into slavery. In islam the punishment for apostacy is death. There beliefs are alien and in complete contradiction to western values. Pull your head out of your ass and quit fapping to gay spongebob porn.

convert to islam inshallah brother
next question


What's wrong with that? They get a lot of things right. Their religion and way of life is based on a successful ancient guidebook for how to maintain civilization. It white countries adopted the lifestyle and rules overnight, things would actually improve. I say all of this as an atheist.

If white countries*

how do you deal with the fact that nazi drank water and slept in bed just like you?

If you replaced the word Islam with Christianity 95% of Sup Forums would be on board with this.

If Mohammed would just lighten up on the "no beer, no bacon..." part, Islam would be the dominant religion in America. Throwing gays off buildings and women as property? You got it.

Sandniggers just don't know how to market what they're selling.

My views are to preserve and advance Western Civilization you fucking spastic. Even though I'm an Androphile I'm doing my part. Islam is in direct contradiction to that. Muslims are also effeminate and emasculated as fuck, they regularly indulge in gay sex, child sex, and bestiality. Stop pretending Islam is some "based alpha chad religion", it's an ugly piece of shit that does not belong anywhere near the West, it should also be scraped out of Turkey, Israel, Palestine and Persia. You're either dimwitted or have nothing better to do than disrupt our values, because your own are worthless and keep getting shit on by reality. If you want us all to be Leftist and retarded as you, prove your worth with actions, not spamming utter bullshit.

>having 9 wives and being able to beat your wife and brag about it
>not based or alpha
Get a load of this cuck


Maybe. We just belong to separate civilizations and theirs is intruding into ours causing conflict. Same could be said for ours into theirs. It's too late to stop this conflict. Weak passivism will only lead to more innocent deaths.

How do you deal with being retarded?

there's a big difference between wanting to genocide infidels and just having countries for the ethnicity of said countries

>He thinks women should be allowed equal rights as men
>He is okay with homosexuality
>He thinks that its okay that women dress like sluts
>He has no problem with adultery

Whatever you say Jorge

Name is Roberto but ok

The alt-right and the young Muslim extremists share more than a few passing similarities. They are largely responding to the same issues from within their own socio-cultural matrices.
> Both opposed to ZOG
> Both opposed to capitalism and international socialism
> Both opposed to feminism
> Both opposed to LGBT acceptance
> Both opposed to materialism and modernism
> Both opposed to the international banking clique
> Both opposed to nigs
> Both opposed to ethno-cultural displacement
> Both exploiting technology for their propaganda
The real question is asking why the young Muslim extremists are continually allowed to get away with things, while the young white extremists are continually shut down?

Just imagine for a minute that instead of sharing pepe memes with your classmates and laughing about SJWs, you were sharing nasheeds with your zumala' alsaf and laughing about the infidels. Young people are drawn to the alt-right for the same reason that they are drawn to ISIS. Dissatisfaction with authorities, dissatisfaction with modernity, a desire for order, strength, unity, a distrust of liberals, etc.

One of the key differences though is that while violence and aggression are acceptable response vectors within the Islamic socio-cultural matrix, violence is typically not an acceptable response vector within the broadly Christian West. As a result, the Middle East gets ISIS, while Western Europe and the Anglosphere get IOTBW and Twitter trolls.


Some of my views also inevitably align with those of murderers, with those of rapists, with those of buddhists, with those of Inuit tribes, with those of orthodox jews. What's your point?

Islamic virtues are not the Cardinal Virtues, so no they don't align.